I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 206 The Different Dimension That Shocked the World

(Can't give up, I absolutely can't give up.)

Akutsu, plucked up the courage to continue the game.


The same tennis, the same strong level A, but Yajiu~Jin, just can't catch it.

Even if he knew in advance the way of the tennis ball -, it was the same.

Touch, 5:0.

The game, compared to before, is no different.

The father still beats the son.

No one speaks ill of Akutsu, because Akutsu has done enough.

Facing Takamura, it is normal to not score.

On the contrary, it is a very difficult thing to be able to score points, which requires a lot of writing.

Didn't you see even Camus, Byōdōin Hōō and others, didn't they get too many points?

But for Akutsu—

(Losing, impossible, I will never lose, evolve, evolve for Lao Tzu.)


Akutsu's speed doubled again.

A palpitating breath, constantly awakening.

One, two, three... Four figures, different figures, appeared from behind Akujin.

With fake and real afterimages, completely different ball paths, and super fast speed.

And that palpitating smell.

'hiss. 99




Let everyone who knows the goods take a deep breath.

Let summer be a degree or two cold.

Another dimension, or rather, the prototype of Asura Shinto.

'impossible. ' This time, everyone was really stunned.

Evolution once, although rare, but acceptable.

But with two evolutions, the joke is too big.


"Another dimension?"

Echizen Nanjiro also lost his smile. Really shocked this time.

He took a deep look at Akujin, remembering this young man.

Echizen Ryoma, perhaps, has yet another opponent.

"Evolution twice, different dimensions." San Mifūne Nyudō muttered to himself, stunned.

Even if he is as knowledgeable as him, he feels a little incredible.

Such talent is simply appalling.

Makoto Takamura, why fight Akutsu, three Mifūne Nyudō three now know.

"Oh, MYGOD," Heinkerts covered his head.

Why did another Akutsu appear?

At this time, the foreign intelligence personnel felt that they were going crazy.

First up was Makoto Takamura, who took the world by surprise, albeit by surprise.

But well, let's just pretend that Japan has had shit luck, and a peerless genius has appeared.

Just like Echizen Nanjiro before it.

Anyway, a big tennis country and a strong country cannot be supported by one person.

Even if it is the first in the world.

But soon, Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura also became world famous.

Before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Niou Masaharu began to rise.

Many professionals doubt whether Europe is the center of the world tennis, or Japan is.

This is already four peerless geniuses.

Each one needs the top talents in Europe to be comparable.

Make all countries tremble.

As a result, now another Akutsu Jin has popped up.

Is the peerless genius Chinese cabbage?

Japan is on the hook, and Japan is definitely on the hook.

Heinkerts lost his usual calm.


Tezuka and Yukimura also changed their faces.

King Ren's smile disappeared.

This is a powerful enemy of the same level.

No, even stronger.

"I didn't expect Akujin to have such potential, I underestimated him at first. Yukimura suppressed himself.

That's fighting intent.

"Ah, if you have a chance, you must have a match." Tezuka was also full of fighting spirit.

If I had known, he would have appeared.

"Why, Akutsu Jin, can already be side by side with you guys?" Liu was surprised.

According to his own data, Akujin seems to have only started playing in middle school, right?

This talent...

Hearing this, a frenzy erupted in Rikkai's hearts.

The talent gap is also too big.

"However, even if it is a different dimension, it is still far worse than the minister." Maori said.

Everyone nodded.

Takamura is undefeated.

This, Rikkai everyone, is convinced.

Perhaps only the audience doesn't know what different dimensions mean.

But the only thing that is certain is that the game has risen a few notches again.

Touch and play tennis.

Each of the five figures has a different ball path. Before hitting the tennis ball, any kind of ball path may be real or fake.

To stop, unless you see through, or hit all five ball paths back.

Not one ball, but every ball, all the same.

Not only that, but also predictions.

The ability of different dimensions can extremely stimulate Akutsu's brain, which greatly increases Akutsu's predictive ability.

.....for flowers

Even, it touches the field of omniscience and omnipotence.

And speed.

600KM/H, 700KM/H, 800KM/H... The ball speed is constantly improving.

Strength is also increasing.

Ball after ball, boom boom, boom boom.

Almost no one can see.

Not only the speed of the ball, but also the speed of people's movement, can't be seen clearly.

When the tennis ball hit the ground, it created potholes and exploded again and again.

"Come on, raise the isolation board," said Yuki Dojima, chairman of the organizing committee of the competition.

There are no professional players, only the isolation board is activated, so that the audience will not be hurt.

At this time, Dojima Yuki was very fortunate, fortunately, the competition venue was arranged in the National Net court.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.


"It's too exaggerated, what kind of strength is this." Everyone was shocked.

At this moment, whether it was Seigaku or Rokkaku, all the players watching were shocked.

Akutsu's progress is too great.

It's too big to believe.

The rise of the isolation board is almost the first time seen in the eyes of Seigaku and others.

Also a myth.

Basically, only watched it on TV.

And now, the truth is around.

on their peers.

"Well, that's it. 35


"Come on.""

The audience, however, had no idea.

Just feel so excited.

High-level competition, people are intoxicated.

bump bump, the game continues,

(It's almost, as it evolves, Akutsu's body can't take it.) Takamura thought.

Akujin, after all, is only in the second grade, and his body has not yet reached its peak.

And Akutsu's different dimension, the eighth sense is ignorant, and the burden on the body is enormous.

(If that's the case, then let's lose.)

The game is back to where it started at the beginning.

The ball can't be caught, attacked, and can be hit back easily, except that Akutsu has become stronger, nothing has changed.

Touch, 40:0.

Touch, the last ball.

Akujin gritted his teeth and flew to save, but he hadn't lost yet.

However, the gap in strength is not, but the gap in strength cannot be filled by fighting spirit.

Akutsu, still can only watch the ball and sigh.


Akutsu didn't score a point.

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