I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 148 Indian Goddess

As soon as I entered the hotel, there were beautiful waiters around me, and from time to time, they used the excuse of service to get close to Takamura.

Looking at the shy eyes again, the eyes that are secretly sullen, what you want to do is easy.

The head coach three Mifūne Nyudō three, as well as the entire coaching staff, Kurobe Yukio and the others, although they are sitting on top of their heads, they are obviously in a state.

I hastily, three Mifūne Nyudō three said the home field advantage is not this, right?

Takamura was taken aback.

Soon, three Mifūne Nyudō three gathered everyone and explained why.

India has a special product called goddess.

The goddess is the wife of the Hindu gods, but the gods cannot appear in the world, so only the Brahmins are the only sacrifices to perform the duties of the husband.

To put it simply, it is the female branch of the Hindu religion.

And India, in order to win, usually uses goddesses to serve the contestants before the game.

If there are players who can't help it, the competitive state will be greatly affected.

Moreover, if the coach is in a trance, it is conceivable for the players to accidentally reveal some confidential information.

"Doesn't anyone care?" Tezuka Kunimitsu looked incredulous.

Obviously, it is also shocked by India's shamelessness.

"What to do? Those were the waitresses who had a crush on the players and wanted to have a good relationship. After the game, she realized the cruelty of reality and the gap between the two sides, so she had to give up this temporary relationship.

what you want. It is a beautiful encounter in life. 35

"As for the past, they were all normal waiters, but they just happened to have a goddess experience. 35

Three What Mifūne Nyudō did not say is that national tennis associations, as well as the International Tennis Association, still hope to have such benefits, no, a relationship.

At least three Mifūne Nyudō liked it.

What, you say female high-level?

There are no goddesses, and there are many little Brahmin monks.

Otherwise, what kind of monks do you think those 830 worshipers will accept?

A change of taste is not the patent of the corrupt country.

Takamura sweats, the Indians deserve to be able to play, in order to win, it is also difficult for them.

"This..." Looking at the disillusioned players, San Mifūne Nyudō San couldn't help sighing.

In the end is a child, or some naive.

Hindu goddesses are only paediatrics.

The most powerful is undoubtedly the pressure from the national level.

For example, 20 years ago, the Brazilian team experienced a life-and-death battle, and only by winning can they qualify for the group.

As a result, the opponent's Xiazhiguan Republic team was ordered to lose.

Afterwards, the Brazilian government provided 20 billion US dollars in interest-free loans and 1 billion tons of rice to the government of the Republic of Xiazhiguan.

There is also the tacit ball, the two sides of the game unite to eliminate the poorly performing opponents.

At the level of the World Cup, tacit understanding and match-fixing have long been part of the game.

Likewise, it is accepted by the world.

"I warn you, don't do anything humiliating to me. If you lose the game because of this, I can't spare you. San Mifūne Nyudō San sneered.

Then, in the bedroom, there are two glamorous waiters.

Three Mifūne Nyudō's face twitched, and with great will, the two were driven out of the room.

Then, with the coaching staff, continue to work.

"Hey. 99

After talking again, San Mifūne Nyudō San felt really great.

Stick to ING.PJG

"Then I'll go back to my room." Sanada Genichiro said.

Goddess? What is that, is it fun to have tennis?

Tezuka, Yukimura, Fuji et al agree.

As for the others, such as Kazena, they are actually very interested in goddesses.

After all, he is a high school student, or an athlete. Under the urging of vigorous He Ermeng,

It is normal to be a little curious about a hazy relationship.

However, after thinking about it, Kazena still suppressed the Qi training in his heart.

The players of the first army, whichever one has a strong self-control.


Pre-war meetings are also being held.

"The ranking of the Japanese team is higher than us, and the junior high school students must not be underestimated." Narendra Modi said.

"So what? Just a junior high school student," Chandra Bose said.

India NO.3.

Most people smiled.

After all, he was only a junior high school student.

Narendra Modi retorted. He is NO.2.

"Others can leave it alone, but Makoto Takamura, Zhao Rihao who defeated Han not long ago, must not be underestimated. 35

"That's right,"

"I feel so too.

For a time, many people agreed.

"So you're so brave?

"The descendants of Shiva will not lose.

"Too cowardly."

Another wave of people said.

The coach rubbed his head with a headache.

Just by looking at Chandra Bose's surname, it's a noble Brahmin,

Modi, on the other hand, is the third rank of Vaishya.

