I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 136 Japan's active duty first

"You need to win the next game under the hands of professional players."

One round?

It's very simple, and it really is to pretend.

(No, the old man Mifune's face is weird, it must not be simple.)

"Which pro?" Takamura asked.

"Ki Nishikori."

"It's him? Takamura's face changed.

Kei Nishikori, the number one active tennis player in Japan, at his peak, he once won the US Open Grand Slam runner-up, ranked fourth in the world tennis world, and is known as the number one player in Asia.

Although it only lasted for a short time, he slipped from No. 4 in the world to No. 89 in less than a year, but he is also a well-known top player in today's tennis.

"I really liked me." Takamura said.

"That's right, I can't turn a career this time, and next time I will. 39

Mifune was happy.

Because he suffered too much in the hands of Takamura, it is still very good to watch Takamura eat once in a while.

I'm definitely not Kei Nishikori, but if it's just a win, it's easy for me.


The three boats were noncommittal.

Because he doesn't believe it at all.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three admits that Takamura is extremely strong, and even if he becomes a professional player now, it is more than enough.

It is also a matter of time before it surpasses Kei Nishikori in the future.

But, now, it's too early.

Even if Kei Nishikori is about to retire, his strength is far from his peak, but he is not comparable to Takamura, even if he wins a game.

(That's fine. It's good for Takamura's growth to suppress Takamura's arrogance.) Mifune thought silently.

United States, somewhere on the Internet court.

Two tall and straight figures are fighting fiercely.

Of course, it was a unilateral 27 crushing.

Bang bang bang.

Soon, the game is over.

"Young man, you're still a long way off. 35 Echizen Nanjiro said proudly.

He won again.


Echizen Ryoma picked up the tennis ball and continued training silently.

Ignore this unscrupulous father at all.

He still has to train.

Nanjiro laughed.

I abuse Echizen Ryoma every day, my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer sore, and I feel more refreshed.

At this moment--

"Nanjiro, there's your text message," said Takeuchi Rinko, Echizen Ryoma's mother.

The Japan Tennis Association, has been in contact with Echizen Nanjiro, tirelessly.

Of course, Nanjiro doesn't give them a shot.

However, just as the goddess is more indifferent to licking the dog, the more vigorous the licking is.

Japan Tennis Association, or perseverance.

Nanjiro looked at the text messages bored.

Junior high school student, Makoto Takamura, turned professional, Kei Nishikori.

The combination of several words caught Nanjiro's attention and interest.

"Rinko, book a flight for me."

Nanjiro looked at Ryoma, hesitated, and decided to leave alone.

Echizen Ryoma, now it is the stage of laying the foundation.

The stronger the foundation is, the greater the future achievements will be. It is not suitable to meet too strong masters.

"Ryoma, hurry up and grow up. When the time comes, what kind of waves you will cause to the world tennis world, I'm really looking forward to it."

Japan Tennis Association.

It is the highest governing body for the management of tennis in Japan.

In this world, tennis has a very high status. Although the Tennis Association is only a non-governmental organization, its power is also amazing.

This can be seen from the office building of the Tennis Association and the fact that fishing boats across the country can be launched with a single order.

Tokyo Tennis Stadium is a famous tennis stadium in Japan.

It can accommodate 40,000 people to watch at the same time.

Each seat has a separate multimedia display screen and personal air conditioner, which can not only pause, play back, and slow down the speed at any time, but also adjust the temperature and wind direction at any time, giving the audience the best viewing experience.

Not only that, even the toilet has a huge screen, and every squatting position has a multimedia display.

So that the audience can understand the situation of the game anytime, anywhere.

As for the Tokyo Tennis Stadium, the daily maintenance cost is naturally an astronomical figure.

This time Takamura's test, the Tennis Association swiped the pen and directly requisitioned it, which thoroughly demonstrated the richness and wealth of the Tennis Association.

"Takamura-kun, come this way.

The receptionist showed Takamura around.

Stop from time to time.

Takamura didn't urge either, he was adjusting his state.

Soon, the destination was reached.

"Haha, Takamura, you are finally here." Three Mifūne Nyudō came over,

"Come on, let me introduce you."

"This is the first person on active duty in our country, Kei Nishikori.

Kei Nishikori is not tall, has a refined temperament, and is very kind in dealing with people.

"This is Atobe Fuyuan, vice president of the Tennis Association."


Takamura was taken aback, thoughtful.

"This is Yamamuro, an honorary advisor to the Tennis Association, this is Mijo Ibuki, an honorary advisor, this is..."

Mifune introduced them one by one, and each of them was a big man in Japanese tennis that would shake the Japanese tennis scene with a stomping.

