I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 178 Rikkai, you are too deceiving

Chengcheng Shonan was silent.

The most certain game, lost.

According to Chengcheng Shonan's plan, Haitang Xun's game must be won.

Once you lose, the consequences...

Chengcheng Shonan was silent.

Even Huacun Aoi, also had a pale face.

Because she knew that the result of the game was already doomed.

Then came the doubles, and this time, Kuwahara personally took the shot and brought a passerby by the way.

There is no need to report the name, anyway, one dozen two, or even one dozen three is no problem.

In this regard, Chengcheng Shonan directly gave up this game.

They have no confidence and can score from Kuwahara.

In the third game, it was Liu Yu who appeared.

The city has become numb in southern Hunan, because the doubles can't be beaten, and the singles can't be beaten even more.

In this match of Liusheng, Chengcheng Shonan originally gave up.

but now--

("August 47" Damn, Ruo Renhong actually lost, and all my plans fell through.) Huacun Aoi secretly hated.

The original plan was to let two chase three, give up the two second-year games of Yagyu and Kuwahara, and then go all out to win the remaining three games.

Finally won the championship.

But people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. Huacun Aoi never dreamed that the first game would be lost.

"Why don't you let me," Kancheng Reiji prepared to play.

If you fight and win, there is still hope for the city to become Shonan.

"Wait," Huamura Aoi stopped, her eyes full of calm.

"You also lose when you play. You can't win. In that case, save it for the next game."

Even if he doesn't win the championship, Huamura Aoi will have to beat Rikkai.

If you win two games, you are still proud even if you lose, and it sounds good when you say it.

Reiji Shencheng was helpless, how he wished that he could have a strong strength, so that he could help the beautiful coach.

(Damn, if I can be stronger, this champion will not be lost.)

God City Reiji, once again hated his incompetence.

Singles two, 7 minutes, Yagyu won.

"Now, it's our time, Ota Sho, Kajimoto Takahisa to the two of you. Huamura Aoi cheered.

This doubles, must win.

And, to win beautiful, to win wonderful.

Let everyone know that the city became Shonan and defeated Rikkai...

of two players.

"Yes." Kajimoto Takahisa and the two were like rainbows.

For this day, Kajimoto Takahisa and the two of them trained for a whole year.

A year, a whole year, but does anyone know how they survived?

Just for revenge, to wash away the shame of the fiasco.

To make Rikkai, pay the price.

Then, Chengcheng Shonan saw such a scene.

Now that three victories have been achieved and the county championship has been won, there is no need for the competition.

Yanagyu, Kuwahara, Kaido and others immediately packed up and prepared to go back to watch TV and watch the live U17 game.

As for the last two games, let's take it as a loss.

Chengcheng Shonan:

So what are we doing with our blood boiling?

Kirihara Akaya: "Hey, senpai, if singles is my game, why don't you watch it?"

"Oh," Liu Yu suddenly realized that he had forgotten a Kirihaya.

"No need, just do your best. By the way, help us get the medal.

Win or lose, it doesn't matter.

It's garbage time anyway.

After speaking, Yagyu and others greeted the referee - as a national champion, especially with Makoto Takamura's presence, Rikkai's privilege is still there - and walked away.

Only the three Kirihara Akaya were left.

There is also a stunned Chengcheng Shonan.

"Referee, Rikkai doesn't participate in the award ceremony and doesn't wait for the competition to finish. Is it really not illegal?" Aoi Huamura was furious.

Really deceiving.

Our city is in the south of Hunan, is it just that there is no brand name?

Rikkai: That's right, it just doesn't have a face.

"Uh, Rikkai's people reported in advance." The referee said.

Even if not, the referee would not dare to care.

The chairman of the referee committee, Keita Uchiyama, said that as long as Rikkai does not violate the rules, they can do whatever they want. This is the state's preferential treatment for heroes.

Actually, it was Keita Uchiyama who was a little terrified of Takamura, didn't he even look down at Gou Sanming, the chief dog of the Internet Association?

With your own small body, don't mess around.

Kirihaya looked at Tamagawa.

Small eyes, extreme anticipation.

stay, stay.

Tamagawa smiled awkwardly.

Very sorry.

"Then, I'll go too and watch the U17 live broadcast."

After speaking, Yuchuan left, and his two friends also left.

quack, a crow, flying around Kirihaya's head.



No one is watching my game?

Chengcheng Shonan:

There are only three opponents left.

Even the cheerleaders ran away.

Huacun Aoi was angry, and his face jumped with anger.

Too contempt for people.

She is such a beautiful beauty that everyone loves, even if the result is divided, no one will see it?

"Damn, I must win." Kirihaya turned grief and anger into strength, and sprinkled the anger in his heart on Chengcheng Shonan.

Chengcheng Shonan is also.

To teach Rikkai a lesson in the last two games, no one is going to hold back.

"Win, you must win, kill Rikkai." Huacun Aoi burst into foul language.

The image of the female Zhuge who has been devised by herself has been ignored.

In the end, it was Rikkai who won.

"How?" Kajimoto Takahisa muttered to himself,

Even if a team can’t beat it, it’s okay if the old students can’t beat it.

But, why can't even three teams be beaten?

A guy who doesn't deserve a name can't even win by himself?

Our city is southern Hunan, so weak?

Huamura Aoi is also skeptical of life.

The qualifications of the members of the two sides should not be so great.

After all, Rikkai's appearance can only be regarded as three.

But they couldn't beat the three teams, and two of them were still freshmen.

(Could it be that Makoto Takamura's training ability is so much higher than mine?) Huamura Aoi looked confused.

It is difficult to accept this result.

This is the only explanation.

As for Jincheng Lingzhi, well, her spirit is commendable, and she will never give up 1.9 until the last moment.

Then, he was knocked out by Kirihaya.

In the end, the county contest ended with Rikkai's victory.

However, both the champion Rikkai and the runner-up Cheng Shonan were all unhappy.


Chengcheng Chengnan was even more angry and gave up accepting the award and left directly.

Then, the audience who was obsessed with Huamura Aoi disappeared.

There are only the solitary tournament personnel and the three Rikkai.

Big eye to small eye, Kirihaya, also felt bored and slipped away.

As a result, the award recipients were left with only two tricks without names.

The organizing committee was also helpless, and a good event turned into no one cares.

Weakly handed out the medal.

Alright, the conference is over.

There is no closing ceremony.

Everyone gets home.

County contest, over.

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