I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 125: The tragic executioner

However, this shows the inadequacy of Kimijima's hard power.

Only when the opponent is affected by the negotiation, Kimijima, can defeat the opponent of the same level.

And when the opponent is completely unaffected by mental power and ignores Kimijima's negotiation, Kimijima is completely numb.

Tezuka, often plays against Yukimura.

Yukimura's mental attack is everyone.

As for Kimijima, it's a complete mess.

It must be interfered by speaking to activate mental power.

Tezuka said, on the court, who has the time to understand what you say.

So, Kimijima was depressed.

(Damn, don't listen to anything, this guy can't be the kind of idiot who doesn't care about anything but tennis.)

Kimijima was sweating profusely.

Because, in terms of strength, he hasn't turned on a seamless, Tezuka's opponent.

Especially under the seamless aura of fear.

The strength becomes even worse.

Kazena, the strongest of the four, is extremely fast and skilled.

Niwang, however, is the one with the most skills.

Use various phantoms to score consecutively with numerous ball skills.

"Interesting," Kazena's eyes widened with interest. ,

Then his face turned cold.

So what if you have a lot of skills? "830"

In the world of martial arts, there is nothing that cannot be broken, but only fast.

Kazena, who has the fastest speed of U17, can break all stunts.

"Boy, I have to praise you, you can force me to use all my strength at such a young age. 35 Jiazhi Kazena said,

"But, at this point, I won't ask you to score again.

Kaze Kazena is ready, ready to hit the ball at any time and destroy Nioh's skills.

"Really?" Nioh smiled, and then silently typed a zero-style serve.

Kazena, who was running, was stunned,

"how is this possible?"

If the ball is not bouncing, how can you fight back?

"How, senior, don't you want to fight back? Niwang smiled.

By the way, hit a zero serve again.

"..." Kazena gritted his teeth, learned the practice of Byōdōin Hōō, and swung twice.

Use the airflow to break the rotation of the tennis ball and make the tennis ball bounce.

However, the tennis ball continued to fall and no longer bounced.


The King smiled.

Takamura can be cracked with a second swing, and Byōdōin Hōō can also be cracked with a second swing, but Kazena can't.

Because he is not strong enough.

The freshman zero serve, tennis is equivalent to a 10 kg shot put.

Want to destroy the rotation, not so simple.

As for Omagari and Sanada Genichiro, it was a real head-to-head.

Omagari has extremely high stamina and is extremely good at protracted warfare.

However, once you run into Sanada with full firepower, it's not easy to use.

No matter what is lasting or not, Sanada is going to attack, crazy attack.

Aggression is like fire, its speed is like wind, it moves like thunder, and it keeps attacking, which makes Omagari extremely happy.

"That's it, continue, I'll see how long you can hold on.

Soon, Omagari couldn't laugh anymore.

Because of the appearance of Kamikaze.

Kamikaze slash uses the anti-shock force of the tennis ball and the power of the opponent to return the ball, so that the strength, rotation and speed of the tennis ball are doubled each time.

One slash, double the strength, and Omagari easily counterattacks.

The second cut, Omagari frowned, although it was a little difficult, it was still acceptable.

With three cuts, Omagari's face changed greatly, and he wanted to cut off Sanada's attack.

However, it's too late.

Once the kamikaze strikes a combo, at the same level, it is impossible to be interrupted.

Four slashes, Omagari's tiger's mouth has been cracked, and he can only reluctantly fight back, causing Omagari's hands to go numb.

five cuts,

Omagari simply gave up.

Just kidding, if you really want to pick it up, you'll be finished.

The arm must have been broken.


Sanada scores.

As the game progressed, everyone was more and more surprised.

The imagined one-sided, did not appear.

On the contrary, the game became more and more anxious, and even the middle school students were pressing Jiazhi Kazena to fight again.

What kind of magical unfolding is this?

Many people exclaimed.

Or, what they joined was a fake U17.

"All are members of Rikkai. So, Rikkai's strength is so strong. Former Minister Hyotei, Yuezhi Yueguang pondered.

He already knew that Rikkai had won the championship.

Also know that this year's Rikkai, strong horror.

However, he never thought that Rikkai's true strength was so terrifying.

Yuezhi Yueguang, including all U17 members, believes that Rikkai's strength is built on the level of the middle class.


"With such strength, it is no wonder that Hyotei will lose."

The moonlight was suddenly stunned.

The next three years, the national champion, must be Rikkai's, without a doubt.

"Hahahaha," Tanegashima Shuji laughed louder and louder,

It was really unexpected that the juniors of the school gave him such a big surprise.

Tanegashima looked at Irie with pity in his eyes.

Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate the bet, but I didn't expect that God's will is like this, smelly socks, Irie is washed, and it's still several years.

Tanegashima sighed and patted Irie. Very sad.

