I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty God Descends

As soon as the two of Amberdar appeared, an unspeakable smell swept the audience.

It seems to be a collection of various pungent smells such as rotten eggs, garbage heaps, and rotten food, which makes people sick.

Made Yukimura both frown.

They who have read the information, of course, know that the body odor of the devout duo comes from the ascetic life and the Ganges River.

The smell is a powerful weapon for the two of them.

Sachi serve.

As Sage moved, Sage's body odor, along with the airflow, made Yukimura pale and his stomach rolled.

A touch.


"Using body odor as an attacking weapon, I never imagined that tennis players still have such a strange thing." Yukimura was speechless, covering her nose.

"No way, all over the world, there are many wonderful players." Kazena is not surprised.

Wasn't there a Paris fashion show in the French team a few months ago? Every time you hit the ball, you would put a POSE on the court;

A good competition, abruptly became a model show;

There is also the Alame Norma national team, as long as the game, will sing.

Not only the contestants sing, but even the cheerleading team can sing all the time.

Kazena also covered her nose.

But even so, it still feels a little disgusting.

"Haha, the sense of smell is an extremely powerful weapon. The two members of the Japanese "830" team have been greatly affected by their competitive state. This time, we have won the game." The Indian coach was complacent.

"That's right, after all, even we can't stand Amberdar, the others..." Nehru smiled.

Then, he suddenly remembered that the devout duo were standing on his right not long ago.

Then, Nehru quietly took a few steps back.

"Haha, look at the Japanese team, all covering their noses.

"It's a gift from God."

"Get down on your knees, or you will be punished by God.

The audience shouted.

Yukimura ignored him, he now understood Takamura's thoughts.

The first is to reverse your five senses.

Smell, disappeared.

In an instant, Yukimura felt alive.

Then, Yukimura looked at Kazena.

"Let's do it," said 35 Kazena.

Just now, the two of them had a warm-up and fought against each other.

Enough Yukimura to activate the five senses.

"Smell, erase."

Add Chi Kazena, lose the sense of smell.

The two were resurrected in situ.

"What are they two doing?" Hrithik Amberdar wondered.

"Don't worry about it, people who don't respect God will definitely lose." Shaqi Surangi said.

Continue to serve.

However, Kazena and Yukimura, who are no longer affected by the smell, are no longer able to fight against each other.

Touch, Yukimura shot back.

Kazena followed and would hit the ball back again, scoring with a short ball.


Yukimura made a super-speed chop and scored again.


Touch, intercept again, this time is a baseline attack.


The Indian serve bureau was broken.

Add Chi Kazena serve.

The ultra-high-speed serve made the devout duo helpless.

(How are they unaffected?)

The devout duo were shocked.

For the first time in their experience, they completely ignored the smell.

Others, even teammates who get along day and night, can't stand it.

Well, the two of them also know that their own experience is indescribable.

So usually, they are hiding from the crowd.

Soon, the score reached 4:0.

"Does India only have this kind of strength?" 35 Yukimura sneered, "Aside from the bad smell, you two are pitifully weak. 35

The devout duo were mad to death.

Looking at each other, the two decided to use all their strength.

"Great Brahma, grant me strength.

"Great Shiva, humble Saki, ask for your blessings.

In an instant, a powerful force enveloped the devout duo.

The originally scrawny body, rapidly expanding, shrinking muscles, became strong, awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament, shrouded the two of them.

(Appeared, that's what Takamura was talking about.) Kazena.

(India's unspoken secret, using mental power to hypnotize yourself, hypnotize yourself to be invincible, invincible self-confidence, can make users stronger and stronger in battle,

Going a step further, it can liberate the limitations of the body and greatly increase its own strength, just like obtaining the gift of God. This is the supreme meaning of India, God descends. ) Takamura thought silently.


The ball flies quickly.

"So fast." Yukimura secretly said.

The speed of the ball has doubled compared to before.

Not only that, but also power.

Yukimura shot back, accidentally. Racquet felt a little unstable.

"The strength has been at least doubled.

The devout duo officially made a show of power.

He also brought his own strength to the same level as Yukimura.

"After using God's Arrival, the strength of the pious duo can be squeezed into the top three in the Indian team. Nehru's eyes are full of pity.

"Team Japan, you guys, can you stop it? Stop the power of God?"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom . A real battle, evenly matched.

Touch and the tennis ball flies out.


