I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 207 Is this a stab at Sang Yuan's nest?

"How far are you?

Takamura said.

"Go back and practice for a few more years.

competition is over.

Akutsu was dumbfounded, did he still lose in the end?

As soon as his consciousness loosened, the long-term exhaustion hit, and there were unrecognized injuries - his feet were already dripping with blood - Akujin immediately fainted.

"Akujin." Many people shouted.

Even the three Mifūne Nyudō three are the same.

The current Akujin is definitely the baby bump of the Japanese team, and there is no room for any negligence.

Immediately, doctors and nurses came to give treatment.

Singles II is over.

However, everyone was still reminiscing about the battle just now.

Many intelligence officers looked at Akujin on the stretcher with surprise, jealousy, envy, disbelief, and complicated meanings.

(Must be naturalized Yajiu "860" Jin at all costs.)

At this moment, I don't know how many people secretly made up their minds.

Beep beep, calls and text messages one by one, began to be delivered to all parts of the world.

Complete disregard for the time difference elsewhere.

One hundred thousand urgent.

For example, in the United States, New York is now dark.

"OH, SHIT, don't you look at the time? Must give me an explanation.

Then, no sleepiness at all.

"Akutsu Jin?


"I hope Akujin will not be like the previous players." Klopp frowned.

Americans too.

It stands to reason that there are not many Japanese rapes? Especially when facing American fathers.

Shouldn't he lie down and be beaten?

Why in recent years, every time a player wants to be naturalized, Japan always refuses.

This question is not right.

Is there something wrong?

Americans are confused and feel completely illogical.

If foreigners are thinking about poaching, then the opponents in the country are very realistic.

"Just one Makoto Takamura, plus another Akutsu, can I catch them?

At this moment, I don't know how many people are disheartened.

It's not that you don't work hard, but the gap is too big, making people desperate.

"Fuji, what do you think?" Shiraishi asked.

"It's completely beyond our level."

Lion music, Tachibana Jihei and Chitose Senri also shook their heads silently.

"The two of us, even if we join forces, cannot be Akutsu's opponent.

"It's not that I don't understand, it's just," Chitose sighed, "the tennis world in China is really changing too fast.

As for the companion, his face was ashen.

He has regretted it, regretted giving up Akutsu.

This may be the worst decision he has ever made in his life.

Akutsu has been rescued.

Atobe was silent, his hands trembling, his fingernails clenched into his palms.

Happy for Akutsu's strength, but also angry for his own weakness.

The current self is definitely not Akutsu's opponent.

(I must get stronger.)

Because it is too shocking, including the referee is also emotional.

This is the prototype of a different dimension, a stunt that can only appear in U17 or higher events.

Because of too much sensation, the game was delayed by 1 hour.

Keep everyone calm.

By the way, change the venue.

The competition venue is already full of potholes, and there is not an inch of it.

As soon as the staff pressed, the new net court floor slowly rose, and the broken net court floor began to fall.

In addition, the isolation plate has also been put down.

Except for Takamura, the conference does not believe that there are other players who can force the conference to use the isolation board.

It's all money.

Dojima Yuki secretly wondered, who should pay for the maintenance fee of this net court?

1 hour later, after everyone calmed down,

The game continues.

Doubles One, Marui Bunta, Jackal Kuwahara VS Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi Syuichirou.

This is the field, a real battle of doubles.

"Let's start." Kikumaru gave a look, and immediately.

The same brilliance emerges.

You have me, I have you, the heart is connected, life and death are shared.

Double sync.


The doubles magic skill of the middle school.

It should have caused the whole audience to be surprised.

However, with Takamura and Akutsu's fight, the synchronicity is nothing but that.

Especially foreign intelligence officers.

For coherence, just an "oh" sound means nothing.

Even the audience.

Listless, obviously still reminiscing about the previous game.

Kikumaru: (v)r

Still a warm man Oishi, comforted Kikumaru well..


"Synchronization." Marui blowing bubbles, "It's interesting.

"Don't pay attention to them, defeat them." Kuwahara said.

Coherence, of course, can maximize the tacit understanding of doubles and communicate with each other.

However, the improvement of their own strength is still extremely limited.

For example, the heavy artillery serve, the golden doubles can't be caught before the synchronization, so after the synchronization, it can't be caught or can't be caught.

Strong personal strength, even if you don't need to cooperate, you can still crack the coherence.

like now.


With a strong rotation to reduce air resistance, it hit the ground hard.

Jackal Kuwahara's stunt.

Fireball Rat.

Using its own power, combined with strong rotation, friction with the air, so as to ignite the flame and hit the power ball.

Very strong attack.


Boom, another fireball rat.

Score again.

"No, too fast, too powerful," Oishi said.

Neither Oishi nor Kikumaru are power players, and they have very limited restrictions on power balls.

"It's okay, we still have a way. 35

Kikumaru said.

After speaking, Kikumaru Eiji quickly separated four afterimages.

Using the ultra-fast speed, there is a delay in the line of sight, and afterimages appear.

Kikumaru Eiji's stunt, clone technique.

1.9 "2VS2 is not an opponent, then 6VS2." Kikumaru said.

Kuang Yuan was stunned, not only Kuang Yuan, but others were also stunned.

Because, Jackal Sanghara also has a shadow clone.

Similar to Kikumaru Eiji.

"I don't know if your shadow clone is stronger or his clone is better. 35 Marui said with a smile.

"Hmph, I'm looking forward to it." After speaking, Kuwahara also used a shadow clone.

Kikumaru has four afterimages, and Kuwahara has 10 afterimages.

who is afraid of who.

Kikumaru Eiji:  …

Did this stab Sang Yuan's nest?

This time, the audience is also confused.

"Who is who?"

"Who knows, all of them are clones."

The audience said excitedly.

This match really came true.

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