I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 151: A thousand years at a glance

India was cornered.

If you lose again, you will lose.

Singles two, the Japanese team played, it is Makoto Takamura.

No.1 in Japan, rated as the strongest junior high school student in the world

All the Indian players were silent.

If they said before, they thought that the strongest in the world was bought by Makoto Takamura.

The reports in Tennis are also made up.

But now, after two battles, this idea has long been thrown into the ground.

Just kidding, it's just that several junior high school students whose evaluations are not as good as Takamura, when they arrive in the Indian team, they are all ranked in the top 3, so Makoto Takamura's strength...

After thinking about it, the Indian team NJO.1 Nehru laughed.

"Modi, come on, as a civilian hero.

Modi cursed inwardly.

Why didn't you allow it before, but now that you see the strength of the Japanese team, you shrink?

"Haha, after all, I'm only No. 2, and my name is not right. Now it's the No. 1 battle." Modi said, very sincere.

"No no no, who doesn't know, Modi, 27 is a peerless genius born in India once in a century, and he will definitely lead us to victory in India." This is Nehru's faction.

"No no, it's still Nehruqiang, the real India first, and he has a bigger grasp." This is Modi's faction.

"No, I still think..."

Both sides blame each other.

Without the certainty of victory, no one wants to take the responsibility of failure on themselves.

The angry coach Gandhi looked ashen.

With no responsibility at all, how can we lead India to rise?

"Enough, listen to the voices outside, India, must not surrender without a fight. Gandhi shouted.

The audience outside was shouting for the heroes of India.

"Nehru, Nehru. 35

"Modi, Modi,

"Beat Japan.""

"Victory belongs to India."

The gongs and drums are loud.

Everyone was silent, but no one took the initiative.

Disappointed Gandhi.

With them, can they really lead India to rise?

"Nehru, you go.

Gandhi speaks.

Nehru's face turned bitter.

This time, it is impossible to escape.

Nehru walked heavily onto the court. Walking very slowly, I want Gandhi to change his mind,

But it was clear that Nehru thought too much.

Helpless, Nehru can only play.

Causing the crowd to cheer.


"Hero of India."

"I knew that you were the strongest, the hero of India."9

Make Nehru more miserable.

If you lose, then...

The second of singles is the NO of both parties. 1 battle.

Nehru also eased his mind, and in the end he was also a super strong man who had experienced many battles.

(Since you are on the court, do your best, even if you lose.)

After thinking about it, the Supreme Veduo Sutra was fully activated, and blue light appeared in his eyes.

mental attack.

(mental attack, interesting.) Takamura laughed.

Spiritual attack, he is not inferior to anyone else.

The same Supreme Veduo, the same spiritual attack.

It's just that Takamura, who is more powerful, doesn't need blue light at all.

That's so stupid, it's the result of not being able to cultivate.

Boom, battlefield, into the spiritual world.

This is a vast country, a fertile land flowing with milk and honey, ancient India.

Nehru, after years of crusades and wars, finally unified most of India, leaving only a part of the southern tip of the Indian peninsula.

He established an unprecedentedly powerful dynasty - the Peacock Dynasty.

It was the first time in the history of India that the Indian region was basically unified.


This time, he wants to go south, unify India, and accomplish an unprecedented feat.

Then, on the eve of his imminent success, he failed.

Because a powerful country in the northeast.

The Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who had just unified the six kingdoms, under his greedy and insatiable ambition, the brutal Da Qin army, led by the killing god Bai Qi, killed him.

There are mass graves everywhere, an entity, and the dilapidated palace, marking its collapsed empire.

The picture turned, and a prosperous court appeared. This time, Nehru established the vast Gupta Empire, whose territory was not under the Mauryan Dynasty.

He is the super sun king, the god king who surpasses the sun.

Then, because of the bordering of a powerful enemy, his empire was shattered.

The traitor, Cao Amo, went back on his word. During the negotiation, he led his troops over the unattainable Himalayas and directly destroyed his empire.

The most hateful thing is what Cao Amo said.

"In the future, your wife is my wife, I will take good care of them, you don't have to worry, just go in peace."

The last picture Nehru saw was the picture of his queen, daughter, shy in the arms of Cao Amo.

Again, this time, it was during the Mughal Empire, and Nehru's name was Timur.

Once again, the Indian continent is once again unified, and this time, it is truly the strongest in the world.

Then, because of the arrival of the Three Treasures Eunuch, Zheng He led the arrival of the Daming Armada, and the nightmare came.

In the end, after half a lifetime of unremitting efforts, Nehru finally liberated the great India from the evil British colonists.

He is the greatest liberator in the history of India, the founder of the Congress Party, the leader of the Third World, the advocate of the Non-Aligned Movement, and led India to become the world's largest developing dynasty.

After that, it will also inherit the British heritage and completely replace the United Kingdom in the world. Become the leader of the Commonwealth.

India has become a powerful country.

Then, because of friction with a strong neighbor to the north.

Under the warning "Don't say it's not in advance",

830 Madrid was broken, India was dismembered, and the efforts of the first half of his life came to nothing.

India's heart is completely broken.

Then, India was torn apart, local governments were no longer obeying the orders of the central government, ignorant people were everywhere, corruption was rampant, and it became a capital of strong women.

The powerful country has completely become a joke.

Although there are a lot of words, in reality, it is only a short three minutes.

Three minutes, nothing, at most 3 rounds, at most 12 serve times.

But in the spiritual world, a long time has passed.

A thousand years.

"Puchi", Nehru vomited blood.

Looking at Takamura's eyes, full of resentment.

It was him who made himself feel the grief of India. India, which is divided into four parts, enslaved, and India, has completely become a joke.

What frightened Nehru even more was that everything in the spiritual world was so real.

It's like, that's how history should be. The northeast should not be the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean, but an ancient and powerful country that will always be on India.

Every time India rises up, that damn country will slap India a few times, telling the son that it is always the son.

Nothing has changed.

How could this not be hated by Nehru.

Because that country completely wiped out India's dream of a great power and a great power.

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