I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 195 Yinhua Middle-School's Little Tricks

Tashiro's legs were already shaking.

Fortunately, there is already a surefire plan in my heart, and Tashiro's pressure is greatly reduced.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be the same joke as Arai.

That's really all over.

"Okay, it's Rikkai, I won't admit defeat." Tashiro suppressed the nervousness in his heart and shouted.

Then, Tashiro bent his legs down, lowered his center of gravity, and made all preparations to catch Haitangxun's ball.

In fact, he was trying to cover up his trembling legs.

Haitang nodded.

Sure enough, it is an admirable opponent, and he did not give up.

Thinking about it, Haitang Xun decided to continue to use all her strength to give respect to her opponent.

And Tashiro's idea.

(Yes, my unyielding fighting spirit must be noticed by others, haha, go ahead, that's it.)

Haitang served again, still with all his strength.

Tashiro made a move this time.

Early start, the result, or ACE ball.


"Come on, I won't admit defeat." Tashiro roared.

Never admit defeat.

Haitang is solemn.

Gradually, Tashiro became more and more relaxed, and the whole person was immersed in the performance. Haitang also felt that something was wrong.

Tashiro's strength can be weak, and as for fighting spirit, he is indeed very strong, but Kaitang always feels that Tashiro's performance is always a little incongruous.

As for Atobe, with his amazing insight, he has fully understood it.

Acting, yes, acting.

Tashiro didn't care about tennis at all, anyway, he just pretended to never give up and showed his handsome appearance.

The action of catching the ball should be as handsome and handsome, the steps should be more elegant and elegant, and the swing of the racket should be more unrestrained and unrestrained.

As for being able to catch a tennis ball? It doesn't matter.

Can't take it anyway.

The important thing is to show your indomitable spirit.

Atobe: (⊙o⊙)…

"This is the Yinhua you said?" Atobe was speechless.

"??.||?" Inui Sadaharu.

"Is there anything wrong? Although Yinhua is weak, their fighting spirit cannot be faked.


There was a half silence, Atobe was expressionless.

"You'll know when you look at it. 35

As for Akujin, he was full of disdain.

With his natural intuition, he always felt that Yinhua was definitely pretending, and that he was indomitable on the surface.

But there is no evidence.

Takamura was also a little surprised, he had seen it.

(Sure enough, as expected of a team that can all have diarrhea, it's really their style.)

Takamura was speechless.

singles three, 6:0. No suspense.

Absolute fiasco.

But Tashiro still has a trick.

"You won this time, you deserve to be the national champion. 99

"But, next year, it must be me who wins."

"Remember my name, Yinhua Tashiro, your biggest challenger in the future." "After speaking, Tashiro turned around and left the court with the most handsome posture.

(Yes, I did a great job.) Tashiro applauded himself.

I scored 99 points and deducted one point because I was afraid of being proud of myself.

Haitang Xun frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

Doubles two, Suzuki and Domoto from Yinhua Middle-School.

Different from Tashiro's sassy, ​​Suzuki and Domoto, the emphasis is on strength and perseverance.

"Ah," Suzuki yelled.

There was still 3 meters away from the ball, and he took a sudden leap, went to catch the ball, and did not care about himself.

After arriving on the ground, the first thing to do is to watch the ball, ignoring the bruises on his body.

Let Domoto curse incessantly.

Because of Suzuki, he used his routine.

But it didn't matter, Tang Ben's mind moved very fast.

Pretending to fail to save the ball, a mistake, his right hand, has been injured.

Bleeding, it's ketchup.

"Need treatment?" the referee asked.

"No, it's hard to challenge the national championship, this is the effort of all the players,

"I can't, let the players down." Domoto insisted.

Even if you die, you will die in court.

The referee was in awe.

The audience is also respectful.

Yinhua Middle-School, although not strong, but they are real tennis players.

The game continues.

Gan also slowly realized that something was wrong.

Because of the injury to my right hand, I can't do that action.

Combined with the previous scene, after a little thought, I immediately understood Yinhua Middle-School's tricks.

"That's fine too." Qian was speechless.

Thinking about the praise she gave to Yinhua not long ago, she blushes.

As for Seigaku, Ishida is full of admiration.

"We have to learn from Yinhua.

"That's right."

Seigaku agrees unanimously.

Even, decided to learn from Yinhua in the past few days.

In the end, Yinhua Middle-School lost with a total score of 5:0.

However, almost no one laughed at them, but admired them.

Yinhua's demeanor left a dazzling mark in this year's Kanto competition.

""Strange, where did Kirihaya go?" Nioh wondered.

Look left and right and can't find it.

Called again.

Jingle, Jingle.

The phone rings.

The cat looked at the bricks on the grass in surprise, and fiddled with it out of curiosity.


"???" King Ren.

Kirihaya turned into a cat?

"Hello, Kirihaya, where are you? How are you?""

"Meow meow meow.

King Nio:

What does this mean. asshole.

Nio directly hung up the phone.

In the toilet, Kirihaya was still yelling, but she was already exhausted.

"Help, help.

Half an hour later, a passerby finally saved Kirihaya's life.

Afterwards, Kirihaya, who inquired about the process of the game, became even more dissatisfied.

Especially Takamura's line.

"Yinhua, a very interesting team. 99

With Takamura's status today (King Qian's), can an opponent that he finds interesting be weak?

"A respectable opponent, but a very strong opponent, no, I want to play too,"" Kirihaya made up his mind.

On the same day, regardless of his numb legs, he walked towards Yinhua.

He wants to challenge his opponent.

Yinhua Middle-School, Fosmond and others are celebrating.

Today's game was a great success.

Yinhua Middle-School has become an indomitable representative and will definitely make a splash.

At this moment, I saw Kirihaya's door.

That uniform is Rikkai.

"I heard you are strong?"

"Not strong, before defeating you, we Yinhua are weak.""

"But we will not give up." Fosmond said with awe.

Kirihaya was in awe, and was indeed an admirable opponent.

Okay, let's have a fight.

Yinhua readily agreed.

It's a matter of reputation.

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