I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 128: The Weakness of the Self-Destruction

Tanegashima Shuji, the original U17NO.2, is now Japan's U17NO.3, has the magical ability to destroy himself, and is also the predecessor of Takamura.

"I'm looking forward to your advice." Tanegashima meant something.

Takamura knew, it seemed, that Tanegashima already knew what happened just now.

Although Tanegashima Shuji doesn't think Takamura is qualified to instruct himself, it's okay to point out his weaknesses.

This is the power of data tennis.

"You can try."

"Oh?" Tanegashima Shuji laughed, with disbelief.

Me, and Tezuka are fundamentally different.

That is strength.

Does Takamura really have the strength to guide herself? Or, is she simply pointing out her shortcomings?

Tanegashima Shuji, more and more interesting.

Soon, the news of Takamura and Tanegashima Shuji fighting spread around.

The competition between NO.1 and NO.3 attracted the attention of most people.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, also dedicated their cameras to this battle of focus.

"Boss, aren't you going to see?" Duke Watanabe asked.

The two are training frantically in the gym.

Talk while training.

"Without meaning, Tanegashima will lose." Byōdōin Hōō said.

Only those who have played against Makoto Takamura will know the horror of Takamura.

Byōdōin Hōō is well aware that Takamura, has not yet used the full power of the 830.

"Really? Really want to play him once. 35 Duke Watanabe laughed.

The two were not talking and continued training.

I don't want to waste a little bit.

Irie Kanata also got the news.

His judgment is the same as Byōdōin Hōō.

Turn, continue...

Wash socks.

Well, Irie is a little nervous about Takamura now.

Because thanks to Takamura, Irie, in hell, has to wash Tanegashima's smelly socks.

As a result, only the ghost was left in the onlookers.

Tanegashima Shuji serve.

He's a magic trick player.

Destroying nothing with one hand, it can crack all the stunts in the world, whether it is a power ball or a technical ball.

In addition, Tanegashima Shuji's foundation is also very solid.

Based on strength, speed, skill, and stamina alone, Tanegashima Shuji can also be selected into the top 10 of the first army.

A strong foundation, as well as one's own destruction, constitutes the strongest defense of the Japanese team, NO.3, Tanegashima Shuji.

A perfect defense that even the Overlord Byōdōin Hōō and Oni Jujiro could barely break through.

Bang bang bang, both sides, began to fight.

From the beginning, Tanegashima Shuji, was prepared for a protracted war.

Tanegashima is confident that Takamura cannot break his own defenses,

Of course, if he wanted to break through Takamura's defense, that was also a delusion.

There is basically no one who can break the fantasy land of self-annihilation and far away from the world.

This is Tanegashima Shuji's idea.

The difference is that Takamura does not use defensive magic like Gensokyo, which is far from the world, but general defense.

And even so, Tanegashima Shuji, couldn't score.

"Tanegashima, your attack is still weaker," the ghost said.

Oni and Tanegashima are like two sides of a coin, one focuses on offense and the other on defense.

Tohno Atsukyo glared at the ghost angrily.

Weak attack?

My execution of thirteen strokes is not comparable, is this weaker?

Of course, only in the dark, on the bright side, Tohno Atsukyo still dare not provoke ghosts.

The other First Army also smiled wryly.

Those who can say that Tanegashima attacks weakly are Kijujiro, Takamura and others.

If he said this, Tanegashima would slap his face in the next second.

"It's not that the attack is weak, it's that Takamura-kun's defense is too strong." Kimijima corrected.

This is his heart.

At least, Kimijima himself can't break Takamura's defense.

Kazena nodded.

Even him, there is no way.

Even with the fastest speed.

The defense of the two is really impeccable.

I saw the fast tennis balls on the court, I couldn't see it at all, only the silhouettes of people could be seen.

Even if it is the movement of the two of them, ordinary people can't see it clearly.

Only through the sound and the abnormal noise, I know that the game is still going on.

And, extremely intense.

Many people shook their heads silently.

Even the powerhouses among junior high school students, Tezuka, Yukimura, etc., are the same.

Because of them, it is impossible to see the form of the game clearly.

Only see the swing action.

"It's amazing, this is the real top player of the U17?" Yukimura was horrified.

I originally thought that I had defeated the First Army, and it was already the pinnacle of U17.

After getting the NO8 medal, he was calm like Yukimura and Tezuka, and also had the idea that U17 was nothing more than that.

High school students who have been training for half a year might as well train with Takamura.

Only now did I realize that the top 5 of the first army and the top 10 of the first army are two completely different worlds.

"Just know how big the world is," Tsukimitsu Ochi said nonchalantly.

His strength is also above Tezuka and others.

"I see.

Tezuka and others suppressed their pride and concentrated on watching the game.

absorb nourishment.

Finally, 10 minutes later, the two sides finally scored a point.


"Takamura-kun, haven't you shown your strength yet? If we keep fighting like this, we'll have to fight for a day." Tanegashima Shuji said helplessly.

It's really boring to play two guys with super defense.

"Ah, that's it, the warm-up is over." Takamura said, though, it was just a warm-up.

"Senior Tanegashima, you have three weaknesses."

Tanegashima was stunned, not only Tanegashima, but others were also stunned.

Does the magical skill of destroying oneself, which can resolve all the ultimate tricks in the world, actually have three weaknesses?

"Interesting, so interesting." Tanegashima Shuji raised an eyebrow.

The meaning in the eyes is well known.

Prove it to me.

"Impossible, there is no weakness, there is no weakness." Tohno Atsukyo said decisively.

"That's right, I've used everything I can, but I can't break it.

"I do not believe."

"Even for Byodoin, if you want to break the self-destruction, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky.

There was a lot of discussion.

If it wasn't for Takamura who said this, the new No.1, I'm afraid someone would have laughed at it long ago.

Is it so easy to be destroyed?

Takamura was noncommittal.

"Then have a look.

The brain starts to work.

sky, air, breeze, temperature, humidity, light, gravity, tennis, racquet, venue, Tanegashima Shuji's expression, play style, character traits...

Everything, as a variable, is added to the calculation.

Even the voices of the surrounding people were added in.

The twelve profound meanings, the omnipotence of extinction, the opening.

"The first weakness, just keep you from getting the ball. 55

Like Zeus fighting Tanegashima.

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