I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 126: The First Army's Lineup Has Changed

As for Omagari and Sanada Genichiro, one is two swordsmen on defense and one is crazy on offense. Depends on who can't stand it.

(Hmph, my physical strength, but U17 is the strongest, how can you fight me?) Omagari thought proudly.

He could see that all he had to do was delay, and he would win.

Sanada's face was heavy, and he could see the disadvantage of the situation.

If so, let's fight.

Sanada, after training with Takamura, has also learned to play with his brain.

It is still head-to-head, of course, but also learned tactics.

Suddenly, thunder appeared, and it was extremely violent.

Wrap Sanada all over.

Moreover, the harsh roar gave people a feeling of destroying everything.

Status skill, Thor form.

It moves like an evolutionary version of thunder, borrowing the power of thunder to greatly enhance its strength, speed, and defense. thereby increasing his strength.

The disadvantage is that the powerful force will greatly damage the body. Requires a strong physique to perform.

Hurt others and hurt yourself.

Sanada was originally reluctant, because the sequelae were too great.

However, when I used it myself, I decided to learn it.

Emma, ​​it smells so good.

Boom, fast, too fast.

In the eyes of the 27 audience, Sanada became a dazzling Thor, covered with thunder and lightning.

Swinging lightly, thunderbolt slapped, and instantly, seven lightning bolts attacked with unparalleled power and impact with the momentum of thunder.


Omagari was shocked, and there was fear in his voice.

He felt a mortal crisis.

Thunder's power is definitely not something that he can resist.

Hide, must hide.

However, the lightning speed was so fast that before Omagari knew it, the tennis ball had already hit the racquet.

"Ahhhh." Omagari yelled.

In an instant, a violent thunder was attached to Omagari's body, panicking and trying to sweep away all evil spirits in time.

After 3 seconds, it was Omagari, whose body was charred black, no longer able to fight.

Sanada wasn't feeling well either, his hands were ripped apart, and when he saw the bones, he was unable to fight any more.


Kazena, the strongest of the four, fought to a tie with Nio.

Fast to the extreme speed, blocking all chop skills, skilled ball skills, when attacking, facing the impeccable Nioh, is also powerless.

In the end, neither of the two sides could do anything about the other and could only draw.

In the end, the result was two wins and two draws.

Middle school students, better than high school students.

There was an uproar.

"We lost, Kazena and the others lost." Migihashi Itarou's face was incredulous.

That's an army.

It is the face that represents Japan.

He is the strongest high school student in Japan.

As a result, facing four middle school students, still in the first year, he lost.

"..." Du Ren and Hezhong Village Gaidao looked at each other, and both could see the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Compared with people, people can really piss people off.

Tsukimitsu Ochi looked moved, and he, too, felt threatened.

With the strength that Tezuka and others are currently showing, it may only be a matter of time before they catch up with him.

"Not bad."" The ghost laughed.

That is comfort.

The thoughts in my heart are more firm.

Maybe it's time to meet the world.

The match against Makoto Takamura completely awoke the ghost.

It's time for him to leave his comfort zone.

Tanegashima laughed even more.

The afterlife is terrifying.

Especially with the huge contrast with Irie around him.

"Ah, thank you so much, Irie.

Tanegashima smiled and walked away.

Irie opened her mouth, but in the end said nothing.

Thinking of the miserable life in the future, can't help but feel sad.

Painful tears were left behind.

As a result, I looked around, and no one was willing to take the initiative to help.

Come on, Irie doesn't even pretend.

I can only sigh that there are too many bad guys in U17, so he can't be a good guy.

For Tohno Atsukyo and others, it is even more indignant.

(Tohno and the others are still too weak. Otherwise, I won't hide my strength? Join the expedition?)

Irie suddenly had an idea.

"Tezuka they won."

Monitoring room, three Mifūne Nyudō three looked at the result of the game, and then looked at Takamura, and sighed silently in his heart.

Take a look at Tezuka and the U17 students at the bottom of the ranking. It's really annoying.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

(How did Makoto Takamura train? Why are the training results so exaggerated?)

(It is not inferior to the training effect of U17 at all.)

In terms of hardware facilities, Rikkai is impossible to compare with U17.

Therefore, the gap can only come from the coach.

In other words, Makoto Takamura, the junior high school student, is stronger than himself in the role of coach.

At this time, the three Mifūne Nyudō three, like many U17 students, have a feeling that they are living as dogs at their age.

Then immediately, Mifune was happy.

After all, Takamura is currently in the U17 squad.

Time passed slowly.

Although it is still early for the next World Cup, the Japanese team has also begun to prepare for the battle.

Prepare for the next World Cup.

First, there is the new army.

Takamura came from behind and became No.1, becoming the new leader of the Japanese team, while the original leader, Byōdōin Hōō, became the deputy 830 general.

Tanegashima Shuji is NO.3, Kijujiro is NO.4, the newly added Duke Watanabe is NO.5, and Irie Kanata is NO.10.

Strength is in the first echelon.

It is also the main force that can truly fight against the world's powerful enemies.

Next, it is NO.6 Yuezhi Moonlight, NO.7 Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura tied, and NO.9 Kazena.

As for Tohno Atsukyo, Kimijima, and Omagari, they were squeezed out of the top 10.

Let the three people die.

"Bastard, damn junior high school student, I won't give in." Tohno Atsukyo.

"Neither would I, I could have won three sets." Omagari was unwilling. His physical strength is the best.

"You say, who will lose in three sets?" Kimijima looked at Omagari angrily.

The three are unwilling.

Sanada was equally dissatisfied.

"Damn, it's still too slack." Sanada's eyes showed fighting intent.


"The next top 10 must be mine.

Nio scratched his head, wondering if he was going to hit Sanada, because his phantom seemed to grow again.

Next time, probably, probably, maybe, I'll kick Sanada out of the top 10?

Soon, the news of the big change in the Japanese team's lineup spread all over the world.

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