I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 194 The Unlucky Kirihara Akaya

"I hope Yinhua's strength can give me a little fun. 33 Kirihaya's face is cold.

In order to prevent a repeat of the prefectural competition final and yesterday's game, this time, Kirihaya said that he would be the first to play.

"Okay, minister, please." Kirihaya changed her face and kept begging.

"You won't be disappointed," Takamura said, in a meaningful tone.

"Haha." Kirihaya was overjoyed.

"Yinhua Middle-School, very interesting..." Takamura muttered.

"Oh?" Kirihaya's eyes lit up.

Not only Kirihaya, but everyone else, was also mentally shaken.

They all secretly said that Yinhua's strength should not be underestimated.

But I don't know, Takamura's meaning is completely different from what they imagined.

If you think that Yinhua Middle-School is strong, then don't think about it.

Bang dong dong, high music came, and around the corner, the players in the long queue were patted neatly, wearing clean and tidy team uniforms, with the most handsome hairstyles, walking on catwalks, and came over in a neat and uniform manner, very imposing.

Full of expert style.

It is Yinhua Middle-School.

Atobe had a toothache, and his eyes narrowed.

Takamura's eyes were eccentric.

Not only Takamura, but other Rikkai veterans are also eccentric.

This scene seems familiar.

"I remember when it was 27..." Niwang smiled brightly.

"It should be that..." Tezuka, who has always been cool, twitched, obviously thinking of the scene at that time.

That's Hyotei.

"Strange, why do I feel this scene is a little familiar?" Kikumaru rubbed his head.

Hyotei was silent.

I don't know how to answer the beating.

Many people bowed their heads secretly.

"I remembered," Kawamura Takashi realized.

"Atobe, didn't you Hyotei also appear like this last year?"

"By the way, the stereo, the person in the middle is still carrying the stereo, exactly the same as you did last year.

The Hyotei crowd lowered their heads even lower.

His face turned red.

"But I remember, that game was lost later, and it was a terrible loss. Kawamura Takashi touched his chin.

Suddenly, I realized something.

"No, no, I, I didn't do it on purpose." "Kawamura stammered.

The Hyotei crowd lowered their heads, almost completely covered by their hands.

"Huh?" Akutsu tilted his head, looking at Atobe's expression, full of playfulness.

Akutsu knows that Hyotei was a fiasco last year.

Even Atobe lost to Marui Bunta of the second team.

"Shut up, 99 Atobe is indifferent.

Well, my ears are a little red, I can't tell if I don't look carefully.

"Amazing, awesome." Kirihaya was full of excitement.

This is the master you are looking for.

After a while, he must be the first to appear on the stage, and have a good contest with the opponent.



Kirihaya's stomach growled.

Because he was angry yesterday, when Kirihaya drank milk, he did not pay attention to the date of production and accidentally drank expired milk.

Then, eat a bad stomach.

"No, I have to finish the game." Kirihaya gritted her teeth, cheering herself up.

(You can do it, you can do it.) Kirihaya's face brightened slightly.

Cuckoo, Kirihaya grimaced again.

"Kirihaya, you should go to the toilet first, it's hard to say how much you can perform at the moment. Takamura smirked.

"No, I still have to compete with Yinhua, they are masters." Kirihaya is still insisting.

Stomach hurts more and more.


Takamura wondered.

Where did Kirihaya think that Yinhua is a master?

Is there any special information?

Takamura wondered.

"Go to the toilet immediately, this is an order, otherwise, you will be replaced.

Kirihaya opened her mouth.



"Yes. 35 Kirihaya couldn't hold back.

"Be sure to wait for me, I have to play. 39

Immediately, clutching his stomach, he ran out frantically, frantically looking for the toilet.

As a result, because there were too many people, most of the toilets were full, and there were still people in line.

For the first time, Kirihaya is angry with her huge popularity.

'No, no,' Kirihaya was anxious, stomping her feet, sweating profusely.

Suddenly, Kirihaya remembered that there is a toilet near the net court, which is relatively remote and should be empty.

Immediately, Kirihaya ran over.

Hurry up and hurry, finally feel it.

With a puff, the current flew down three thousand feet, and Kirihaya finally felt comfortable.

"I will never drink milk again." Kirihaya made up her mind.

After getting comfortable, Kirihaya picked up her schoolbag and found out.

I didn't bring paper myself.

"It's okay, it's okay, I still have my phone." Kirihaya forced herself to calm down and rummaged.

As a result, I searched three or four times, but couldn't find it.

Kirihaya was silent, half-sounding, and loudly rang out.

"I lost my phone. 99

By the park, Kirihaya's cell phone was ringing constantly.

Jingle, Jingle.

"Can't get through. 35 Nioh hung up.

"Forget it, Kaidou, you play for Kirihaya. 99


In the toilet, Kirihaya was furious.

Just opened, lost my mobile phone, didn't bring toilet paper, and the toilet was remote.

Combine it all.

"help, help.



"It's all over!" Kirihaya yelled.


It is called every day should not be called, and the earth and the earth are not working.

"Who will save me, give me some toilet paper.

The shrill cry made people mistaken for a ghost.

The first scene, Begonia smoked, VS Tashiro.

As soon as Tashiro came on stage, his face was strong and unyielding.

"I know that we, Yinhua Middle-School, are not your opponents, but," Tashiro yelled, looking excited.

"Yinhua will not give up."

'Won't. All 30 members of Tennis Club 860 shouted.

The crowd looked moved.

Everyone felt Yinhua's fighting spirit.

Even Atobe has some expectations.

It seemed that Yinhua was not as weak as he thought.

(Yinhua, how far can you do it?)

Everyone at Seigaku was full of admiration.

In yesterday's game, they thought so too, showing their fighting spirit and showing their style.

It's a pity that, under the circumstances, the fighting spirit did not show, the style did not show, and the buttocks were all exposed.

At this moment, almost everyone thinks that this game must be very exciting.

Begonia smoked also thinks so,

So, in order to show respect, he used his fastest speed.

The muscles in his right hand were bulging, his eyes were sharp, and racquet slid across quickly.

This is full force.

Boom, the ball flew off the court.


Tashiro, staring blankly at the tennis ball, did not respond at all.

He couldn't react at all.


Feel the rushing air.

(It's terrible. If you get hit by the ball, you'll die.) Tashiro broke out in cold sweat.

Moreover, when I played in person and felt the pressure of the crowd, Tashiro realized that I really can't blame Masashi Arai.

The pressure is too big.

Imagine hundreds or even thousands of people booing and cheering together, the shock to the soul,

It takes a lot of courage just to stand.

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