I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 137 The shock of professional players

(The ball hits the ground and does not bounce, making it impossible to hit the ball.)

(Second swing? No, the force is too strong to affect the airflow.)

(Stomp your feet to cause a small earthquake? You can try it,)

(Perhaps, attacking with mental power to induce mistakes?)

Kei Nishikori's experience is so rich, just by looking at it, he knows a lot about Takamura's serve.

In an instant, three or four plans popped up in my mind.

Glancing at Takamura deeply, it was curious.

"That's right, this serve is rare at the professional level. 35

"That's normal. This was originally a serve for professional players, and basically no one can break it.

Kei Nishikori:

So immodest?

Atobe Fuyuan et al:

Young people are very energetic.

Three Mifūne Nyudō smiled three times.

Especially looking at the embarrassed expressions of others, San Mifūne Nyudō San was even happier.

Let them also know Makoto Takamura's irritating strength.

Nanjiro also laughed,

He found that Takamura and Ryoma were really similar in some ways.

The favorable impression of Takamura is also getting stronger and stronger.

"Be careful," Kei Nishikori said.

Start preparing for the break.

With a stomping, it was just when Takamura took off and did not jump, just at a point in time, which was the easiest time to interrupt Takamura's shot.

Rumbling, the ground undulating and swaying.

A magnitude 4.5 earthquake affected Takamura's serve posture.

"This is the power of professional players." Atobe Fuyuan looked envious.

The most terrifying earthquake in Japan can be created by raising your hand.

Time and space can't stop them.

The individual strength is exaggerated to the extreme.

It's a tennis world.

But Takamura has no effect. The control of his body to the peak, even if he is hit by someone, he cannot make his movements deformed.

Boom, another hole.


(Can't affect the action? Try this then.)

Huge mental force, impacted out.

Kei Nishikori is not good at mental power or strength, but at his level, even mental power is extremely terrifying.

Ordinary people will become idiots with a shock.

Then, it sinks into the sea and is completely useless.


Kei Nishikori was silent.

He is powerless.

So, on the last ball, Kei Nishikori did nothing but watch.


Atobe Fuyuan was surprised.

Unexpectedly, such a difficult task, Takamura completed so easily.

Others were speechless.

Originally, what I thought was that Takamura couldn't score from Nishikori Kei after all the hardships, to suppress Takamura's arrogance, and then the Tennis Association opened up on the net and agreed to Takamura's review, unexpected...

Even the three Mifūne Nyudō three were somewhat pleasantly surprised.

The stronger Takamura is, the happier he is.

"Senior, it's your time to serve." Takamura cried.

I thought silently about Kei Nishikori's playing characteristics.

Because he is an Asian, his strength is not strong, his pace is flexible, his tactics are changeable, and he is good at leveraging strength.

(Next, the real difficulty begins.)

Kei Nishikori hesitated.

Takamura, who has the stunt of serve, can drag the game into a tiebreak even if he can't catch a single ball.

Because Kei Nishikori couldn't break Takamura's serve game.

In this case, Kei Nishikori went crazy to continue playing with Takamura.

Once dragged into the tiebreak, he lost all face.

His position as the number one person in Japan will definitely be greatly affected.

This is also a master with the magical skills of serve. The reason is generally not strong.

Once the basic strength is up, Takamura is the answer.

But imagine Atobe Fuyuan, the task given by the Atobe chaebol.

Kei Nishikori could only hold on.

No matter how the game is played, Makoto Takamura, after this battle, must be famous.

Because the person who is fighting is Kei Nishikori.

"Interesting.||." Nanjiro smiled.

He also found out about Kei Nishikori's plight.

Nanjiro didn't laugh at him, because he was also very distressed, and there was nothing he could do for Takamura's serve in a short time.

It's not that I can't get it, it's that I can't get it.

This also means that if Nanjiro does not play violent tennis, he can only play tiebreak with Takamura.

(Young people, the future is really promising.)

"Raise the shield," Nanjiro said suddenly.

The others were taken aback and hurriedly followed suit.

One by one transparent plates rose around the court.

The protective plate is because the strength of the tennis players is too strong, and the onlookers are too dangerous.

Therefore, in a more advanced net court, in addition to professional players standing by at any time in case of unexpected events, there are also special protective panels to protect the audience.


(Did the strength of Takamura really reach such a level by raising the protective plate?) Atobe Fuyuan and the others were secretly shocked.

Raise the protective plate, this is a treatment only available in Grand Slam tournaments.

Doesn't this mean that Takamura's strength is ready for a Grand Slam?

Is this joke a little too big?

Kei Nishikori serve.


boom boom boom, a sound burst,

Totally beyond the sound.

