I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 166 Rikkai's new lineup

The trials have officially started.

For the last two places, no one will give up.

Everyone will try their best.

Or, someone has already regretted it.

For example, Shuiqiao Daxiang.

Originally, Shuiqiao Daxiang's strength was higher than Jackal Kuwahara, and he should be the one who joined the second team last year.

As a result, because they could not stand the hard training of the second team.

So Shuiqiao Daxiang voluntarily withdrew, and gave up the place to Jackal Sanghara.

Now, looking at the jackal Sangyuan, who has shaken the whole country, and looking at himself who is unknown, Daxiang Shuiqiao has regretted his bowels;

If I hadn't quit back then, everything in Kuwahara would be mine now.

How many days and nights, Shuiqiao Daxiang regretted it.

Now, there is finally another chance.

Shuiqiao Daxiang is definitely not to be missed.

The spot is definitely mine. Kirihara Akaya said. He was awake and rested.

Ignore other people's eyes.

Kirihara Akaya, is so confident.

"Haha." Shuiqiao Daxiang smiled but did not smile.

Completely ignore Kirihara Akaya

"I will never give up." Haitangxun is also full of fighting spirit.

"Hmph, it's just you?" Kirihaya looked disdainful.

"How can I beat Makoto Takamura if I can't beat you guys. 55

Kirihaya yelled.

Come on, he still didn't give up.

Thankfully, Takamura had already left--tryouts, no need for Takamura to stare, his time was tight--and the Makoto Takamura fan support group wasn't there either.

Otherwise, the tragedy that happened not long ago, Kirihaya will happen again.

"Hey, why did those girls come over?" Shuiqiao Daxiang looked into the distance.

Kirihaya fought a cold war.

He is now allergic to girls.

Don't care about other things, grab your schoolbag and run.

"Hahahaha." Shuiqiao Daxiang looked very happy.

As the trials continued, Liu, Yagyu and Kuwahara watched silently and analyzed the strong ones among the freshmen.

The three of them stayed and were responsible for recruiting members, mainly Liu.

"It seems that the only two freshmen who are capable of competing for the remaining two spots this year are the two seniors, Daisho Mizuhashi and Takuuchi Takeuchi.||." Liu Sheng said lightly.

"I remember, last year, you seemed to be the last to fill in, right?" Liu asked.

"It seems to be Senior Mizuhashi Daisho. 99

"Ah." Kuwahara looked calm.

He is no longer what he used to be, and he and Shuiqiao Daxiang are two different worlds.

Last year's scene, now it seems, is just a little more talk and a little experience.

On the third day, the main event of the selection match appeared.

Kirihara Akaya VS Mizuhashi Daisho.

"Okay, if I win this one, I'm on the second team, then the first team, and finally the minister." Kirihaya announced.

Shuiqiao Daxiang rolled his eyes.

I don't know how to rant at all.

Open directly.

An hour later, Kirihara Akaya looked puzzled.

Even if you can't beat Makoto Takamura, you can understand that even if you can't beat the main players, even the second team is an invincible division in the country.

However, even someone who has never heard of Daxiang Shuiqiao can't beat him. Is his strength so bad?

Kirihara Akaya doubts life.

He lost the election.

Not only Kirihaya, Haitang Xun also lost.

Lost to Takeuchi Takuto, an unknown third grader.

After Takamura's special training, even if it is not a regular player, the strength of others has greatly increased.

Kirihaya and Haitangxun, who are new to China, can't deal with it anymore.

Although Takuto Takeuchi is only slightly stronger than Kirihaya, it is enough.

I'm sorry, but the rules can't be broken.

Mizuhashi Daisho and Takeuchi Takuto were added to the second team.

Kirihara Akaya and Begonia smoked, working hard next year.

Kirihaya was a little discouraged.

He has always been a tennis genius since he was a child, and believes that even if he is Rikkai, he will become Rikkai's ace once he joins.

As a result, reality hit Kirihaya in the head.

He can't even get into the second team.

And smoked crabapple.

The two teams could not get in, which also gave Haitang a great blow.

But fortunately, Haitang has long been mentally prepared, knowing Rikkai's strength, the blow to him is not so big.

Soon, the depressed Kirihaya saw Haitang Xun.

They looked at each other, and the two who were originally disliked by each other became good friends because they were unsuccessful.

Although, Haitang is still very suspicious of Kirihaya's brain, and does not agree with Kirihaya's way of playing.

Then, the two continued to train hard.

The two of them, Mizuhashi Daisho, are excited to be Rikkai's main selection.


"Moving?" Takeuchi Takuto was stunned.

How did you move well?

"" "Job transfer, promotion." Takeuchi said.

Shuiqiao Daxiang is because a rich second uncle died, he suddenly found that he was the only heir, so he went back to inherit the property.

In the future, please call him Wang. Shuiqiao Daxiang. Duoyu.

When Takamura found out, she was a little stunned.

Isn't this unfolding too magical?

"It seems that even the heavens are favoring Kirihaya and Haitang. 35 Takamura shook his head and put it down.

Then, move on to training.

"Hurry up, swing less, reduce physical exertion.

"The ball needs to be concise, and the most important thing is to be fast..."

U17, everyone loves to sweat.

Kirihara Akaya and Kaido Kaoru were informed of the news at the same time. In an instant, I felt like I was hit by a big pie.

"We have become the main election." Haitang was incredulous.

Wasn't it eliminated?

"Haha, I knew that I would definitely (money Zhao) be the main candidate." 9 Kirihaya was extremely happy.

Confidence is high again.

So far, Rikkai's new first team and second team have been officially confirmed.

Team 1, Makoto Takamura, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Niou Masaharu, Sanada Genichiro, Mōri Juzaburō, Yanagi Renji, Marui Bunta.

8 people in total.

The second team is, Yagyu Hiroshi, Jackal Kuwahara, Kirihara Akaya and Begonia Kaoru.

12 people in total.

Strong soldiers and strong cabinets.

At the same time, other major schools also have powerful figures to join.

Osaka, Shitenhouji, Hikaru Zaizen stood on the sidelines with proud faces.

He is a genius, known as a genius in Osaka.

"Genius?" Watanabe smiled, there is a genius in their team.

After thinking about it, Fuji shot, it really embarrassed him.


"Xiaochun, come and give some pointers to the younger generation."

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