I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 153 Defeated Tokugawa Kazuya

Because Tokugawa Kazuya only felt that he was facing a giant beast.

That is, can swallow oneself, behemoth.

Especially with intuitive support.

Intuition, a talent unique to Tokugawa Kazuya, can predict the opponent's ball path, or in other words, can see the picture of the future.

It is the ability of time, which is extremely abnormal.

The prediction that data tennis has been pursuing is indeed the most basic in Tokugawa's hands.

But it is under the intuitive feeling, Tokugawa Kazuya, can better appreciate the power of Takamura.

(Two goals, no, one, I can't catch it.)

Intuitively, Tokugawa Kazuya saw his future.

No matter what he did, all he saw was a picture of himself being defeated.

Also, it failed miserably.

(Is this the genius who defeated Takamura? How big is the gap between me and Takamura?) Tokugawa was in a cold sweat.

He could not have imagined that the difference in strength was a bit big.

"What, you were so arrogant just now, why did you wither in a second?" Du Ren complained.

He was just interested.

"I thought it was a bit of fun, but it turned out to be a waste." This is Matsudaira Chen Yan.

"It's awesome, who can't pretend to force it. 95

The momentary chatter made Tokugawa Kazuya pale.

830 "What's wrong? You admit defeat?" Takamura laughed while looking at Tokugawa, who was sweating coldly.

"Of course not." Tokugawa calmed down, ignoring what he saw directly.

(Calm, Tokugawa, calm, just serve. Also, even if the strength gap is too big, don't panic.)

Tokugawa Kazuya, never gives up.

At this time, Tokugawa also knew that he underestimated the heroes of the world.

Underestimate Japan.

I was just too arrogant.

(bring it on.)

Tokugawa Kazuya calmed down.

Takamura who was watching nodded secretly.

Yes, very calm.

Well, Takamura serve, swiftly.

ACE ball, score directly.

Tokugawa was extremely calm, he had already seen it.

Four in mind serve, score directly.

Next, it's Tokugawa's serve bureau.

Tokugawa recovered his emotions, the ball was thrown high, and colorful rays of light emerged.

Stunt, Symphony serve.

Takamura was speechless.

He felt that this phantom serve was purely a waste.

(Using the misdirection of sight? No, it's attention-grabbing.)

Takamura saw through the secret of Symphony serve in an instant.

Waving back (chbj).

Not to be outdone, Tokugawa confronted him head-on.

I have to say that Tokugawa Kazuya, who has been trained in Europe, has a very strong basic strength, and every movement is like a precise textbook, not bad at all.

Coupled with a calm and careful thinking, and an intuitive sense of seeing the future, he is extremely powerful.

Even the U17 members who complained about Tokugawa stopped talking.

Because of the technology from Tokugawa currently showing. In terms of speed and strength, more than 99% of the people are not his opponents.

No, even Kazena and other members of the First Army were not his opponents.

"It turns out that he is not talking big." Du Ren Nan Nan said.

To be able to defeat Kachi Kazena, the previous U17 before Byodoin, Tokugawa Kazuya, is the first person to be 100%.

Still a big lead.

However, none of this has anything to do with Takamura.

The difference between the two is visible to the naked eye.

Bang bang bang, Tokugawa was exhausted, even if he was at a disadvantage, even if he could not see the hope of victory, he would not give up.

In Tokugawa Kazuya's dictionary, there is no surrender.

A powerful enemy can only make him stronger.

(Oh? Evolved?) Takamura was taken aback.

It can be regarded as experiencing the mood of the previous Indian team coach.

A careless, evolved, let all the ideas become waste paper.

Tokugawa Kazuya, I feel good at this time, the concentration of the spirit is unprecedented, and the strength continues to increase.

Hit the ball faster and faster.

"Evolved." Matsudaira Chen Yan was sour.

He also wants to evolve.

"Ah," He Nakamura sighed.

These talented Yibin players, who are in the same era as them, are really the greatest sorrow.

There is no hope of catching up.

"Even if it is evolution, it is not Takamura's opponent. Migihashi Itarou said.

"The gap in strength cannot be filled by evolution."

The crowd nodded.

Although Tokugawa's strength is strong, after evolution, his strength will increase greatly.

However, Takamura's world is different.

(I can win, I must win.) Tokugawa Kazuya yelled inwardly.

His gut tells him that he can win.


This is an illusion, an illusion caused by a lack of self-knowledge caused by the increase in strength.

(It seems that the strength is stable, let's defeat him directly.)

Takamura pushes.

The same shot, the speed of the ball increased sharply again, the power doubled, and the spin increased by 50% again.

In an instant, Tokugawa's face changed drastically.

because he saw it.

The picture of his own fiasco is no different from before.

(He also hides his strength? The number one in Japan, is that strong?)

Tokugawa was surprised.

Boom, 2:0

Boom, the tennis ball flies past, and Tokugawa tries to catch the ball.

Then, fly.


Boom, another ball, leaving Tokugawa powerless to fight back.

In the end, the result of the score was 6:0.

Tokugawa Kazuya failed miserably.

There is no suspense.

"I lost, next time I will win. Tokugawa reached out.

He has slowed down.

"You'll never beat me," Takamura said in a serious tone.

Tokugawa Kazuya, still don't set your goals too high.

Byōdōin Hōō is good.

Make him a target.


Not at all Japanese.

"Then take a look," Tokugawa said calmly.

He has confidence in himself.

Beyond Takamura, it's only a matter of time.


Are you sure you know Takamura's true strength? Don't talk too much.

"So, who is the No.2 of the Japanese team? I want to challenge him." Tokugawa Kazuya, turned around coolly.

"Ah, NO.2 Byōdōin Hōō wandered the world.

"It turns out that it seems that the time for me to become No. 2 will be delayed.

"Cough cough.

This time, not only Takamura, but others, were also a little speechless about Tokugawa's self-confidence.

Even the person in charge who brought Tokugawa back had a stiff face, and obviously, he could not have imagined Tokugawa's innocence.

Young man, you don't even know the real strength of the Japanese team.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it, but your strength cannot be No.2." Takamura said helplessly.

"Impossible." Tokugawa denied.

Japan's strength, Tokugawa is the most clear.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is third-rate in the world.

A Makoto Takamura in Japan is already a blessing, how could someone surpass him?

Looking at Takamura's expression again, as well as other people's strange eyes, Tokugawa's heart skipped a beat.

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