One time the speed of sound, twice the speed of sound, or three times the speed of sound?

Not sure, just saw the light.

It seems to have been there.

Even Takamura looked very blurry.

Touch, 15:0.

Takamura simply couldn't handle it.

Atobe Fuyuan and others nodded,

That's right.

This is the absolute strength difference between the two sides.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three remained silent.

(Kid Takamura, what are you going to do now? From what I know about you, you won't give in easily.)

(Serve, Takamura-san is absolutely unstoppable.) Kei Nishikori is very confident.

Because, his serve speed, 3 times the speed of sound.

10 times the speed of sound, air resistance alone is comparable to steel.

Since Takamura can't break Takamura's serve game, then Takamura can't break his own serve game.

Takamura breathed lightly.

Sure enough, there is still a huge gap between the basic strength and the masters of the older generation.


The brain works and analyzes everything.

Calculate all the factors in the world, because the operation speed is extremely fast, so it seems to the user that time is suspended;

Also, because the space is also included, it can be waved on the weak point of the space, thereby causing space isolation.

Possessing transcendent defensive power, it is as if there is another dimension.

Absolute Defense, Far From Earthly Gensokyo

"What?" Kei Nishikori was surprised.

Being extremely sensitive to space, he keenly discovered that there seemed to be a line dividing the space into two halves.

And that line, is the racquet wielded by Takamura.

At such a young age, he has already set foot in space?

Moreover, is it still such a powerful space mystery?

"Even," Nanjiro was surprised a second time.

He also saw it, the space trick.

"Young man, I want to see what else you can surprise me with."

Glancing deeply at Takamura.

"It would be a pity if you thought you could stop me with space tricks," Kei Nishikori said.

"Space is indeed very strong, but sometimes, it is also fragile.

Kei Nishikori serves again.

This time, not only fast, together with the special rotation, even the space began to smash.

Takamura is absolutely irresistible.

Kei Nishikori was convinced.

At this time, in Takamura's eyes, because the calculation speed is too fast, everything in the world has completely stopped.

Including Nanjiro, they all guessed wrong. Gensokyo, far away from the world, not only involves emptiness, but also the mystery of time.

Under the time pause, all super-high-speed ball skills are completely invisible.


I saw Takamura, the same fast swing, not very fast, but, just blocked.

Touch, tennis hits back.

"Are you fighting back?"


Mifune shouted.

Mifune knows how fast Nishikori Kei is.

Guaranteed to start at 3 times the speed of sound, how could Takamura catch it?

"Interesting." Kei Nishikori said, he could see it.

Takamura's speed is not fast, it is not so much to catch, but to come to the front of the ball ahead of time.

Prediction? Intuition, or rather, seeing ahead?

Kei Nishikori smiled and became interested in this game for the first time.

Kei Nishikori fired back, this time at four times the speed of sound.

Then, the figure disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of the tennis ball.

The first characteristic of Kei Nishikori's playing is that his pace is changeable and his speed is fast.

It also represents one of the three stunts that Kei Nishikori has been famous for for a long time.

Without a shadow, without a trace, in simple terms, it is an instant movement.

The scope is, the entire court.

Hit the ball, disappear, hit the ball, disappear.

Kei Nishikori hits faster and faster, and he uses his speed to completely drown Takamura.

Even if you predict it, can you keep up with the speed of your reaction (money is good)?

(It's getting faster and faster.) Takamura said silently.

4.5 times the speed of sound, 5 times the speed of sound, 5.5 times the speed of sound...

Only Kei Nishikori, who has teleportation, can keep up with such fast tennis.

Kei Nishikori bombarded wildly, and his figure was all over the entire half court.

Tennis, I don't know how many afterimages appear at the same time.

200? Or 1000?

At this time, no one could see Kei Nishikori's movements except Echizen Nanjiro.

But, for Takamura.


In front of Takamura whose time was suspended,

No matter how fast Kei Nishikori is, it is the same for Takamura.

(There is still no breakthrough, what exactly is this mystery? It seems that it is not just a simple space?) Kei Nishikori became more and more frightened as he fought.

Because he found that he could not break Takamura's defense.

The self who moved in an instant couldn't break through the defense of a middle school student?

If it is exposed, Kei Nishikori will definitely become a laughing stock.

(It's not just space, but also time. This is the profound meaning of the mixture of time and space. Looking at the effect, it is impossible for time to accelerate. It should be a kind of time suspension.) Nanjiro became serious.

The little sister in her arms is no longer fragrant.

(Ki Nishikori, if you just use pure speed, you cannot break the mystery of time.)

(The speed you are good at is completely restrained.)

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