Eliminate the schadenfreude in his eyes.

In contrast, Irie Kanata was about to cry but had no tears, and had already scolded Kazena to death in her heart.

You said that you guys have been training in U17 for more than half a year, and in the end, why can't even the juniors of Guoyi win?

Byodoin is really right, you are not trash or what?

A whole age has lived on the dog.

So, how do you get rid of your bet?

Waiting online, very urgent.

Bang bang bang. Bang bang bang. The battle continues.

The four of Jiazhi Kazena have the advantages of better development, age, and reborn strength after training in U17 for more than half a year.

The Tezuka four, relying on a large number of skills, rich practical experience, as well as a solid foundation, excellent mentality, have the upper hand.

The speed of the ball is getting faster and faster, the game is getting more and more intense, and gradually, it is coming to an end.

"The hanging of the execution.""

With a bang, tennis came out.

Not a hallucination, but, Tohno Atsukyo's sense of touch disappeared.

"However, 99 Tohno Atsukyo was shocked and angry.

"Unexpectedly, you are also in the violent tennis genre.

Tohno Atsukyo gritted his teeth.

"I'm not like you," Yukimura shook her head.

Oneself is passive, Tohno Atsukyo is active.

Vision, followed by deprivation.

Night falls.

"I am the executioner, the night cannot beat me, 35

Tohno Atsukyo attacked again, with the ball undiminished.

"Then add hearing.

Hearing loss, Tohno Atsukyo is completely blind, deaf, unable to perceive the existence of tennis...

On the contrary, the sense of smell, the sense of taste, is rapidly enlarged.

Follow Takamura's advice and stop depriving your sense of smell and taste.

To prevent opponents in desperate situation, Jedi breakthrough.

Yukimura smiled slightly, and next, the illusion.

Tohno Atsukyo suddenly felt an extremely fishy smell, which penetrated into his nasal cavity, and the corners of his mouth, twisting, sticky, soft things, kept trying to pry his mouth open and get into his stomach.


Tohno Atsukyo felt nauseated, he knew that these were all illusions, but he couldn't stop it.

With a swipe, the night turned into day, a hot ball of light appeared in front of him, and the irritating Tohno Atsukyo tears kept streaming down.

"Ahhh. Asshole, I must kill you." Tohno Atsukyo yelled.

Extreme day and extreme darkness, alternating cycles of reincarnation, made Tohno Atsukyo dizzy.

When he regained consciousness again, it was the score of the game.


Seiichi Yukimura wins.

"Asshole, bastard," Tohno Atsukyo sighed.

"This one doesn't count, you bastard, one more fight, two wins in three sets. I will definitely win. 35

"Hush hush," everyone looked at Tohno Atsukyo with contempt, but because of the executioner's silver power, they were all silent.

"Disgraceful stuff. 99

Byōdōin Hōō was furious because Tohno Atsukyo lost.

It's more because he still doesn't admit it when he loses.

The tennis ball was shining brightly, containing the supreme power of the sky, and before it was released, countless people were terrified.

Light hits.

Byōdōin Hōō stunt.

"Wait, boss, I didn't mean to." Tohno Atsukyo panicked, he couldn't catch a light shot.

The Court of Equality ignored it.

With a click, the tennis ball slammed into Tohno Atsukyo's body, knocking Tohno Atsukyo into the air, and slammed into the wall without any hesitation.


The smoke and dust dissipated, and it was the comatose executioner, pulled by the left hand, which had been broken and had cracked walls.

"Take this waste into the infirmary," Byōdōin Hōō said coldly.



"Hoohoo," Yukimura gasped, her arms red and swollen and her body sore.

The power of the tennis ball kept running around in Yukimura's body.


Obviously, the thirteen strokes of Tohno Atsukyo's execution were not so easy to pick up.

(Tohno Atsukyo, and Byodoin.) Yukimura looked at Byodoin silently.

The blow just now made Yukimura shudder.

But one by one

(The Minister defeated such a powerful Byodoin, then, how strong will the Minister be?)

Takamura's figure keeps growing.

Kimijima was exhausted, and after his negotiating skills were broken, he could only rely on his own strength to fight Tezuka.

However, it was completely suppressed by Tianyi Tezuka.

Especially the brilliance of the sky, under the irradiation, made Kimijima feel a little terrified.


is the final score.

"I won." Tezuka's first words.

Kimijima's face was blue and white, and he lost to a junior high school student as an army. This is a fiasco.

If you want to play the second set, you must win.

But look at Byodoin's face.

Forget it, take it from your heart.

"you win.

God knows how Kimijima felt when he said that.

Fortunately, Kimishima smiled when he saw the executioner's fate soon.

Man, I am afraid of comparison.

I am still fine.

(Thanks to the book friends for the reward of the ruthless funeral month.).

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