I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 149 Do you believe it

Bang bang bang, the two sides fought fiercely.

Sharma is also full of confidence. In the case of completely destroying the field, he has overwhelming advantages in speed, strength, and endurance.

After all, it's just a junior high school student.

This was Xia-Erma's original idea.

But the reality is that Tezuka's speed, stamina, and most critical skills are not under his own.

In the case that the field was completely invalid, he even had a tie with a junior high school student.

This shocked Sharma.

(Impossible, just a junior high school student, how can he be so strong?)

Sharma was incredulous in her heart, and instead, stepped up her attack.

(I must win and cannot live up to God's high expectations.)

The speed of the ball, again increasing, put Tezuka under increasing pressure.

(Tezuka, this is your chance to evolve.) Takamura looked at Erlang's legs.

Takamura has long known India's plans.

India wants to use Sharma's technical features against Tezuka.

Why didn't Takamura use this opportunity to strengthen the power of Tezuka and others.

Pressure has always been the best stage for the evolution of genius.

(The Indians may not have thought of killing them, but Tezuka and the others will continue to evolve, right?) Takamura smiled.

After all, without personal experience, who would know that there will be people in the world who not only evolve?

Among them, the most exaggerated are Echizen Ma and Fuji Syusuke.

Touch, zero chop, Tezuka score.

Shoot, strong smash, Sharma scores.

Touch, use the anti-shock force of tennis to increase the strength and speed of hitting.

Tezuka scored.

Move fast and knock the ball down the frontcourt.

Sharma scores.

You come to me on both sides, and do not give in to each other.

Sharma gets more and more shocked, while Tezuka, keeps focusing.

Close combat, formidable foes, is Tezuka's dream.

Slowly, under strong pressure, Tezuka seemed to break a certain constraint, his technique became more and more refined, his strength began to increase, and his speed began to accelerate.

Tezuka, began to evolve.

The first thing I felt was Sharma.

(His speed, strength, keep improving? What's going on?)

Sharma was shocked.

Suddenly, an idea rushed into his mind inexplicably.

Could it be that the other party has hidden strength, or evolved?

(No, impossible, it must be hidden strength.)

Sharma secretly resented, and was extremely resentful about Tezuka's practice of hiding her strength.

Tezuka doesn't care what Sharma thinks.

The spirit becomes more and more concentrated, and the speed and strength continue to emerge.


Ball speed increased again.


Touching and hitting the ball back, the huge power on it made Sharma feel a little uncomfortable for a while.


(Damn.) Sharma gritted her teeth.

Touch, 5:3.

Touch and get another point.


The second set begins.

The situation has not changed.

And, as the game progressed, not only Sharma, but also the audience discovered Tezuka's strength, and it continued to improve.

"what happened?

"Fight back, Sharma.

"Great India will not lose."

The audience was hoarse.

But it didn't work.

In the game, Tezuka was still playing against Sharma.

The Indian team looked heavy.

"Sharma is going to lose.

"It seems that we still underestimate junior high school students." Modi said solemnly.

"It's underestimated, but India will not lose." Nehru said indifferently.

"The next doubles, but those two people.

"Our trump card."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone smiled.

Yes, those two will not lose.

"I'm not going to lose.," Sharma yelled, playing her own trick.

With a flash of light, Tezuka anticipated the spin of the tennis ball and slammed it, and the tennis ball applied the spin again.

Sharma was overjoyed.

"Haha, it's really stupid to dare to use spin. 99

It is necessary to use your own stunt to eliminate the rotation.

However, as soon as racquet came into contact with the tennis ball, his expression changed.

Because, his trick is ineffective.

Rotate, did not disappear.

Boom, tennis out.

Tezuka Phantom.


"Impossible, why is my stunt useless?" Sharma couldn't believe it.

Rotate, it should disappear completely.

"The trick is only useful for opponents of the same level, and it is useless for players whose strength is too much higher than himself," Takamura said calmly.

The baptism of Polk's vortex, if Sharma is at the same level as Polk, it can be easily deciphered.

After all, it is a spin, even if it is the ultimate spin, it is also a spin.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

However, it is precisely because of the disparity in strength that Sharma cannot break the vortex's baptism even if he exerts his milk-feeding strength.

Just like Tezuka now.

And Sharma, is not the same level.

The reappearance of the realm and the extreme rotation made Sharma's trick all useless.

(Impossible, my trick is to restrain him, his rotation should be ineffective.) Sharma kept roaring in his heart.

Unfortunately, the development of things is not transferred by the development of people.

Final, 6:0

Tezuka, with 6:3 and 6:0 respectively, won.

"Congratulations, a great game. 99

Takamura reached out.

"Ah." Tezuka nodded.

Sitting on the bench, recovering physical strength, and recalling the scene in the game.


Recall your own style of play, analyze the situation of the game, and think about your own shortcomings.

As a tennis player, it is constant training and constant reflection.

'Damn,' Sharma's face was pale, and he still didn't understand how his unique trick would fail.

Or he understands, but is reluctant to admit it.

He does not admit that a junior high school student has stronger basic strength than himself.

"It's shameful enough." Modi said coldly.

"Hmph, leading for a while is not equal to leading for a lifetime, the opponent's strength is only slightly stronger than me, as long as I train for a period of time, defeating him is like pinching an ant to death. 35

Modi smiled.

Only said one sentence.

"Do you believe it yourself?"5


The others held back their laughter, not squinting.

The two doubles, the ones sent by Japan are Kazena, Seiichi Yukimura.

And India sent, it is the devout duo.

Hrithik Ambedar, Shaqi Surangi.

The two, like Modi, are of lower caste. Even, the two are the lowest Sudra.

As for Dalit Dalits? Those are untouchables, not human at all.

The reason why they are called the devout duo is because they worship God.

Among them, Hrithik Ambedar only drank the water of the Ganges in order to express his worship to the gods, and bathed in the Ganges every day for an hour to show his devotion to the gods.

Saki Surangi, on the other hand, was an ascetic who gave up a comfortable life in order to express his faith in God, and was unkempt and ragged.

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