I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven Clouds Moving

"Japan? Tennis desert, forget it." This is most of Europe.

"The Japanese team should not be underestimated." The French team, they focused on, was originally the main player of the French team, now the Japanese team's No. 5 Duke Watanabe.

And Duke Watanabe ranked fifth, in the end is the real strength, or avoid suspicion.

If you avoid suspicion, it is acceptable.

But if there is a real power ranking, then the strength of the Japanese team...

France, with a heavy heart.

In addition, in the World Cup not long ago, the Japanese team was forced to be single.

The French team is even more psychologically tactful.

Or, send a scout to take a look?

After a few discussions, the French team began to act.

"Makoto Takamura." Germany, Polk looked at the name silently.

It was the name that scout Heydrich kept repeating around him.

And, Heinkerts, Loew's two ace scouts are full of praise.

first year.

Originally thought to fight, it should be in the professional arena.

But now it seems that the next World Cup is a good opportunity.

"I wish I had a fight with you," Polk said.

Madrid, Spain.

The strongest tennis monster of this era in Europe, the super genius that surpassed Polk, Medanore, is constantly fighting fiercely.

His opponent is the son of a samurai, Echizen Ryoga.

Boom boom boom boom boom, endless afterimages, terrifying explosions, kept ringing.

Professional players, this is the consensus of all who saw this fierce battle.

The two definitely have the strength of professional players.

After a long time, the fighting finally stopped.

Both were also informed.

"Team Japan? Makoto Takamura? Medanore doubts.

Who is he?

"Ryoga, if you are in the Japanese team, it must be No.1."

Medanore laughed.

Echizen Ryoga smiled and didn't deny it.

Because this is the truth.

He was trained by Echizen Nanjiro since he was a child, and with his own talent, he can be regarded as an opponent except for the little Echizen Ryoma, and only the Medanore in front of him.

Including Polk, who was blown away, was almost meaningless.

Echizen Ryoga, who was casually drinking water, glanced at the picture of Takamura.

"You're talking about Makoto Takamura, it's him.||?35

"That's right." Medanore nodded, puzzled.

Why do you feel like Echizen Ryoga has suffered a big loss?

Echizen Ryoga gritted his teeth. He still remembered the time when he was forced to 'run away'. It was an unbearable past.

(Makoto Takamura? It seems noteworthy.) Medanore thought to himself.

The United States and Switzerland also received the message for the first time.

Moreover, they are also the team that knows the Japanese team best besides the German team.

"It appears that Japanese genius has become the climate. 35

"Or let Reinhardt and others go to the game and pick up the plane and abolish Makoto Takamura and others?

"No, the Japanese team has noticed, and the defense is very tight."

"Hmph, Japan is just one of our dogs, and it's an honor for the owner to want to have a game with the dog."

"We still have to pay attention to the international influence.

"Everyone, the rise of the Japanese team is the most damaging to the interests of the European powers. Why should we be this early bird. The first to face the Japanese team? 35

"What's in it for us?"

The crowd laughed.

The United States has always only fought a sure-win battle. If it can't, it will use money to arm other countries, let other countries be the winners, and finally pick peaches by itself.

Just like World War II in history, arming Germany and the Soviet Union disrupted the world, thus allowing the United States to easily gain hegemony.

"Then, let's build momentum first, the genius of the Japanese team can't just let us know..."


"Japan must not rise.

"In that case, let Amadeus come to the fore. 35

"To be on the safe side, Tasta also shot."

Tasta, Switzerland's current era, is a talented player on the same level as Amadeus, and his strength is equal to that of Amadeus.

"Okay, let's try the Japanese team first.

U17, everyone is training hard.

Takamura takes time out to guide Maori's practice.

From technique, to body, and, most importantly, weakness, give instructions.

‘Speed ​​up, and strength must be strengthened.

Rikkai several people, onlookers and onlookers.

Surprisingly, Fuji et al.

In the U17, the improvement of strength is extremely rapid. If you don't waste time to improve your own strength, but waste time watching the game, there must be something strange.

Imagining the strength of Rikkai, Fuji et al, also began to crowd around.

At first, no one felt anything. Just feel like Takamura is wasting time.

Against Maori, Takamura couldn't improve at all.

But gradually, the people who heard the content slowly stopped and gathered around Takamura.

Eyes are hot. Especially the same middle school students.

""It turns out that your powerful secret turned out to be like this. 35 Shiraishi knew it.

Looking at Rikkai's eyes, they were full of envy.

For Takamura, that's a lot of admiration.

If I also have a minister like Takamura who accompanies me in training every day, then my strength will definitely increase rapidly.

Shiraishi and others thought.

And Marui and others are also proud.

Look, this is our minister.


That's right.


You have the ability to find such a strong minister.

Gradually, the gathering of middle school students also attracted the attention of high school students.

They came over curiously.

After learning about the situation, I was also surprised and envious.

When you were in middle school, why (Qian Hao) didn't have such a strong minister?

"Takamura, look, can you...hehe. Shiraishi smiled.

Very sorry.

"Yes, but only once a month, and I have to train. 39

"Really?" Shiraishi's eyes lit up.

Others, Tachibana Jihei, Chitose Senri, and others, are also staring

"It's true, our opponents in the future will be all countries in the world, and we must improve our strength."

Takamura said.

"Then we." The high school students onlookers looked forward.

"You can't," one sentence made the high school students feel as if they were stuffed with chicken butts.

"Unless you enter the top 10 of the First Army, don't even think about lifting it.

Everyone was helpless and had nothing to say.

After all, everyone knows that Takamura can't waste time and energy on people with weak strength and talent.

"Takamura-kun, are you interested in playing a game?" Tanegashima invited him with a smile.

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