I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 129 Defeated Tanegashima Shuji

Tanegashima Shuji, only felt that his whole body was exposed under Takamura's eyes.

The feeling of being watched, like sitting on pins and needles.

(what happened?)

Takamura serve.

The tennis ball is in Takamura's hands, like a part of Takamura, manipulated by Takamura at will, that violent rotation, exaggerated speed, ~ is the embellishment on the court.

Left, right, chop, − swipe.

Tanegashima's reaction, Tanegashima's return, Tanegashima's psychological change...

Everything is in Takamura's calculations.

is a smash.

Tanegashima judged that he quickly retreated, and Ji Mowu was already ready.

But, ushered in, indeed a short ball.


"His first weakness is that you can't catch the ball," Takamura said.

Self-destruction Wuwei can break the ultimate trick, but if you can't receive it, it is equivalent to invalid.

"Oh? You can make me lose the ball?" Tanegashima Shuji didn't believe it.

"Then try it."

Takamura serve.

Not just the ball, but the speed of the swing.

Just swinging the pat will pull down the afterimage, causing the air to vibrate.

As soon as the ball was hit, the invisible sonic boom exploded.

Fast, fast to the extreme.

Only see light.

When the sound came, it was the figure of the tennis ball that had already flown out.

The speed has already exceeded the speed of sound.

It is the world-class stunt, Australia's Tachyons, that, together with the Mach serve, is called the U17's fastest serve.

"Hyper-speed ball, as long as it exceeds your reaction speed.

"Super speed ball is also your weakness.


Yuezhi Yueguang was shocked,

He stared blankly at the Tachyon particles.

You must know that Mach serve is the biggest trick of the wise moonlight, and it is also the strongest trick.

For a long time, Mach serve is the invincible sign of Achieving Moonlight. With Mach serve, Yuezhi Moonlight can even score in the hands of Byōdōin Hōō.

Imagine its power.

But unexpectedly, Takamura came up with a trick that rivaled his own.

(Makoto Takamura, how strong is your strength?) Yuezhi Yueguang's heart was turbulent.

The same idea kept appearing in the minds of Kazena and others.

Fast speed, strong strength, high technology, mental power is also unfathomable, physical strength, I have not seen the appearance of Takamura's physical exhaustion.

Therefore, Takamura's true strength is still a mystery.

Tanegashima shook his head.

If you can't catch the ball, it's really useless to kill yourself.


"You can only serve this trick. 35 Tanegashima smiled,

"Therefore, in my serve game, your trick will be ineffective."

"Really?" The smile in Takamura's tone made Tanegashima uneasy.

Everything on the field has already been calculated by Takamura. All Tanegashima Shuji's reactions, all the changes in tennis, were all under Takamura's calculations.

Tanegashima Shuji, what to win?

Sure enough, next, Tanegashima Shuji was exhausted, and often before he could react, Takamura had already taken a step forward and acted in advance.

After Tanegashima returned the ball, he realized that his tennis ball was actually hitting Takamura on his own initiative.


"It's not easy," Tanegashima Shuji smiled wryly, and being able to push him to such a degree is indeed a man who can knock down Byodoin.

The game continues.


Tanegashima Shuji saw an opportunity and it was a smash.

(Wait, if Takamura can predict my actions, then...)

Tanegashima Shuji went from a smash, to a curveball, to the far corner.

(As you guess,) Tanegashima Shuji's mouth just leaked a smile when he spotted Takamura who was in place ahead of schedule.

Takamura: Anticipate.

Tanegashima: I predicted your prediction.

Takamura: I pre-judged your pre-judgment.

Tanegashima Shuji: (v)ro

So, Tanegashima was in a mess next time, because he didn't know whether his own reaction, his own return, was in Takamura's calculation. For a time, the inch corner was in chaos.


"Amazing, you really hit a dead end." Tanegashima Shuji praised.

Wipe the sweat off your head.

Not even Byōdōin Hōō could make him so urgent.

Makoto Takamura, really strong.

"But what are the other two weaknesses you speak of?"

"Don't worry, Tanegashima-senpai, your other weakness is offense."

Tanegashima was taken aback.

No way, offense has always been his weakness.

Of course, referring to the same level.

Destroying oneself, just like Sanada's Xu Rulin, Bismarck's unique skills ineffective, and Berti's AI, they are all the same as deciphering all the opponent's unique skills.

But in the same way, while cracking the ball skills, the power of the return ball is relatively insufficient.

