I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 196 The most humiliating thing

Immediately, Yinhua called a lot of people to watch.

We must make this war spread farther and have greater influence.


Here comes Seigaku.

Yamato Yuda, leading the players of Seigaku, especially Arai, came to learn Yinhua's indomitable spirit.

Not a moment's delay.

"Remember, Yinhua is a role model for us to learn from," said 35th Dahe Yuda.

Next year, he will leave Seigaku, and he must leave a legacy for Seigaku.

Yinhua is good.

Perseverance, perseverance, and endless struggle.

Yinhua was overjoyed.

With Seigaku's testimony, the public/faithful/powerful of this competition is much stronger.

(Even God is helping us.) Everyone in Yinhua thought excitedly.

"Playing with Rikkai again?"

"Rikkai's ace, he took the initiative to play against us."

"I heard that it is out of respect for us, and I want to see the true strength of our Yinhua. 35

"Isn't it? I remember that in today's game, Yinhua didn't score a single point." Some people doubted.

"Then why did Rikkai's people come after him? And why did Seigaku come?"

Unable to refute.

So, things changed.

"If the seniors hadn't been injured, they could have even scored a point or two.

"Yinhua's strength, if Rikkai is not careful, he will still lose.

"Have you heard? We, Yinhua, have a huge hidden strength and can sweep the strength of the 860 National Champion."

The words became more and more exaggerated, and the crowd became more and more, not only Yinhua, but also people outside the school began to gather.


Why don't you think it's wrong.

Ishida iron leaned over.

To the students who were talking nonstop.

"What you said is too exaggerated, Yinhua cannot have the strength to defeat Rikkai. 39

The student said angrily.

"Then what are you Seigaku doing?"

'Come and learn the spirit of Yinhua.

"Then it's over, it shows that what I said is right."

Ishida Iron:

So, another article was added soon, Seigaku was defeated by Yinhua, and even because he lost too badly, Seigaku collectively went to Yinhua to apprentice.

Seigaku: (vt)r

The words, of course, also reached Kirihaya's ears.

Kirihaya couldn't hear clearly, but he was so powerful that he could beat Rikkai a few words, and he could hear clearly.

It also made Kirihaya more convinced that Yinhua Middle-School is definitely hidden.

(I have to use all my strength and not be careless.) Kirihaya serves, slapping the ball constantly.

Knuckle serve.

Fosmond was wondering, is it to be handsome, or to be persistent, or both?

Then, he saw the tennis ball in front of him.

With a bang, the tennis ball made contact with the face.

Foxmond's mouth was crooked.

Fosman flew out and lay on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Ah?" Kirihaya was stunned, was his goal so brilliant?

Isn't it powerful? What's going on?

"No, the ministers say they are interesting, they must be pretending."

With this in mind, Kirihaya continues to serve.

"Don't, don't," Foxmond panicked. He didn't want to take another ball.

Kirihaya can continue to serve regardless.

A touch.

Fosman opened his mouth wide, his face covered in blood, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"No, not you," Kirihaya yelled.

The ministers all said that it was interesting, and Yinhua must have strong players.

"You, come out and have a fight with me."

Tashiro was shocked, looking at the tragic state of Fu Shimond, and looking at his small body.

Want to cry without tears.

He was sweating profusely.

He hurriedly looked at his teammates, and as a result, these unscrupulous guys had already hid 5 meters away.

Tashiro wanted to cry without tears.

"Come on." Kirihaya yelled.

He was already very upset.

After squatting in the toilet for a long time, my legs are numb.

Tashiro entered the stage shivering, unable to stand still.

"I see us..."

Then, he was kicked away by a serve from Kirihaya, and he didn't move.

Teeth are lost.

Yinhua Tiandai, the biggest challenger of Haitangxun in the future, is now the grandmother of Yinhuatian.

"Not him, come again." (chbj) Kirihaya frowned.

"Huh." Yin Hua was too frightened to move.

Tang Ben was about to cry, because he was named.

(What should I do, what should I do?) Tang Ben was anxious.

Seeing the mineral water bottle on the ground, I suddenly noticed.

"Then I'll go, I must win." Tang Ben was righteous.

But one accidentally stepped on the mineral water bottle, and the other slipped and fainted.


Yinhua people:

"Next." Kirihaya gritted his teeth, he didn't believe that Yinhua was really a silver-like wax head.

Take advantage of the opportunity of the game,

Domoto, who fainted on the ground, quietly opened his eyes to see if he had deceived others. As a result, he happened to meet Kirihaya's glance.

(Oops, found out.)

Kirihaya got angry, he realized he had been tricked.

"Do you think I'm being tricked?" Kirihaya gritted her teeth.

He took out the tennis ball and hit it hard.

Tang Ben no longer pretended, and jumped up and down, trying to escape.

As a result, he still didn't dodge and was hit on the back of the head by a ball.

Karma snorted and pulled away.

"Next, don't try to lie to me, let the real masters come out and fight one-on-one." Kirihaya shouted.

The audience felt that something was wrong.

This situation, it seems, does not match the performance of the morning?

The audience is puzzled.

Especially Seigaku.

The first to react was Arai.

Because he has the most bad ideas.

He understood Yinhua's little tricks almost instantly.

It also seems that a new door has been opened.

(I seem to, too.)

"Come again." Kirihaya got angry, "Come on together.

This time, Yin Hua couldn't hold it any longer. In order not to get beaten up on the stage, he explained the acting matter with snot and tears.

"Hush hush,

Did the audience know that the morning game was all about acting?

The audience looked at everyone in Yinhua with contempt.

Together with the students of the school, they are all ashamed, ashamed to be in the company of Tang Ben and others.

Many people left in shame.

Especially the classmates who just bragged, they couldn't stay any longer.

"Bastards, you are all Yinhua's garbage, assholes. 35 classmates shouted.

Excited to start.

"So, you guys are weak?" Kirihaya was surprised, "Isn't it strong?"

"We're not strong." Suzuki almost cried.

If I knew earlier that such an evil star would be provoked, kill them, and I wouldn't be able to act, I just conceded defeat.

Yinhua was wrong, really wrong.

It turned out that the humiliation in public was not the worst.

Worst of all, he was beaten badly and humiliated in public.

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