I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 170 The man who married racquet

"The speed is very fast, but it's not enough." Camus quickly caught the ball and directly opened the light of restraint.

speed, again.

The light of restraint, which is the so-called seamless state in Japan, is divided into three kinds of light.

The brilliance of fortitude, the brilliance of love, the brilliance of loneliness.

And Camus's is the radiance of love.

Bang, a simple short ball, in the hands of Camus, has the effect of turning decay into magic.

Speed, power, rotation, arc, impeccable. A perfect blend.

"Interesting." Takamura smiled.

Worthy of being the leader of the semi-finals of France, a world-class player.

The strength of Camus deserves a little attention.

Well, omniscient and omnipotent, start.

In an instant, Camus felt that everything about him seemed to be seen clearly.

Every shot, every return, every action, seems to be in the opponent's calculation.

(It turns out that it is a kind of prediction. But, my tennis, you can't predict it.)

There was a lot of brilliance, and all of Camus' actions were hidden in an instant.

Expressions, psychological fluctuations, playing techniques, everything, no one can detect.

The radiance of love, or all the perfection of perfection, itself has the effect of preventing prediction.

It is the nemesis of detection players.

(It depends on how you predict?)

The extra-long backspin ball, as if alive, hangs straight into the dead end.

Then, in front of the tennis ball, was Makoto Takamura.

It's like he's always been there.

Camus was surprised, and an idea suddenly popped into his heart.

(Could it be that Takamura can break through the radiance of love and predict my actions?)

Camus thought, and hit a short shot again.

And Takamura, also started in an instant, and before Camus hit the ball.

(Sure enough, but why?) Camus was shocked. The light of restraint is impossible to predict.

It was incomprehensible.

Takamura had expected this for a long time.

The priority of omniscience and omnipotence is extremely high, and if it cannot be detected even if it is seamless, it cannot be Zeus's trick.

And, in terms of foundation, Takamura is also above Camus.


Dodge Camus' interception and score again.


Boom, predict the action in advance, go straight to the net, and hit the ball in front of the net.


Boom, score with a smash.


Takamura, completely suppressed Camus, the captain of the French team.

"Unexpectedly, from the very beginning, Makoto Takamura started killing people.||." The audience laughed.

"Looking at the current situation, Camus is completely at a disadvantage. If there are no other new moves, he will lose."

"How could there be no new tricks. As the main player of the French team, if he only has the current strength, he can't be the No.1 in France at all."

Audience talk.

The audience who can watch the professional game live, many people have a deep vision, and can see the scene on the field thoroughly.

"Camus, you'd better use all your strength, otherwise, you won't even think about winning a single point." Takamura said.

The tone is indifferent, but the confidence in it has great rendering power, which makes people have to believe it.

Because this is the truth.

"Interesting, in the face of France's main general, he dared to say a clean sheet. Lauren Walker smiled.

For that alone, he couldn't compare to when he was young.

Lauren Walker does not have such arrogance, nor does he have such strength.

"If Steven is right, then Makoto Takamura, has the strength," said Andre, 35.

"The only thing that interests me is Makoto Takamura, what will he do?

Camus was silent, his heart agitated.

He could never have imagined that the difference between the basic strengths of the two sides would be so large.

You must know that you are not a small person, but a genius who is famous in Europe.

But Camus is also clear that the greatest significance of universities such as London, Oxford, and Yale is to say to those who have been academic masters since childhood:

How old are you.

He took a deep look at Takamura and raised Takamura's attention again, Camus said.

"it is good.""

The momentum soared, the racquet was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the fragrance of roses came.

Gradually, the ring on the racquet slowly turned into a woman.

Bright eyes and red lips, skin better than snow.

Another dimension - my love.

Camus, is a whole-hearted love of tennis.

Love to the point of marrying net racquet.

The ring on the racquet is the proof of marriage.

In this regard, Takamura is full of admiration.

French, really can play.

"Sophie, I need your help again." Camus said.

"Where, we are lovers, there is nothing to help. Sophie said softly.

Camus's different dimension can transform into another person, whose strength is equal to his own. This creates a one-on-two situation.

Back then, Takamura once told Kuwahara that your shadow avatar is just a trick, and it is only an afterimage. It is generally impossible to turn the afterimage into a real body.

Now, it's an unusual situation.

"" "Interesting, transforming another person is really a powerful different dimension." Lauren Walker said, with attention in his eyes.

A Camus is nothing, but if two Camus complement each other with complementary skills and have the same mind, then...

Noah is also staring at Takamura.

He wondered what Takamura would do in the face of an all-out Kamu.

"Makoto Takamura, you can't have only these means, don't let me down."5

Camus serve.

Boom, the air roars.

The sonic boom produces a shock wave that is visible to the naked eye and spreads around.

With the blessing of different dimensions, Camus' serving speed has already exceeded the speed of sound.

Feeling the trembling roar, the audience was excited.

Isn't it just for the thrill of watching a professional game up close, or even a Grand Slam?

No sound (money Zhao) burst, what kind of professional game?

"Okay, sonic boom, I love this."

"Let's start the real fight.

The audience shouted.

"You're nowhere close. Takamura shot back.

The strength has increased again.

Utilizing foundation, strength, speed, technique, Takamura has the upper hand and makes Camus shaken.

Actually, it was just the foundation that suppressed both himself and Sophie?

Takamura's strength is even higher than Camus thought.

Thinking of this, Camus couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.



"If you are distracted, you will lose," 33 Takamura said.

"It's okay, Camus, you are the strongest. 35 Sophie said softly.

"Ah," Camus also came back to his senses, his face determined.

He will not lose.

"Defeat this bastard," Sophie shouted.

Completely different from the previous lady.

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