Among them, Lin was the worst, and the ball returned was basically no threat.

This is also normal.

When a magical skill of the same level has unparalleled defensive power, its attack power will inevitably drop.

"So, just have a protracted war with you."

After finishing speaking, Takamura didn't use ball skills either, he just made a big draw and played the basics with Tanegashima.

Speed, strength, skill, and, most importantly, endurance.

"That's it, since you can't break the defense, then focus on the defense and use your physical strength to tear down Tanegashima. Omagari's eyes lit up.

In U17, in terms of physical strength, who can compare with him?

"Don't think about it, just relying on your defense, Tanegashima can break even if it is a draw." Tohno Atsukyo disdainfully said.

"Bastard Yuan Ye, what did you say? 99

"What, do you want to have a fight?"

On the other hand, Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kazena Kazena are keenly aware that Tanegashima Shuji, on the basis of this, is also at a disadvantage.

Takamura, leaning on the foundation, pressed Tanegashima hard and scored on Tanegashima.

Let everyone's hearts tremble.

(I remember, Takamura is also only a country, and has a deeper foundation than Tanegashima. How did he cultivate?)

Many people have doubts.

That's the basics, and it's what needs to be practiced the most.

As a result, those who practiced hard in U17 can't compare to a middle school student, which is really hard to tell.

Even Tanegashima was very puzzled.

His foundation, he knows best.

The offense, Tanegashima himself, relies on the base.

As a result, not only the strength is not comparable, but also the foundation is not comparable, these years, really live to the dog.

Perhaps, the only thing Tanegashima can compare to is that he is completely destroyed.

Takamura: You may not believe it.

...... ask for flowers ......

Far from the world of Gensokyo, the power is beyond your imagination.


It is not surprising that Tezuka and others who know Takamura.

He started training tennis at the age of 4, training 8 hours a day, strictly following the time plan, and eating professional meals throughout the year.

Although, since Takamura's breakthrough, time planning and professional meals have not worked for him.


Tanegashima sighed lightly.

The match against Takamura was really stressful.

Especially mentally, because your every move is under Takamura's watch. ,

"I already know the third weakness you mentioned," Tanegashima said.

"That's right, it's the foundation, the Tanegashima-senpai itself." Takamura nodded.

Self-destruction, in the final analysis, it still depends on Tanegashima itself.

If the level is higher than Tanegashima Shuji itself, then it will be destroyed and destroyed. ,

The ultra-high-speed serve can make Tanegashima Shuji unable to catch the ball, and the power ball can directly destroy himself with his strength.


The technical ball, the extreme arc change, can also make Tanegashima unable to catch the ball.

As for spin, it's simpler.

Polk's trick, the baptism of the vortex.

The essence is the ultimate rotation, extremely simple, relying on pressing you with the foundation.

If the foundation is not enough, the rotation is directly unstoppable; if the foundation is enough, the baptism of the vortex can be broken easily.

Tanegashima was thoughtful.

(So, are you reminding me to strengthen the base?)

(To remind me and take care of my face, you really take great pains.)

Tanegashima thought, and his affection for Takamura became stronger.

Finally, the game is over.

Takamura ended the game with a score of 6:0 and 6:1 respectively.

"Even Tanegashima lost."

"Really, I thought Tanegashima would make a fortune for us.

Many high school students shook their heads.

Tennis players have the attributes of mutual restraint.

A can defeat B, B can defeat C, but C may defeat A. This is the mutual restraint of attributes.

Takamura, now a losing streak by four of Byōdōin Hōō, Oni Jujiro and Tanegashima Shuji, Irie Kanata, marks the U17 as a whole in Japan, and no one is his opponent anymore.

Regardless of the style of the game or the foundation, or something else, it is already the undisputed strongest.

The identity of Takamura junior high school students, coupled with the rise of Tezuka, Yukimura, Nio and others, proves the failure of the entire high school students in Japan.

"Let's go and work hard.

"Can't lose anymore. 99

"You can't let the younger generation surpass.

high school students said.

Turn failure into motivation and train more crazily.

And the middle school students who watched it were complicated and difficult to understand.

They, and Takamura are too far apart.

So big that I want to catch up, but I don't know how to catch up.

At the airport, two handsome men stepped off the plane in Switzerland.

Amadeus, Tasta.

Two of the strongest geniuses of the younger generation in Switzerland.

"Let's go and see those geniuses first. 99

Amadeus said coldly.

For Switzerland, he was ready for blood.

Although he didn't want to.

But it's all for Switzerland.

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