I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 154 Tokugawa Kazuya: I can't be this weak

(Is it true?)

Tokugawa's heart was up and down.

"I will confirm.

In the following days, Tokugawa Kazuya kept on challenging the U17's strong.

Start the challenge from high to low.

Byōdōin Hōō was absent, and the first challenge for Tokugawa was Tanegashima Shuji.


No matter how much Tokugawa attacked, he couldn't defeat Tanegashima Shuji's self-destruction.

No matter how hard he tried, there was nothing he could do.

Not even a single point.

(If he can't break the defense, he will stalemate and fight for a long time, and wait until his physical strength is exhausted.)

Tokugawa Kazuya silently analyzed.

Immediately changed play.

Tennis is a scoring game.

Just defense invincible, useless.

Tanegashima Shuji also found out that the original interest turned to be boring.

Really, try to attack for a while.

Tanegashima made a chop, riding Tokugawa not paying attention and scoring.

"I'm not just defensively strong," Tanegashima said.

Even if there is no self-destruction, the attack alone, Tanegashima Shuji, can defeat Tohno Atsukyo and others.

In the end, Tokugawa Kazuya failed miserably.

He somewhat believed Takamura's words.

I am indeed not as strong as I imagined. Japan's tennis strength is indeed not what it used to be.

However, Tokugawa still challenges and wants to see his own strength.

Next, is NO.4 Ghost Jujiro, a burly man.

I heard that I just came back from yuenan.

(It seems that he is a power player, and he needs to use speed and technique to deal with it.)

Then, being hanged and beaten again, not only strength, but also technique and speed surpassed him, making Tokugawa doubt his life.

Another bloody 6:0.

Tokugawa's mentality is a little broken, plus Byōdōin Hōō who wanders the world, doesn't that mean that he can only be ranked fifth in Japan?

The genius famous in Europe is only the fifth,

Do you still have the qualifications to lead the Japanese team forward?

The answer is of course no.

Tokugawa gritted his teeth and continued to challenge.

So far, Tokugawa Kazuya's goal is not to rank, nor to lead Japan to glory.

but to prove himself.

Prove your strength.

If in Japan, if you train casually, you can surpass yourself, then from the age of 5, you will travel across the ocean, endure the separation of relatives and hometown, what is the meaning?

Tokugawa, not reconciled.

To prove that your sacrifice is meaningful.

Soon, he went to find NO.5 Duke Watanabe.

The result was a big surprise.

Because Duke Watanabe, the second best player in BIG4 France, but in Japan U17, he can only be the fifth.

So what kind of gods are the Japanese team in the end?

Tokugawa Kazuya was a little confused.

Do you think you are hallucinating?

Why France's second master, will become Japan's fifth.

This is crazy.

After confirming again and again and confirming the identity of the French King of Destruction,

In Tokugawa's heart, he was worried about this game.

After a 6-7 loss against Duke Watanabe, Tokugawa continued to challenge.

Duke Watanabe, Not a Crime of War.

Also, the gap is small.

I will win the next game.

Tokugawa is full of confidence.

As a result, I met the best actor Irie Kanata on the road, NO.10.

Irie Kanata, has been paying attention to the recent appearance of Tokugawa for a long time.

Challenge Takamura as soon as you come.

Also know Irie's challenge.

"Let's have a game." Irie challenged.

Fighting newcomers or something, he likes it the most.

Tokugawa agrees.

Exactly, with the victory of a game, to boost their morale.

Prepare for the battle for NO.6.

After all, Tokugawa is not a masochist, nor does he like to lose.

It's just that Tokugawa Kazuya looked at Irie and felt a little uneasy.

I always felt that the four-eyed boy in front of him had been hiding something.

Tokugawa shook his head, driving the anxiety out of his mind.

(It seems that the defeat in the past few days has made me feel quite bad, and even my hunch was wrong.)

Then, Tokugawa lost again.

"Looks like I won." Irie Kanata was surprised.

He actually won.

"Haha, I finally won, great. 99

Irie jumped up and down, telling everyone that she had won.

It seems that he has been defeated repeatedly in the U17.

It even gave Tokugawa a needle in his heart.

Tokugawa was also full of disbelief.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

You actually lost to NO.10?

Doesn't that mean that you can't even make it into the top 10 of the Japanese team?

Is this the result of my training since I was 5 years old?

Tokugawa's mentality collapsed.

Self-proclaimed genius, he can't even beat the top 10 of the first army, so what's the point of his suffering"

This quickly collapsed Tokugawa's self-confidence.

"I'm so weak." Tokugawa muttered to himself.

I felt extremely ashamed for my shameless words when I first returned to China.

At this time, Tokugawa also thought of other people's strange eyes.

That is, looking at the eyes of the clown.

Then, Tokugawa continued to challenge.

Up to now, Tokugawa doesn't care what his strength is, he just wants to know what level he is at.


Otherwise he will not be reconciled.

Next, the challenge is NO.11 Kaji Kazena.

"Let's fight." Tokugawa Kazuya.

"No need," said Kazena.

He also watched the games in the past few days, and he is not Tokugawa's opponent.

Tokugawa Kazuya, although arrogant, but his strength is really strong.

Except for those few monsters, no one is his opponent.

"Do you think I am too weak? Yes, I am too weak." Tokugawa smiled bitterly, ashamed of his arrogance when he first arrived.

"Please, please play a game with me, I really want to know my level of strength."

After speaking, Tokugawa bowed deeply.


Too weak? Are you humiliating me?

And I have proof.

I am not your opponent.

Anyway, Tokugawa finally fought Kazena.

Tokugawa, finally won.

And, still a big win.


It's not easy, Tokugawa was a little excited and raised his eyebrows. After coming to Japan, it was a series of defeats and battles.

Tokugawa's confidence in himself was about to fall to the bottom, and now, he has finally recovered.

(Then, my strength is between 10th and 11th,) Tokugawa nodded.

I secretly made up my mind that next time, I must squeeze into the top 10 of the first army.

It made Takamura and others who knew it later could not laugh or cry.

Tokugawa, your strength was originally in the top 10.

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