I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 192 Continue to say, I know there is a but

The singles one is Ibu Fukaji, VS Marui Bunta.

Although the opponent is very weak, Marui Bunta decided to eat some homemade high-calorie food in line with the mentality of going all out.

Definitely not because of greed.

Absolutely not.

Ryūzaki explained again.

"Ordinary tennis players have concentration..."

"The method of concentration, coach, you said it, 35 Guanyue interjected, "You should say something else than this. ""

Ryūzaki Viola:

She wants to take an assault/machine/gun, and look at the moon suddenly, can you?

Others looked over.

Would also like to see what Ryūzaki Sumire thinks.

Ryūzaki looked up at the sky.

The weather is nice today.

"If you don't say it, then I will say it, -" Guanyue added.

"Thinking, I have collected information on Marui Bunta."

"He is a master of volley in front of the net. Usually, at the beginning of the game, he will surf the net, regardless of the strength of the opponent. Therefore, Marui Bunta's backcourt is generally relatively weak,"

Ibu Shenji's eyes lit up.

This is a huge weakness, as expected of Guan Yue.

Ibu Fukaji has already started to figure out how to take advantage of the weakness in the backcourt.

"However, Marui Bunta can reach any point in the court in one step, so with your strength, this weakness basically doesn't exist."

Ibu Shenji was shocked.

How powerful is Marui Bunta?

What is the magic skill to reach any position of the court in one step?

"Another point, Marui Bunta's weakness is his physical strength. Because of his lack of physical strength, he needs to eat special foods to supplement calories.

Ibu Shenji nodded, this is a weakness worth exploiting, then drag it into a protracted war.

"However, with your strength, Marui Bunta's stamina will certainly be higher than yours even in a protracted battle. So if you are weak, just listen to it.

"If you really want to fight a protracted battle, you must be the one who gets tired first.

Ibu Fukaji:


Then you say shit.

"In addition, Marui Bunta's strength is not high, and he can use his strength to forcibly break through Marui's defense and score.

Ibu Fukaji was expressionless.

He has learned to be good, and he knows that there is a but,


"However, the strength is weak, and it is compared with the players of the same level. Let alone you, even Ishida's iron wave ball, it is estimated that it will not be able to break through, so don't think about this.

Ishida Tetsu raised her head, as if hearing her own name.

Then, Ishida Tie, heard the words that the wave ball was ineffective and weak.

Then, he continued to close himself, and his head drooped even lower.

"So what do you mean?" Ibu Shenji couldn't help it,

The game is about to start, brother, if you have any suggestions, please tell me quickly.

Also, how come I'm getting a racquet call on your face. It's an illusion, it's an illusion, it's an illusion.

"What I mean is, don't be under pressure, you can play whatever you can, you can't win anyway. 99

"According to my estimation, other than serving, you can't catch the ball at all, so don't be under pressure. Even if you can't catch the ball, don't be negative."5

Ibu Fukaji:

You might as well not say it.


What should I do if I want to kill Guanyue?

Ryūzaki Viola:

She has given up.

Watching the moon, is it Seigaku's or Rikkai's?

Takamura turned his head.

Takamura could hear the moon-viewing words clearly.

Also really strange.

What did Guan Yue think about it?

Guanyue was overjoyed.

Sure enough, it attracted the attention of idols.

Everything is as expected.

"Takamura classmate, this game, I hope..."

Forget it, it's just a small role, don't bother.

Thinking, Takamura turned her head, leaving a back of her head.

The beginning of the month:

The situation is not right.

Guanyue was puzzled.

Singles one, Ibu Fukaji, played with a fearless spirit.

Steps are heavy.

On the other hand, he kept cursing Guan Yue.

Before the game, it will only increase the ambition of others and destroy one's own prestige.

When it was time for the real shot, he pulled his hips again.

Then, thinking about it, Ibu Fukaji was also nervous.

A serve, a direct error.

The audience was silent, then—

"Another singles two?

......... ask for flowers ·

"You don't want me to laugh for another day, do you?

The audience is looking forward to it.

Just waiting to see the joke.

Seigaku was also nervous.

No, there will be another Arai general history, right?

In that case, Seigaku, really becomes a laughing stock.

Fortunately, Ibu Shenji is not Masashi Arai after all, and he will adjust it soon.

But just like this, Ibu Shenji was even more painful.

Because, as Guan Yue said, apart from serving, at other times, he can't touch tennis at all.

The huge gap almost made Ibu Shenji despair.

Prepared for instant paralysis, simply can't use it.

What is your effort worth?

7 minutes, 6:0. The bloody numbers left Fuka Ibu completely helpless.


Ryūzaki Sumire sighed.


In the end, still, did you lose?

As if letting go of everything, Ryūzaki felt unwilling and relieved in his heart.

Suddenly, Ryūzaki saw that Guanyue was about to open his mouth again.

He quickly covered Guanyue's mouth and forced people to pull him away.

"Woohoo. 35

Guan Yue was struggling, he wasn't sarcastic, he wanted to praise Ryūzaki Sumire, and he wanted to get to know Takamura, so let him finish.

Unfortunately, no one cares about the moon.

Just put up Guanyue and run.

Anyway, before they left, everyone in Seigaku was not ready to let go of Moon Watching.

I can't stand his broken mouth.

In the first round, Rikkai defeated Seigaku 5:0.

On the other hand, Hyotei also received information about the match.

Taking a casual look, Atobe was stunned.

You are so nervous that racquet can't hold the singles two, the three players in the corner, are you sure you are not joking?

When did the strong enemy Rikkai awaken the funny attribute?

"Didn't lie to me?" Atobe wondered.

"No," the visitor emphasized, and he also confirmed it four or five times.

Atobe nodded, then, threw it straight away.

Seigaku is too weak to see Rikkai's strength.

The only certainty is that Rikkai's strength must be Hyotei's biggest opponent.

The opponent in the second round was Yinhua Middle-School.

It's the funny school in the original book.

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