I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 164 Begins with appearance, falls into talent, is loyal to character, and suits character

the envy of others,

Kirihara Akaya stared blankly at the girls around.

The blackness was overwhelming, surrounding it all around.

Not to mention, it's spectacular.

"What about you," the girl urged.

"That's right, say it."

If a normal person is surrounded, he will definitely bow his head or show sloppy eyes.

But is Kirihaya a normal person?

Kirihaya was a little flustered, but when she remembered her goal, her heart filled with pride.

Even a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames can't stop him from setting a goal.

"Cut, it's okay to tell you these obasans," Kirihaya said confidently, "I - of course I want to..."

"Ah, who are you calling Obasan?" the girl screamed.

"Hey, isn't that just you?" Kirihaya wondered.

It made many boys next to him secretly give thumbs up.


By the way, I checked again.

Kirihara Akaya, the brain is really not normal.


The girls were angry, many of them, but there were elementary school students.

Elementary school students are aunts?

Kirihaya provoked outrage.

Then, the girls picked up the rotten things, including but not limited to tote bags, bento boxes, brooms, textbooks, hats, schoolbags... everything and besieged them.


"Hey hey hey, what are you doing?" Kirihaya was really panicked, and it was at this time that she felt something was wrong.

But didn't he just express his thoughts? Why should he be beaten?

Kirihaya was confused.

"I tell you, don't rush me, oops.""

The girls started.

The Kirihara Akaya who is chasing is that there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

Others watched silently.

No one wants to take the lead with this idiot Kirihara Akaya.

For example, Kaido smoked, he didn't understand Kirihaya's brain circuit very much.

What are you doing to mess with girls?

Girls, is that a reasonable existence?

Still a terrifying creature like a fan.

Add the two together, forget it, a gentleman has a big heart and doesn't have the same knowledge as a woman.

"Oops, don't fight, don't fight." Kirihaya yelled.

Eyes are about to turn red. The tyrannical emotions began to accumulate.

I don't know when, Kirihaya, will be shot.

"Okay, everyone, can you give me a face?" A sudden voice came.

On the side of the court, a tall and straight figure came towards him, and he caught everyone's attention just by going to that stop.

Minister Rikkai, the strongest junior high school student in the world, the most handsome man in the middle class in Japan, No.1 on the list of young Japanese girls most want to marry boys, the dream lover of thousands of girls, sex? The object of the highest frequency of fantasy...

Makoto Takamura.

Behind him, there are official members of Rikkai.

Not in a hurry, full of momentum.

However, just one stop, Takamura grabbed everyone's attention, like the center of the world.

"Here comes the Minister. 35

"Ah, it's really Makoto-san.

The girls screamed, and what's more, some people fainted with excitement.

There is no law, I have only seen it on TV before, but today I have seen a real person.

Also get close contact.

Imagine crazy fans meeting their idols.

Base groove, do not slip.

Whoops, everyone was crowded beside them, and the court of Nuoda was all occupied by girls.

There is only one Takamura for boys.

A little green in a real kaleidoscope.

"It's terrifying," said one.

"I'm so envious." Another said what was in his heart.

"That's right." The first person agreed.

Looking at Makoto Takamura, who was surrounded by all the women, and seeing only racquet and tennis beside him, many people left tears of loneliness.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

"Thank you, thank you," Takamura smiled.

"I know everything, let him go.

Takamura pointed to Kirihaya.

"But he spoke ill of you."9

"And insulting us.""

"I'm sure beautiful women don't mind this little thing," Takamura said.

"If the beauties are still angry, then I will apologize to you on behalf of this Kirihara Akaya."

"It's really good, it's really worthy of being a big brother.""

"Sure enough, Chengjun is the best person."

"It's so perfect that he apologized to us for irrelevant people, and he was the one who just insulted himself."

"Chengjun is so kind, and his mind is really great."

Beginning with appearance, falling into talent, being loyal to character, and being in line with character.

...... Ask for flowers·

Let the beauties love Takamura even more.

"So, Haipi, if you dare to provoke your brother again, we'll kick you out of school, you hear? Fool. 99

"Really, look at Brother Cheng, and then look at this fool, I can only say that the gap between people and people is bigger than that between people and dogs."

"Ugly bastard, why don't you thank your brother? Thank you for your mercy.""

Kirihara Akaya:???

what the hell.

Why is everything my fault? Do you want me to apologize?

At this time, Kirihara Akaya was extremely ignorant and sloppy.

There are kelp strands and radish seedlings on his head, his clothes are torn in tatters, and there are several footprints on his face.

Also, a piece of sashimi is hanging from Kirihara Akaya's ear.

In particular, the dead fish in a certain bento box was staring at Kirihara Akaya with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, folks, we're going to tryouts now, please step back a little. 35

With Takamura speaking in person, the incomparably terrifying Makoto Takamura fan support group suddenly became very docile and completely different.

Just step back.

It made the boys around him look even more envious.

If I had so many fans, wouldn't I be able to protrude every day (艹 dish+)/fans, ahem, change girlfriends every day?

Kirihara Akaya came back to life with full blood and ran over.


"I'm going to knock you down. 99

The girls were angry again, and the fool insulted their great, pure and noble brother Cheng.

Not Takamura down, Kirihara Akaya, I'm afraid he'll be beaten again.

Takamura smiled.

Really newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

In an instant, the sun and the moon have no light, and the whole world has only that warm smile.

Makes a lot of obsessed girls blush.

"Really? I accept your challenge.

The audience got excited.

It is extremely rare to see Takamura play.

"Do I need you? Why don't you let me..." Kuwahara suggested.

With Takamura's status today, fighting with Kirihaya can only be a surrender.

Could it be that any cat or dog can make Takamura shoot?

Not at all.

"It's okay, just take care of the younger generation. Takamura smiled.

Went to court.

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