Indian team scores.

"Long battle," said Kazena.

The time of God's descent cannot last. Once the time limit is passed, the Indian team will fall into a weak state, but walkover.

"No, I want to try their strength." Yukimura said.

Evenly matched battle, heavy pressure, can better promote progress.

Kazena was stunned for a moment, and gave Yukimura a deep look.

"Are you sure? The devout duo, they are ascetic monks, your spiritual attack is useless to them.

"I know.

Yukimura nodded.

Whether it is YIPS, manipulation of the five senses, or illusion, spiritual puppet line, all spiritual attacks, all of them are invalid for the devout duo.

The mental resistance of the two is really too strong.

It's just that Tiank all spiritual schools.

However, it was because of restraint that he had to compete more so that he could better know his weaknesses.

Just like the last one.

I want to try it out and use the basics.

Yukimura, in addition to the terrifying mental attack, also has eyes that see through the essence of all tricks, and a super strong foundation.

Kaze Kazena silent,

This time, he knew the gap between himself and Yukimura.

In the face of God's descent, I thought of dragging, walkover.

But Yukimura, thought it was a head-on.

even if restrained.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you.""

The game starts again.

This time, it was a head-on fight.

Yukimura's see-through essence, super strong foundation, and Kazena's speed.

The strength of the two individuals is strong,

Against the tacit cooperation of the devout duo, all mental attacks must be nullified.

This time, it was really evenly matched.

Touch, the tennis ball falls, hitting the baseline.


Yukimura scored.

Touch, attack quickly, and hit the loopholes in cooperation.


Tennis changes rapidly, from extremely slow to extremely fast, in the blink of an eye.


The two sides do not want to let each other.

It also made the onlookers hooked.

"come on,"

"Come on India.

"Defeat the blasphemers.

Gradually, the long-term pressure gradually released the potential of the two.

The insufficiency of the foundation began to be gradually made up, and the unfamiliar cooperation began to become more and more tacit.

The most important thing is to improve the strength.

For a long time, Yukimura hadn't played basic tennis, and only fought on basics.

That invigorating feeling made Yukimura more and more comfortable.

(What happened? How did the Japanese team evolve again?) The Indian coach was sweating profusely.

He didn't understand that everything was going according to plan.

As a result, the competition is compared, and the opponent suddenly evolves, disrupting all deployments, which is a hairy.

What did the Japanese team do?

Why can it evolve?

Coach Gandhi pulled back his hair and was about to go bald.

Touch, the tennis ball zips through and scores again.


The Japanese team won the first set.

"Unexpectedly," Shaqi Surangi was surprised.

I couldn't catch the ball just now.

When the speed and race started, it was 50% faster.

"Could it be that they still hide their strength?" Hrithik Amberdar doubted.

Confidence, greatly frustrated.

(Oops, in addition to the time limit, the goddess must not have the slightest doubt about himself. Once there is doubt, the effect of hypnosis will be gone.) The coach is anxious.

shout right away,

"Believe in yourself, you have been blessed by God and are invincible."

But it's useless, the coach's encouragement is completely inferior to the actual education.

With another loss of 1 point,

Self-confidence completely collapsed.

The sturdy body of the devout duo quickly changed back to a scrawny figure.

God descended, broken.

"It's over. Coach 35 is sitting on the bench of coach 1.9.

The game is over.

"Impossible, how did the glory of God disappear?"

"O Shiva, hurry up and bring down your glory."9

"God, have you abandoned us?"

Indian audience shouted.

Can't believe it.

And the Indian team.

Everyone was shocked.

God descends, the supreme mystery of India, a stunt that only tenacious ascetic monks can practice, has it been broken?

"The strength of the Japanese team is so strong?" Aamir Khan was incredulous.

That is God's descent, is the supreme meaning of India.

Modi was silent.

Even he felt that he had underestimated the Japanese team.

(Even a Seiichi Yukimura has such strength, how strong is Makoto Takamura, who is firmly ranked No. 1 in the world? Can I defeat it?) Modi has no idea.

The development of things does not depend on the will of the Indians.

The game has been completely one-sided.

The devout duo had absolutely no counterattack.

Touch, add Chi Kazena to score.

Boom, Yukimura counters, the ball hits the corner.

Touch, the ball falls to the ground, along the ground, quickly across.


The Japanese team won.

So far, India has been squeezed into a corner.

If you lose again, you will lose,

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