I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 130 U17 was picked again

At the same airport, there were also two people who had just boarded the plane.

Byōdōin Hōō, and Oni Jujiro.

In order to conquer the world, in order to defeat Makoto Takamura, and in order to improve their strength, the two decided to wander the world.

Amadeus, the encounter of Byōdōin Hōō, is missed.

Amadeus, Tasta.

The first stop, the main target, Rikkai.

As a result, the two came in success and returned in failure.

"Makoto Takamura and others haven't seen each other for a while. The biggest possibility is that they joined Japan's U17."

"Then, next stop, Japan U17."

The U17 training base is a secret to ordinary people, but for U17 players and coaches in various countries, it is completely on the surface.

"I really can't figure out how to put the base in a mountain." Amadeus waved his hand and moved his joints.

In the monitoring room, the "830" duty officer stared at the two figures appearing in front of the camera in a stunned manner.

In the computer database, the information of the two people appeared immediately.

Swiss Genius, Amadeus, Tasta.

"Hey, no." Unbelievable thoughts appeared in the minds of the staff on duty.

Amadeus takes out the racquet.

No more doubts now.

"Enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy attack." The officer on duty shouted in a shrill voice.

God, what the hell is wrong with the U17 base?

The staff on duty wanted to cry without tears.

The humming siren rumbled.

"It seems to have been discovered." Tasta laughed.

"It doesn't matter, let's meet and greet first." Amadeus tossed the ball.

Dark hit.


The alloy gate, which was repaired not long ago, was blasted again.

What appeared in front of them were the confused U17 players.

"Again, is someone here to kick the gym?" Gui Wu blinked.

Why is this scene so familiar?

Then, two strong men entered in great strides.

The fluttering plaster flag fell to the ground.

"If you want to stop us, do it as soon as possible," Tasta said.

He has no interest in bullying the weak.

Ito, Oni Mai and others looked at their eyes, nose, ears and heart, and once again carried forward the spirit of Heisei's dead house.

Just invisible.

Looking at each other, Amadeus smiled.

Is such a weak Japanese team really worth the two of them?

Are the sub-executives of the Tennis Association really not bad?

The German team remained silent.

Regarding the information that came, the two of Amadeus also had the slightest suspicion.

Takamura got the news right away.

(Amadeus, Tasta? Strange, the two of them, have they attacked Japan U17?)

After thinking about it, Takamura knew it must be the butterfly effect.


"It turned out to be the two of them." San Mifūne Nyudō paled in shock.

These two people are not fuel-efficient lamps.

And, most importantly—

"Byōdōin Hōō and Kijujiro, both of them have gone to the wandering world."

"Damn, how did you choose this opportunity." San Mifūne Nyudō San was agitated.

One bad, U17 may be wiped out.

"Go to the Tennis Association to call for help immediately, and ask professional players to help." Mifune shouted.

Of course, no matter how fast the Nets Association is, it will take several hours at the fastest to recruit experts and come quickly.

"We have to persist for 3 hours." Mifune said nervously.

"Maybe, I can only trust Makoto Takamura. But there is only one Takamura.""

Mifune grabbed her hair.

Whether it's Tanegashima Shuji or Irie Kanata, it's still a bit difficult to face the existence of Amadeus' level.

Especially Irie, no matter how deep his hidden strength is, he can't be Amadeus, Tasta's opponent.

"Hold on.

Boom, Songping Chen Yan was blasted away.

Amadeus and Tasta strolled leisurely, seeming to be slow but fast, continuing to deepen.

Along the way, when encountering weak people, they are too lazy to pay attention.

That is, the opponent who encounters the blocking will play a ball.

Fortunately, after Takamura's last riot, San Mifūne Nyudō also learned to behave, and in the first half of the base, two First Army guards were stationed.

It was Omagari and Kimijima who were on duty today.

(Damn, damn.) Kimijima cursed inwardly.

I am speechless about my luck.

Can the two of Amadeus be able to fight against them? Don't be defeated by the time, Takamura and the others haven't rushed over yet.

That's a real dog.

Kimijima didn't want to go, because she would definitely be abused.

But had to go.

Otherwise, Takamura and Byodoin will never let him go,

Omagari also had a bitter face.

The same cry without tears.

"let's go.

The tone was extremely bitter.

Kimishima nodded and could only rush up.

"Oh, finally something powerful." Tasta said.

He recognized that the two were the regular players of the Japanese team.

Of course, there is a slight difference between ants and mice, for tigers, there is no difference.

"Quickly end the fight." Amadeus.

"The two geniuses in Switzerland, what are you doing at our base? Is there anything I can do to help?" Kimijima said, not forgetting to negotiate.

Tasta ignored him at all, and he had seen too much in Europe with the mere use of mental power.

With one ball, Kimijima's mouth was tingling.

Two balls, racquet breaks.

Three balls, Kimijima, were also blasted away.

As for Omagari, in the face of Amadeus, it is even more appalling.

Spinning the tricky backspin ball, directly dodging Omagari's interception, and slammed into Omagari's body.

I almost spit out the Omagari overnight.

The goal was wide open and another ball hit Omagari's ribs hard.

With a click, Omagari was unable to get up again.

2 seconds, Kimijima, Omagari, lost.

All the troops lost?

This news quickly spread in the U17 base.

Still a fiasco.

Caused a lot of psychological pressure to the people.

In addition to Amadi 1.9s, Tasta's reputation is illustrious, and more and more people are starting to grind foreign workers.

"Anyway, I'm so weak, it's the same with me or without me, so why should I go? To be beaten?"

Thinking about it this way makes me feel more at ease.

Let the three Mifūne Nyudō and others get angry and anxious.

Still, many people came forward.

"Be sure to stop them," Migihashi Itarou said.

"Never let them come and go," Matsudaira Chikahiko yelled.

Look dead.

Then, there is no then.

This is the brightest moment for both of them.

Du Ren had a firm expression on his face, Du Ren rushed up,

All forbearance played GG.

Wuwei Yicha is not inferior, and his face is not afraid. At this moment, all bear, Matsudaira Chikahiko, Migihashi Itarou's soul is possessed.

So in the next second, Wuwei flew out with a cup of tea.

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