I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 165 Newton: It's okay, I'm used to it

"Okay, watch me beat you all over the place. Kirihaya yelled.

Not Kirihaya boasting.

Since childhood, no one has been his opponent.

Then, Kirihaya walked to the court full of confidence, full of confidence to serve, full of confidence to out, full of confidence to wait for the cheers...

Ah, out?

Kirihaya was confused.

How come his external spin serve is out?

(Forget it, it must be a mistake.) Thinking, Kirihara Akaya laughed.

It seemed that he was too nervous because of his opponent's prestige.

However, the next goal is not so simple.

This time, I will use all my strength.

Racquet swings hard, tennis with strong spin, knuckles serve.

Also known as irregular serve, it is very aggressive, and if you are not careful, it will attack the player's body.

"Eight Four Seven"

"Look at this trick, but no one can get it." Kirihaya smiled smugly.

Then, in Kirihaya's confident eyes, again, out.

It is the Phantom.

Tezuka can use the field to suck the ball to his side during the serve phase; Takamura can also repel the ball out of the court during the serve phase, which is very reasonable.

Newton: Can I curse?

"Impossible." Kirihaya yelled.

Kirihaya didn't believe it and served again.

still out.

"I don't believe it." Kirihaya yelled, her eyes turning red and her brain bloodshot.

Serve again, and nothing else, this time, targeting Takamura's face.

Violent tennis.

Then, it still doesn't work.

From start to finish, Takamura didn't move.

"In the second game, it's up to you." Takamura said.

Kirihaya's heart sank.

Bloodshot eyes.

Don't even want to serve your own game, are you humiliating me?

Huge anger hit the brain, tyrannical emotions surged.

"Then die," Kirihaya yelled.

Seriously, he pointed at Takamura's body. As a result, the tennis ball flew out of an arc and returned to the starting point, hitting Kirihaya hard.

"Hmm," Kirihaya covered her nose, staring blankly at the nosebleed.

What's the matter? Why did the ball I hit fly back?

Well, as long as the rotation of the tennis ball is doubled on the basis of the Phantom, the tennis ball can be returned to its original path.

This is a move that makes Newton angry.

As for Takamura, the spin can be applied without even touching the ball.

It's okay, the big deal is that I'll die again, I'm used to it. - Newton

"Haha, I hit myself.

"See no, fool, your brother's strength is not something you can resist. 99

"It's so handsome, it's completely irresistible.

The girls were so excited.

Kirihaya got angry.

As soon as the stubborn temper came up and hit the south wall, then continue to hit.

"Ah," Kirihaya continued to serve.

Still knuckles to serve, still hit the body directly, or violent play,


fail, fail, fail,

Beaten up, beaten up, beaten up.

A few goals passed, nothing happened to Takamura, and Kirihaya himself was covered in bruises and his front teeth had fallen out.

"How could this be?" Kirihaya collapsed.

No matter how he served or what technique he used, he would all return to the same path and hit himself.

Even the most basic serve can't pass the Internet, what will be the result of the real game?

Kirihaya couldn't even imagine it herself.

(What's going on?) Kaidou Xun was also surprised.

Without moving, Takamura let the kelp-headed ball return.

(Amazing, really amazing,) Haitang's eyes are hot, this is what he is after, powerful.

That's why he came all the way from Tokyo to Kanagawa.

For joining Rikkai, even more determined.

Not only Haitang, but others are also speechless.

No one thought Kirihaya could beat Takamura, but at least he could pick up a few goals.


"Haha, look at the leader of the sea, pretending to be forced is not counter-productive.

"Is this the strongest in the world? It's beyond imagination.

"Or, this is normal. The first player of the North Korean team U17 couldn't catch the Minister's ball, what is it? Forget it, don't care.

It's no wonder that idiot can catch the ball.

There was a lot of discussion.

Only Kirihara Akaya, nobody cares.

Even if there is, it is a background board.

"Damn, I will definitely beat you" Kirihaya yelled.

Howe is not discouraged.

This time, everyone was a little surprised to see it.

Even the members of the main selection team, who have been calm all the time, also have silk appreciation.

In the case of knowing defeat, but still mustering up the courage to challenge, Kirihara Akaya, has a strong heart.

The end result was that Kirihaya collapsed to the ground tired.

Maybe he was knocked out by his own tennis ball.

Soon, it's the tryouts.

Because of the withdrawal of the third grade, there are two more places.

"Because of time constraints, the other regular players have to go back to training today." Takamura laughed.

"Tezuka and the others do not participate in the trials, they are directly selected. Only the second team participates. Of course, if anyone disagrees, they can stand up and challenge."

No one disagrees.

Anyone who knows about last year's national competition knows it.

Last year's Rikkai was the strongest in history, and everyone's strength was at the national level.

Also, most of them are one year old.

No matter how arrogant the freshman is, he doesn't feel his own strength, he has the strength of Rikkai's selection.


"Minister, I want to challenge you."

Kai Tang Xun stood up.

Even if the gap is too big and you won't learn much, it's worth fighting against idols alone.

Silently glanced at Haitang, the iconic headscarf, and the temperament, it should be the original Seigaku's main selection, Haitangxun.

Although Takamura did not understand why 1.9 Kaido came to Rikkai.

After thinking about it, Takamura stopped the kindness of others and decided to accept it.

"Okay. 35

Then, without a doubt, Kai Tang Xun couldn't even catch a ball.

7 minutes, 6:0

Even if it wasn't for Takamura to release water, with Haitangxun's current strength, he would not be able to get on the court at all.

"Thank you for your advice." Haitang bowed deeply.

Competing with Takamura can be regarded as fulfilling one of my wishes.

Haitang let out a smile.


Strange, why does Haitang look satisfied? Is he happy even after being abused?

Takamura was scratching his head.

After that, no one challenged again.

"Then, let's start the trials. The total time is 3 days, and the number of places is two. 35

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