"Takamura-kun, I have long wanted to meet you." Atobe Fuyuan stretched out his hand.

"The strongest junior high school student in the world, you are our national hero.

"Keep working hard, your future is promising.

"Japan's future depends on you."

The leaders of the Tennis Association are all amiable and kind-hearted.

A respectable elder.


"Whoops, is that Makoto Takamura?

With a frivolous voice, casual clothes, and a pair of drag boards, he is officially the first person in Japanese history, the legendary samurai, Echizen Nanjiro.

In an instant, all the senior officials of the Tennis Association gathered around Nanjiro and greeted Nanjiro, like a star holding the moon.

The only one who can stand up to court is Kei Nishikori.

Kei Nishikori waved his hands helplessly.

This senior's personality has not changed.

"No, today's protagonist is Takamura-kun, don't pay attention to my old man." Nanjiro said that he really didn't want to deal with the Tennis Association.

Nanjiro refused, and unknowingly, he put his arms around Miss Yingbin's waist, one hand per hand.

The top Tennis Association, three Mifūne Nyudō three, Nishikori Kei and others all turned a blind eye, obviously very clear about Nanjiro's temperament.

Nanjiro tried to withdraw his hands, but, obviously, his hands were not obedient.

Brain: Take it out.

Hand: No, the enemy is too ferocious.

"Aren't you surprised?" San Cheng said in surprise.

It stands to reason that seeing Nanjiro's character, the idol of young people will be disillusioned.

But Takamura does not have this phenomenon at all.

"Senior Nanjiro is also a human being. As a human being, he has emotions and desires, as well as joys, sorrows and joys. This is a living human world. It is normal to have flaws and lust."5

"Actually, I'm horny too." Takamura said calmly.

"Hahaha, well said," Nanjiro nodded again and again, even more favorably towards Takamura.

"It's what it should be, what it is, thinking about these dead old men, either like money or power, but they have been pretending there all the time, talking about patriotism, righteousness, and honor all day long. Saying things that you don't believe in yourself is enough. shameless.

Atobe Fuyuan and the others' faces remained unchanged.

Politicians, cheeky, basic skills.

"Takamura-kun, you should know the content of this assessment, right? 33 Honorary Advisor Mijo Ibuki said.

"I know. 35

To win the next game under Kei Nishikori, this task is extremely difficult.

No, with the strength Takamura has shown so far, there is less than a 1% chance of winning the next round.

"Then, let's get started.

"You serve first." Kei Nishikori said.

Once he serves, I am afraid that Takamura has no chance to complete the assessment at all.

Takamura nodded.

This time, he faced the strongest opponent.

is a true professional player.

Takamura took a slow tone, first of all, it was the opening of omniscience and omnipotence.

In an instant, everything on the court was in Takamura's calculations.

(mental power?) Kei Nishikori knew it in his heart, he felt it—peeping.

(According to the feeling, it is 830 of the prediction class. Interesting.)

Next, Takamura adjusted his posture.

Feel the hardness, flexibility, temperature, humidity, gravity, the structure of the tennis court...

Then, Takamura tossed the ball, jumped high, and swung hard.


"It's very powerful and fast, not bad." Kei Nishikori praised, moving quickly, ready to swing.

Then, I saw the tennis ball slammed down and smashed into the ground, smashing the ground into a small pothole, just to put the tennis ball in it.

A few seconds later, it was the ground on which a hole was played, and the tennis ball sunk into the ground.


Takamura's special serving skills.

Possessing a first-hand serve magic skill has an absolute advantage in singles competitions.

Just like Tian Renzhi in Higa.

A big explosion left Echizen Ryoma helpless and dragged into a protracted war.

At this time, Echizen Ryoma, who had already defeated Sanada, was a real national-level master.

But facing the third-rate Tian Renzhi, he could only play tiebreak obediently.

The same goes for Tsukimitsu Ochi. One-handed Mach serve. If Mach serve was faster, Tsukimitsu Ochi could also score a tiebreak against a professional player.

Under the circumstance that the stunt of serve is not broken, the singles competition is guaranteed to be unbeaten.

(What?) Kei Nishikori was surprised.

This serve is not easy.

Taking a deep look at Takamura, Kei Nishikori was amazed.

"This serve is amazing.

"Unexpectedly." Atobe Fuyuan and the others, who didn't know the rules of tennis in great detail, naturally knew that Takamura's serve just now was incomprehensible under the rules of tennis.

"Haha," Mifune laughed, unexpectedly Takamura still had a hand.

No wonder, no wonder Takamura was so confident at the time.

Michu is now more and more looking forward to what cards Takamura has.

"Interesting." Nanjiro smiled, his interest growing.

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