I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 152 Full of Confidence Tokugawa Kazuya

"You..." Nehru spat out a large mouthful of blood again, his face was pale, and he could not stand still.

'what happened?'

"What's the matter?"

"Nehru, what are you doing?" the Indian audience shouted.

That is incomprehensible.

Only senior spectators, tennis lovers who know mental attack, know that, perhaps, Nehru has been defeated in the spiritual world.

But how is this possible?

India, but one of the countries that is best at mental attack...

"Do you still want to fight?" Takamura asked.

Nehru shook his head sadly.

His confidence was completely shattered.

The whole heart is gone.

"I surrender.

"Are you sure you want to admit defeat? Once you admit defeat, the Japanese team will directly win." The referee confirmed again.


This sentence is like adding fuel to the fire.

In an instant, the entire court was ignited.


"What are you doing? Nehru?"

"This joke is not funny."

"Stop pretending, stand up, and have a fight."

"You must have been bribed, you don't deserve to be No.1 in India.

The Indians were dissatisfied, they did not understand why Nehru gave up after watching the battle for three minutes before the battle started.

Still standing still.

Apart from match-fixing, in addition to being bribed, there is no other reason.

Some people have popular science spiritual schools, and popular science spiritual attacks.

But Indians don't care at all.

"Great India is undefeated."

"Under the light of God, any kind of mental attack is bullshit.

"Then how can the two of Amberdar not be affected by the mental attack?

Indians do not believe, or rather, do not want to believe, and the Indians who are very high-spirited do not accept failure.

Still in such a humiliating way.

On the other hand, the Indian team had a heavy face.

"Psychic Attack. 99

"Makoto Takamura, he knows how to attack mentally? So what's his weakness?

Everyone was shocked.

Technology, strength, speed, stamina, coupled with the mysterious spiritual power, is it that, Makoto Takamura, invulnerable?

This really doesn't work?

"Makoto Takamura, what strength do you have?.||." Sharma was downcast.

"Perhaps, this is the strength of the number one in the world. No.4 Shalkhan said.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was silent.

Now, everyone in India really knows the meaning of being the strongest in the world.

Even a junior high school student is terrifyingly strong.

And NO.2 Modi, more concerned about the spirit of Nehru.

(What did Nehru go through? How can I see his appearance? He was severely injured physically and mentally, and completely lost his confidence?)

(To admit defeat in public, I am afraid, Nehru, is completely abolished.)

Team Japan, San Mifūne Nyudō San was also shocked.

(This kid, will he attack mentally?)

Then, San Mifūne Nyudō San quickly calmed down.

After all, Takamura surprised him, or shocked him, too much.

Startled, startled, and numb.

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three: I, the numb man, will no longer be shocked.

On the contrary, the players of the Japanese team, especially the high school students, shook their heads and smiled wryly again.

Once the mental weakness is made up, they really don't know how to beat Takamura.

Or, with physical strength?

In the end, because of Nehru's surrender,

Total score, 3:0.

The Japanese team won.

In the top ten in Asia, they won 2 games and ranked first.

Immediately after the game is over, it's December.

The old year is coming to an end soon.

As the New Year is approaching, U17s also have a full holiday, 5 days, and 7 days for junior high school students, let them go back to relax and spend a new year.

Takamura went back and took a good rest.

Accompanying family members, meeting friends, and Yumiko have a good time together and feel the world.

Tennis is just a part of life.

The world is still colorful.

After that, the new year begins.

Today, U17 has a newcomer.

Tokugawa Kazuya.

Tokugawa Kazuya, who showed extraordinary tennis talent since childhood, was sent to Europe by the Japan Tennis Association to receive an elite education.

So that Tokugawa Kazuya, become an ace in Japan.

Although, according to the current posture, this trump card, he can not become.

Tokugawa Kazuya is cool, with a handsome face and undisguised arrogance. As soon as he entered the U17, he went straight to Takamura.

"I heard that you are the main general of Japan, and I will challenge you. 35

"If you lose, then the No. 1 seat is mine. 99



Others were also blinded.

It's too arrogant to challenge NO.1 right away.

If you know it, you know your character, but if you don't know it, you think you're a megalomaniac.

"Tokugawa, you just got off the plane, shouldn't you take a rest?"

Someone advised.

"No, the Japanese level of tennis, I know. Tokugawa Kazuya turned around.

"It doesn't matter if it's not in the best shape.

All of a sudden it's a map cannon.

Some people are already dissatisfied.

"I came back to China today to reform Japan's U17, strengthen Japan's strength, and lead everyone to achieve good results.

Takamura: Little brother, I kind of know, Byōdōin Hōō, why did he keep abusing you.

With your broken mouth, it's no wonder that Byōdōin Hōō didn't hit you.

"" "Let's play a game, if you lose, give up the position of the main general.

other people:……

Three Mifūne Nyudō three:

It can be seen that this kid has no emotional intelligence.

All minds are on tennis.

"Okay, let's have a fight."

Tokugawa Kazuya is not only cool in person, cool in character, cool in tennis too.

Tokugawa Kazuya walked.

He knew the eyes of the people around him, but he didn't care.

He returned from studying abroad in Europe, and his strength cannot be matched by his colleagues in Japan.

After all, the center of tennis is in Europe.

As for Makoto Takamura, the only thing that made him pay attention was to beat Tata in Switzerland.

It is this that makes Tokugawa Kazuya, put Takamura on the same level as himself, or even higher.

As for Japan's No.1, what is the strongest junior high school student, just listen to it, in Tokugawa Kazuya's mind, it is worthless.

"You serve."

De (Qian Hao) Kawawa is also generous. He will use his invincible strength to completely overwhelm Makoto Takamura and win the U17NO.1.

Next, conquer U17.

Then, lead the Japanese team to achieve better results in the World Cup.

That's what Tokugawa Kazuya thinks.

Japan, the gap with Europe is too big, there is no time to waste.

We must start now, immediately and immediately, to make changes to strengthen the strength of the Japanese team and shorten the gap with Europe.

That's why Tokugawa Kazuya was in a hurry.

"Well, I hope you don't regret it," Takamura said.

"of course not."

Tokugawa poses.

Strictly waiting to be lifted.

What kind of genius enemy has he not seen in Europe?


Well, at the level of Tasta, Tokugawa has never really played against each other.

His level is not enough.

However - Tokugawa Kazuya is confident that his own strength will not lose to anyone.

Then in the next second, his face changed greatly.

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