The contradiction between inferiority and superiority has a long history.

It's not that Bowes doesn't know how terrible Zhao Rihao is, and it's not that he doesn't know that Makoto Takamura, who can defeat Zhao Rihao, needs to be afraid.

But, sometimes, people object for the sake of objection.

Like now.

Modi's strength is a strong candidate for the first person in India's U17, but just because he is inferior, even if Modi is the strongest, he will never be able to achieve the NO.1 seat.

What's more, Nehru was not a vegetarian.

"Okay, what Bowes said is good, junior high school students, don't pay attention." The coach still chose Brahmin, there was no way, because he was also a Brahmin.

"However, we can't be careless and play our home advantage as usual."

India's home court is not just with goddesses.

The next day, Takamura and others took the bus to the court.

As a result, on both sides of the bus and on both sides of the street, there were people's heads in darkness.

The Indians opened their eyes wide, waved their arms, held banners, and fluttered their hands and feet.

Make the bus go very slowly.

"They, won't let us (chbj) be late? They say we abstain." Irie wondered.

"Don't worry, the Indian team won't dare," Takamura said, "maximum Kaka time, shorten our rest time. ""

In addition, it is the climate.


Different from the coolness of Japan.

And terrain.

If the opponent is from the plains, the playing field is the Deccan Plateau.

If the opponent is from a highland area, the playing field is in Madrid.

Use altitude sickness as a powerful weapon.

India really takes everything into consideration.

The net court in India is open air.

And, there are a lot of people. A full 100,000 people watched.

This is certainly not a net court with so many seats, it is purely a traditional Indian ability.

A seat can be used for two or even three people.

There are also aisles, corridors, and railings, all of which can seat people.

"Oh?" Indian NO.1 Nehru frowned, always feeling a little strange about Takamura.

Takamura understood.

It is also a strong person who practiced the "Supreme Veto Sutra", and he always has a unique temperament.

Three of the singles, it was Tezuka Kunimitsu against Sharma.

A NO. 7, the other is NO.5

"That one over there, are you Tezuka Kunimitsu? 55 Sharma pointed at Tezuka.

"You are only at the junior high school level, and your so-called zero-style serve has already made me see through.


Game start.

Tezuka serve.

Head start.

Zero serve.

Sharma stared closely, he knew very well about zero-style serve.

"Tennis" magazine has long exposed all the secrets of the zero-style serve.

Mental power, turned into sharp swords, all dispatched.

(Zero serve, think I can't break it?) Sharma sneered.

If you can't crack the zero-style serve, then you can crack the zero-style serve.

India, who is naturally good at spiritual genres, is confident about it.

The result, a perfect zero-style serve, rolls slowly.


"Impossible." Sharma exclaimed, how could his mental power be ineffective?

Tezuka serves again.

This time, Sharma didn't hold back, using her fingers to guide Tezuka's sight, and using her voice to interfere with Tezuka's judgment, all her mental power spurted out.

However, useless.

All mental attacks are useless.

Another ball.


Staring closely at Tezuka, Sharma felt humiliated when he remembered Modi's words.

Even Tezuka said nothing.

Not only for Modi, but also for himself.

"I'm angry, the next you will be miserable, because you angered me, Virat Sharma..."

Another zero serve, another score.


Sharma's face turned blue and white, and he felt Modi's playful gaze.

Looking at Tezuka coldly, Sharma also acted lazily and just looked at Tezuka's serve.


The second sentence, Sharma serve.

A super-long topspin ball kicked off the curtain.

In addition to the huge spiritual power, Sharma also has extremely superb skills, using his talent to erase all the rotation of tennis.

"You're done," Sharma yelled.

The racquet tilts, the net rubs the tennis ball, and in an instant, all the spin of the tennis ball, all disappears.

Three rounds, all failed.

Tezuka didn't stop and quickly went to the other side to catch the ball.

"Sharma's ball-handling skills are the strongest in our Indian team." Indian coach Gandhi is confident, this is his arrangement for Tezuka.

Tezuka, on the other hand, remembered Takamura's order before the battle.

"For this game, don't use seamless.


"The opponent's ability is to make the rotation invalid, just to restrain you, which is an experience for you."

Tezuka understood.

Pressure, what you need is pressure.

"Also, if you are not feeling well, the first few sentences will focus on defense.

"It's okay, it's acceptable."

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