I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 191 On Thick Skin, I Would Call You the Strongest Seigaku

Ryūzaki Sumire blushed, it was too embarrassing.

Especially after Arai got up, the nosebleed was chaotic, which made Ryūzaki even more angry.

What was going crazy at the time? How did Arai make a game in history?

Yamato Yuda once again felt that he had done something wrong.

Is it really correct to give up the number of appearances to Arai?

"Arai, it's alright." Ryūzaki suppressed his anger and comforted him warmly.

So far, it can only rely on the scalp.

I can only hope that Arai can fight for some gas.

He quickly took out a towel and helped Arai wipe his face.

After 5 minutes, the game starts again.

Arai was still nervous.

A toss, the ball is thrown directly off the field.

The second serve, racquet and tennis, separated by 108,000 miles, Mao did not touch.

‘Beep, Seigaku faulted twice, Rikkai scored,


"Haha, here comes the score."

"Don't look, it's a win. 99

The audience's voice turned into a huge pressure, making Arai almost out of breath.

Arai is even more rigid, this time, even the racquet can't be held steady.


racquet flew out.


The audience laughed.

Make Huang 860 well more nervous.

Ryūzaki exploded with rage.

Let's be quick, just admit defeat, and avoid embarrassing Seigaku as a whole.

Yamato Yuda stopped him.

"Coach, if you admit defeat, Arai will be useless, please give him another chance. 35

Ryūzaki's face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

Sit in place.

"Oops, Seigaku's people, have been completely stunned, nervous, completely crushed him. 39

"His eyes were completely blank, and his mind was completely unable to think.

Off the field, many professionals shook their heads.

Huge pressure, not ordinary people can bear.

Otherwise, what's the point of home and away games in the World Cup?

Kirihaya covered her face.

He has no confidence.

Originally, the singles two match, Kirihaya was extremely excited.

The singles two, and the third game, by convention, especially Rikkai's convention, was to lay the victory.

Kirihara Akaya, will be the absolute hero of Rikkai.

So, Kirihaya started out like this: (??v?)/

When Ishida iron is late, it becomes like this: (O`3(chbj)○)

When Seigaku came off the bench, it became like this (u??u??)

Arai fell to the ground, nosebleeds flowed turbulently, and it became like this: 0(¯~¯o#)

Finally, after seeing the fineness of Arai, it became like this n(vir

He wanted to fight against a strong enemy, and wanted to prove the strength of Rikkai's genius in front of everyone. As a result, this is the opponent?


I don't want to, it's just a little bit stressful and a little nervous.

Kirihaya withered.

They are all powerless.

The singles second game completely became a joke.

Arai either fell while chasing the ball, or it was a fault, either racquet couldn't touch the ball, or the ball flew directly over the net, like a home run, flying into the sky, unable to see where it landed.

When catching the ball, his whole body was stiff and he couldn't move. When racquet swung, he accidentally slapped and hit a hapless man in the face.

Takamura was a little surprised.

Why didn't Yamato Yuda play? Why did Masashi Arai feel embarrassed.

Looking at Seigaku,

Well, Seigaku players are all embarrassed and teamed up.

Including Yamato Yuda.

A face full of Doug's day.

Ryūzaki Jin, just close your eyes and rest your mind

As for the cheerleading team with Arai, it has long since disappeared.

In the end, singles two, with a score of 6:0.

competition is over.


It can already be announced and advance to the next round.

And Seigaku, tragically eliminated.

Arai collapsed to the ground.

finally liberated.

Kirihaya too.

This match is even more tiring than playing against Minister Takamura.

Most importantly, Kirihaya's idea of ​​proving her own strength is going to be delayed again.

Hey, Arai, it's alright. Taocheng was kind in the end, and regardless of shame, he supported Arai.

"You are still young, next time, you will definitely make great progress." God knows how awkward Yamato Yuda felt when he said this.

"You say yes, coach.

Yamato Yuda, always slapped Ryūzaki Sumire again.

Remind Ryūzaki Sumire, she is the coach.

Ryūzaki's expression changed.

"That's right, Arai, try harder next time.

Despite that, Ryūzaki Sumire made up his mind.

In the future, until it is a last resort, Masashi Arai will never want to play again.

Can't afford to lose that person.

"Really?" Arai asked.

He felt that his performance just now seemed a little embarrassing.

"It's true." Yamato Yuda looked left and right, but did not dare to look into Arai's eyes.

"Haha, I knew," Arai's pressure was swept away.

"I also think that I performed well just now, but I was just a little nervous." When Arai came off the stage, the pressure disappeared, and with the enlightenment of Dayou, he came back to life in an instant.

"If I hadn't been a little nervous, I might have had a chance to beat the other side.


Arai, in terms of thick skin, I would like to call you the best Seigaku.

Doubles one, Seigaku has no good players, and can only send Mori Chende and Uchimura Kyosuke.

Moderate, solid foundation.

There isn't any dazzling performance, but, compared to Arai's humiliating expression, it is quite satisfactory, which is the biggest performance.

Let the audience have less fun.

Originally, I thought that if Seigaku had two more Arai Masashi, I didn't say it.

From now on, I will be a fan of Seigaku.

Unfortunately, Seigaku doesn't have the guts.

Rikkai, the one sent by the doubles, was Yagyu Hiroshi, and Yanagi Renji.

"I have to say, coach, your layout, according to the present, has made great progress," Guan Yue popped up again.

The poisonous tongue resurfaces.

"With Rikkai doubles, our odds of winning are 0"

"If you didn't know that you were the one who arranged the formation this time, I would really doubt that the momentum of this formation was arranged by someone else."

Ryūzaki: (20#)

Forget it.

Ryūzaki said in his heart that he was not angry.

Guan Yue is an excellent talent after all. Although he is suspended this year and cannot play, he will be able to play next year.

Moreover, after the incident of Arai, Guanyue's poisonous tongue, it's trivial.

At least he didn't lose face in front of the live audience.

However, still angry.

Ryūzaki gritted his teeth and felt a pain in his chest.

8 minutes, the doubles are over. Unsurprisingly, Rikkai won.

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