I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 168 Minister, Come Here

After instructing the two, Takamura returned home, reunited with her family for a while, and then took a good care of her two confidantes;

Three days later, Takamura returned to the U17s and trained again.

Then, it was school, U17, home, three-point line, less than 2 months, and left U17 in a hurry to participate in the professional tour.

"There's not enough time." Takamura sighed.

The last step to becoming a professional player is to participate in competitions and earn – earn points.

Based on the accumulation of points from a player's 17 tournaments over the past 52 weeks, the world ranking is derived.

Generally speaking, those ranked below 110 in the world can participate in the Grand Slam main match, and those 110-250 need to play qualifying matches.

As for newbies like Takamura, they can only participate in the tour.

Amadeus two years later, is also at this level.

Well, it's a level you can't even see the exhaust of a grand slam.

As for Polk, the same is true, the Grand Slam is equally unattainable.

This time, Takamura participated in the tour in Australia.

Japan, the regional competition has opened.

this national competition.

Kanagawa's game, nothing to say.

Rikkai went all the way to the title with no team to interfere.

No, there are still.

Because many of the team's players are Takamura fans themselves.

In the game with Rikkai, winning or losing doesn't matter.

Lose anyway.

The point is to get Makoto Takamura's autograph and a group photo.

"So, what about Takamura-san? Komaki Yota, the head of Sakura Academy, was looking around.

Trying to find Takamura.

"Yeah, what about Takamura-san?" asked Keita Nishida, the head of Nishiken Middle-School.

Here is the opening ceremony of the regional qualifiers.

Everyone knows that Makoto Takamura has always been the student speaker for the regional competition.

Take this opportunity to meet the legendary Makoto Takamura up close and see the world.

"The Minister is not here." Kuwahara explained.

The complexion is not very good-looking, the original bald head is even darker.

Because today, Mitsuwahara himself has explained this issue no less than 20 times, especially the organizing committee of the competition, and the head of the organizing committee has come;

In addition, Yagyu, Kirihaya, Kaido and other players who participated in the regional conference were also constantly asked questions about Takamura.

So, can Kuwahara have a good face?

Anyone who answers repeated questions more than 20 times will get bored.

"What a pity." Nishida Keita sighed.

This is also the regret of Komaki Yangtai, and even the regret of the entire regional conference.

In particular, the Makoto Takamura support club - this is an off-campus fan group, there cannot be only one fan group, and the Makoto Takamura fan support group is an open and secret battle - and it is also full of regrets.

Because, to meet with idols, another good opportunity is missing.

Looking at Kirihaya is envious.

"In the future, I will also have such a high popularity, defeating Minister Takamura, this popularity is all mine. 35 Kirihaya encouraged myself.

Haitang looked disdainful.

"Come on, wait for the next life.

"What did you say?"

The two started bickering again.

It's hard to wait until the regional finals,

Everyone thought that Rikkai won the championship, even if it was only the regional championship, Takamura, the Rikkai Minister, should, maybe, probably, maybe, come to participate?

So many people came.

Most of them are fans from all over the world, and there are also many scouts.

Then, the opponent of this competition, the minister of Lingnan Middle-School, Yuto Uemu, stepped forward.

"Hello, is Takamura there?

Another question.

Rikkai muttered to themselves in their hearts.

Basically, most of the opponents in the game, before the start of the game, or after the end, will ask Takamura about the situation.

If he is there, then taking the opportunity of the game, signing an autograph and taking a photo together is a logical thing to do.

In the future, bragging with friends will also be a talking point.

"Minister, he is training in U17." Kirihaya's face was full of envy.

He also wants to go to U17, but unfortunately, his strength is not enough. People don't accept him.

"Really," Uegi Yuto was disappointed.

Still didn't come.

"So, what about Tezuka-san, Yukimura-san and others? 39

It is understandable that Makoto Takamura will not come. After all, he is only the champion of a regional competition and cannot be seen.

But what about Rikkai's other top picks?

"Neither is,

"Why? They don't want this championship?"

"Because you guys are too weak." Liu Sheng killed the game.

Yuto Kamaki was stabbed in the heart.


...... Ask for flowers·

The referee also changed his mind.

Because, he also wanted to take a photo with Takamura after the game.

Don't say that the referee needs to avoid suspicion, the difference in strength is so big, no one thinks the referee will help cheat.

Moreover, referees are also human, so they can't chase stars?

What a joke.

You are discriminating.

After it was clear that Takamura would not come, and even the real masters didn't come, many spectators, originally densely packed, suddenly shrunk a lot.

Anyway, Takamura is not here. As for the competition, the competition at the national level, who will watch it?

Am I not good at watching professional games?

Even the opponents.

Yuto Kameki couldn't even lift his spirits in the game, and he lost anyway.

Even the onlookers were a little listless.

They all came to see Takamura.

"If Takamura doesn't come, there's nothing to see."

"Yeah, thanks to me coming here from Kansai, so Takamura-kun didn't come. 35

"Rikkai, can you have a letter of approval, will Takamura-kun still participate in the national competition?

The audience spoke up.

"Hey, hey, we're playing."

Kirihaya is dissatisfied.

Even though the minister is full of charisma, he is still far away. He is a tennis player who is close at hand, isn't he a fan?

"Yeah, I know.

"That's right, anyway, we all know that Rikkai is the champion. What's the problem?"


Kirihaya was defeated.

"Enough, it's so noisy." Haitangxun shouted.

"We still have a game, if you don't want to watch us, then leave."5

A kid was terrified.

With his mouth bent, his eyes wide open, he burst into tears.

Mom, it's so scary. Crying is a sad one.

It seems to have triggered an avalanche, which caused the children later to cry.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you alright, kid?" Haitangxun tried her best to make a kind expression.

By the way leaked a smile -

Then, the child cried even more sadly.

"Mom, he's a badass.

Haitang burst into tears.

Long and evil are bad people, children, it is wrong to judge people by their appearance.

(Minister, where are you? Come on.) Haitang, Kirihaya.

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