I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 169 The next opponent, Camus

"Ah." Australia, Takamura sneezed fiercely.

"Who's talking about me again? Hope it's a beauty. 99

Shaking his head, Takamura continued to look at the roster.

As for the regional contests, it's not worth Takamura's troubles.

Soon, Takamura saw an acquaintance.

France, Camus.

Camus also turned pro? Is it so early?

Takamura shook his head, which can only be attributed to the butterfly effect.

"Interesting, we met in the first round.

"Hopefully, you can give me some fun."

No matter who the opponent is, it is the same for Takamura.

In another hotel, Camus also had a solemn expression on his face.

The strongest junior high school student in the world, defeated Tasta, repelled Amadeus, the Japanese team NO.1, every deed. Both deserve Camus' attention.

Especially repelling Amadeus.

This incident made Kamu's fear of Takamura rise to the top.

"Tomorrow, it's going to be a tough fight of 27," the coach said.


Camus nodded and touched the ring on racquet.

(Makoto Takamura, I will not lose.)

And the coach is smiling.

Professional competition is really a strong enemy everywhere.

I don't know if it's a little early for Camus to switch careers so early.

Elsewhere, Australia's hope, Noah Gorkiah, covers his eyes.

His eyesight was deteriorating.

"How is it? Noah, are you all right?

"It's okay," Noah covered his eyes.

I can still hold on, Makoto Takamura's game, I can't miss it.

"With his joining, the Japanese team is a strong enemy of our Australian team and must be taken seriously."

Noah Gorkiah was named the 4th junior high school student in the world by Tennis Magazine.

Similarly, he is also considered by Australia to be a peerless genius.

However, his vision hindered Noah's development.

"I want to see how strong the enemy I want to chase is.

Noah must not miss this game.

The next day, the tour stop begins.

Among them, the most eye-catching is Makoto Takamura VS Camus.

One, is the strongest junior high school student in the world, endorsed by many professional players, and is unanimously recognized as the future Grand Slam winner;

Another, the pride of France, known as the tactician on the court, is regarded by the German U17 as a figure who can profoundly change the world tennis scene.

The game between the two sides, at first glance, is a needle-point to Maimang.

And, most importantly, the media will hype.

Especially the Japanese and French media.

They have given too much meaning to this game.

What is the preview of the U17 World Cup, what is the decisive battle between the young generation of France and Japan; what is the strongest of the young generation...

The media on both sides were hot.

It also draws the attention of the audience.

"Interesting, so much fun.

"Who will win?"

"I don't know.""

The audience was talking.

"I guess it's Camus, a high school student and a European genius."

"Not necessarily, didn't Tasta also lose? Amadeus, no less than Camus.""

And the players of the competition suddenly realized at this time.

It turned out that there were actually two little guys on this tour.

"So it is, one of the strongest junior high school students, the other is the French U17 captain?" said a player.

"The strength is the same. Professional competition, even U17, is far behind." Another player said.

"Hopefully, it's not U17 level, it would be boring.""

At the level of professional players, even the U17 World Cup is nothing.

In other words, professional players, all of whom were regulars at the U17 World Cup.

"Why didn't I meet the two of them." Andrew Hill was full of regrets.

"Yeah, if you meet one of them, you will definitely win a game.

The pros sighed.

They both regarded Takamura as soft persimmons.

"I advise you not to underestimate them," Steven Rupert said.

He is the professional player who previously tested Takamura for the International Tennis Association.

Played a game with Takamura.

"Oh? What information do you have?" Andre came to the spirit.

He glanced at a few people lightly.

"I don't know about Camus, but Makoto Takamura, you guys are right, it's definitely not good.""

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of all the professional players changed.

You know, Steven Rupert is the No. 3 seed of this tour, ranking 175 in the world. Well, he has risen 3 places recently. Even he is optimistic about Makoto Takamura, so isn't it...

"Interesting, it seems that we need to investigate.

"Then have a look."

The pros made up their minds.

And Steven Rupert looked at Takamura's name.

(Unexpectedly, I will fight with you so soon.)

The Sydney Superdome, also known as the Qudos Bank Arena, is the second largest tennis stadium in the world and hosts numerous events every year.

This time, a focus battle was held here.

"I'd love to fight you," Camus said.

"Me too." Takamura agreed.


The game has officially started.

Takamura serve.

Boom, the air is roaring, the serve that exceeds 1000KM/H is already close to the speed of sound.

If it is in the U17 World Cup, it is already the top speed.

Tsukimitsu Ochi's Mach serve is just the speed of sound.

However, in the professional arena, the speed of sound is just the norm.


The audience was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the two young people has a professional level.

"Perhaps, the strength of the two of them is not as weak as we thought," said the audience of 35.

Originally, although the audience was interested, they only thought it was a media hype.

Makoto Takamura and Camus, even if they are famous, but their strength is obviously the bottom of the professional level.

And now,

It has crossed the professional threshold.

"If serve is just the speed of sound, in the professional arena, you will be taught to be a human being." Andre said.

"Interesting, young man, it's really interesting that he still retains his strength in the professional arena.""

"Yeah, seeing them makes me feel old." Lauren Walker, Dane, 27.

Currently, there are only 2 points, that is, only 2 wins in 52 weeks.

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