I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 135: Change career

United States, New York.

Tennis Association executives gathered together.

"The momentum has been built. 35

"Japan and Germany, this time the intelligence of the two countries has leaked a lot.

"Continue, our media is extremely developed, and we must send news to major powers.

"This time it's up to the European side to react."

Everyone looked at it and laughed.

Hiding behind the scenes, provoking all parties to fight, and only fighting the sure-win battle, this is the United States.

Drop drop drop, new news came.

At a glance, everyone's expressions changed.

Because, Japan announced the record of Makoto Takamura.

The most recent one.

Beat the Swiss genius, Tasta.

Defeat Amadeus.

Makoto Takamura, is no longer a genius, but a strong man.

Totally suppressed.

Because, in the next World Cup, they are likely to face "830".

Makoto Takamura is so scary now, what about 2 years later?

"Why is it so suppressed? Isn't the development of things always going towards our plan? The sudden sound broke the silence.

"That's right, Switzerland has already made a move, it's up to Germany.

"There is also France. There is intelligence that the French captain, Duke Watanabe, has also joined the Japanese team."

"Find a way to bring Spain in as well.

"Very good, let's make trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better.

In the conference room, Takamura met three Mifūne Nyudō three.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, his face is extremely heavy.

"Have you seen this magazine too?

Officially just released today "Tennis"

Takamura's headshot, still printed on it.

"I know."

Seeing Takamura was not overjoyed, Mifune secretly admired it.

The evaluation of Takamura goes to the next level.

"This content should be intentional by the Americans."

Takamura nodded.

Among the top ten strongest junior high school students, Japan accounted for four, and they became the target of public criticism. All of a sudden, the attention has greatly increased.

Germany, France, the United Kingdom and other tycoons will definitely focus their attention on Japan.

What's more, it will be extremely suppressed.

Just like Switzerland.

And cause all the riots, the official "Tennis", the American magazine.

The mastermind behind the scenes, the Americans like to take advantage of their strengths, sow discord, and stir up shit with their loving father in the United Kingdom. It is really a mold.

"Strength can't be hidden." Takamura didn't care.

"With the victory of the game and the increase in the number of games, nothing can be hidden.""

Except for strength.

Three Mifūne Nyudō nodded three times.

Still, he wanted to hide for as long as possible.

Quietly enter the village, do not shoot.

Takamura ignored and informed her decision.

"I'm going to switch careers.

In a word, three Mifūne Nyudō three were shocked.


Three Mifūne Nyudō did not think about it three times, and directly rejected it.


Takamura half-smiles.

Three Mifūne Nyudō's face was heavy.

"Professional tennis is brutal, the world is big.

With your current strength, turning into a profession will do more harm than good.

"I believe in my own strength."

Three Mifūne Nyudō three:

You don't play cards according to the routine.

San Mifūne Nyudō San was helpless and continued.

"First of all you have to have money, right? Pro player clothes, racquet, sneakers, food, training equipment, all custom made, cost a lot, the only source of income is either winning championships or corporate sponsorship

"I have money.

Directly sink three Mifūne Nyudō three.

Three Mifūne Nyudō is envious of three.

He also wants to be rich, and has money that can't be spent.

Takamura also knows the meaning of three Mifūne Nyudō three.

Once Takamura's career change is successful, it will attract a lot of attention from all over the world, and it will also make all countries pay more attention to Japan, which is extremely unfavorable for the Japanese team's world expedition.

Moreover, when there are professional players in the team, the goals of the Tennis Association and the demands of the people will be improved accordingly.

Now the Japan Tennis Association, the goal is to participate in the World Cup finals.

If there are professional players, then the minimum goal is to top 16 and qualify for the group.

The pressure between the two is completely different.

Therefore, both public and private, three Mifūne Nyudō did not want Takamura to change careers.

But Takamura simply ignored it.

He is about to break the world record for the youngest professional tennis player.

At this moment, Mifune received a message from the Tennis Association.

Takamura defeated Tasta and forced back Amadeus' record, which was exposed by the Tennis Association.

Not only Takamura, Tezuka, Yukimura, Nio's information, but also a lot of information.

"Stupid, really stupid, how could they do this?" Mifune cursed.

How much attention will this attract? How much information will the Japanese team leak? Is the Tennis Association full of pig brains?

Takamura is no surprise.

For the sake of political achievements, Japan has done it, and the list of public writers who have received dog food has been exposed.

A certain public: I stand in an objective and neutral point of view.

A writer: This is personal experience

Taijun: These are traitors who received dog food.

Gongzhi, writer: I bought a watch last year

"This time, you have no reason to object."

The Japanese team, this time, has been unable to escape, and every move will be under the attention of the world.

"Apply for me. 95

Takamura's tone was unmistakable.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three sighed and nodded silently.

Being with Takamura, the head coach himself, like an assistant, made San Mifūne Nyudō San extremely depressed.

However, thinking of the scene of the next World Cup, Mifune comforted himself.

"With the addition of Makoto Takamura, Japan's strength has greatly increased, and it can also have a good place in the next World Cup."

Thinking about it this way, Mifune felt a lot more balanced.

In addition to money, there are 3 steps required to switch to a professional player.

1 is to apply for membership to the Japan Tennis Association;

2. Apply to the Professional Tennis Federation or the International Women's Professional Tennis Federation through the Japan Tennis Association for the right to participate in professional competitions;

3. Obtain the required points in the relevant competition town.

After that, 1.9 became an official tennis player.

Of course, such tennis players are still at the bottom of the professional tennis world.

Not even eligible for a Grand Slam.

The first step is to submit an application to the Association.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three will do.

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three: I'm too hard.

Although there are three Mifūne Nyudō three guarantees, with excellent record support, but Takamura still needs to prove his strength.

This is the rule.

So that when the Japan Tennis Association declares up, the declared object is not strong enough, and it will be thrown abroad as a shame.

"Your assessment time is 10 days away," San Mifūne Nyudō said.

"What assessment." Takamura asked.

Based on his record, the assessment should be pretentious.

San Mifūne Nyudō San had a toothache and looked at Takamura with odd eyes.

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