I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 177 The Revenge of Huacun Aoi

Haitang had a gloomy face.

When winning the honor, no one cheered, this feeling is really suffered.

"Enough, hurry up and compete," Kuwahara said with a gloomy face.

He also wanted to go to the minister's game, instead of following Kirihaya and Haitang to play some county game.

Even if it's the final, it's a county contest, and it doesn't make any sense.

Rikkai was upset, and Huamura Aoi was even more upset.

Because the audience at the game site was too small.

In addition to her own admirers, there were no more than 10 audience members.

Ruo Renhong's fan group is almost completely swept away by Makoto Takamura's support team.

This made Aoi Huamura, who was extremely narcissistic, extremely dissatisfied.

feel slighted.

More importantly, she is going to defeat Rikkai in full view.

Although it is the second team of Rikkai.

But the second team is also very good, right?

Did not look at last year, is the second team, and no team can beat.

Huacun Aoi, to be the first.

(Damn, I want to defeat Rikkai in the case of everyone's attention. Without the audience, how will others know the strength of our Shonan?

Huamura Aoi was secretly angry.

For the arrangement of the county competition...

Well, still a thumbs up.

Not today, how is Rikkai's roster unbalanced.

In case it is the main force, Huamura Aoi said that he should go home.

A game that lasts for 10 minutes is a win.

Jincheng Reiji is in a complicated mood.

On the one hand, he wants revenge, defeating Rikkai, and venting his anger for his beloved coach.

On the other hand, in the main election of Rikkai, Shonan Seicheng cannot be beaten. is courting death.

So, for the sake of the coach, today's game, playing the rookie...

good, very good.

At least there is hope of winning.

Reiji of the city, no longer intends to be embarrassed.

"Okay, let's hurry up and play. 99

In fact, even the referee himself had little interest.

Comparing the Tokyo National Net court game, the county game?


A mere junior high school competition.

The referee just wanted to hurry up and go home and watch TV.

That's a high level game.

As a result, from the referee to both sides of the game, everyone was on fire.

"Okay, let's start quickly." Huacun Aoi smiled.

"Rikkai, last time we lost Shicheng Shonan, this time, we want revenge.

Yagyu, Kuwahara:

What's the meaning?

Sanghara was a little embarrassed.

"Excuse me, last year, did we fight?

Huamura Aoi was embarrassed.


Huacun Aoi was angry, not only her, but also Shencheng Reiji and others.

"Last year, we played against each other in the first county competition.

"Bastard, even Rikkai is too contemptuous."

"That bald head is talking about you," Reiji Kamichi pointed at Kuwahara, "Last year, you and a certain fox played with us once."


As soon as this keyword came out, Kuwahara suddenly realized.

In the doubles game, Nioh deliberately gave points, waited for the match point, and when he lost with only one goal left, he chased the points again.

Let the city become the people of Shonan and experience a flipping journey from heaven to hell.

"So it's you. 95

Liu Sheng and others also began to have an impression.

It seemed, as if, probably, it was a fight with the people from Shonan Seongcheng.

No way, except for a few national-level experts, Kuwahara and the others, they would never remember their opponents.

too weak.

Chengcheng Shonan will not remain in the memory of Rikkai players at all.

If you remember it, replace it with someone, if you can't remember it, forget it.

"Damn, 99

This time, Chengcheng Shonan is united, and we must teach the arrogant Rikkai player a lesson.

They must win.

Because Rikkai was too strong last year, and the singles swept almost the top 8, the tournament organizing committee changed the format of the competition. First, all competitions were played in five games, and then they were mixed according to single doubles.

In addition, the slogan of the competition has also changed.

'Who can stop Rikkai from winning the championship' is the focus of this competition.

Since one family is dominant, the organizing committee of the competition must create a god to increase the attractiveness of the competition.

The first is singles three, Begonia smoked VS Ruo Renhong.

Ruo Renhong is very popular with girls and imitates the genre.

Although now they have basically become Takamura fans.


In addition, he likes to talk trash, which can easily arouse his opponent's anger.

.....for flowers...

Although, Ruo Renhong is very angry now.

"Come on, this is interesting.

I'm going to beat you.

Ruo Ren Hong serve.

Kaido didn't think there was anything, but Kuwahara and Yagyu did find out that the object of Hiro Ruoto's imitation was Takamura, wasn't it?

(Hmph, I was originally thinking, let that bastard Makoto Takamura see and imitate his own players, what would he think.) Aoi Huamura sneered.

That must be a very interesting picture.

As long as he thinks about his skills, he has beaten his own team members, and Aoi Huamura is very excited.

Unfortunately, it is no longer visible.

Hua Cun Aoi sneered.

"This time, I want revenge."

With Ruo Renhong, who has been training for more than a year, against the first-year Haitang Xun, who will win, needless to say?

Huacun Aoi is full of confidence.

As a result, he was severely slapped by reality.

After completing Takamura's training plan, Kaido's strength has skyrocketed, and the previous newcomer Kaido is completely two concepts.

Speed, strength, technique, and physical strength are completely up several steps.

Especially the snake ball, whether it is a convoluted snake ball, a reverse snake ball, or a spiral laser beam, it has exceeded Ruo Renhong's imagination.

Ruo Renhong's imitation is of no use at all.

"Really, Ruo Renhong is a fool? Even the minister's tennis has to be imitated." Kuwahara had a toothache.

"Hmph, I only saw the strength of the minister, but I didn't see the difficulty." Liu Sheng sneered.

Even Nioh can't perfectly copy Takamura's tennis, an imitation style, just like copying Takamura's style of play? It's really like a tiger.

Sure enough, Huamura Aoi soon found out that he was wrong.

The imaginary Rikkai player panicked and didn't show up at all.

Ruo Renhong's great power did not appear at all.

Instead, he was beaten into a dog.

Moreover, the strength of the new Rikkai...

(Damn, how did Rikkai train, and where did so many high-quality newcomers come from.) Aoi Huamura was secretly angry.

Ruo Renhong, who has been training for a year, is not a match for the opponent's newcomer, which is a big blow to Huamura Aoi.

Then what was her previous strategizing?



Begonia smoked won.

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