I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 208 Forcing the King to Appear

The director of the live game has also noticed an increase in viewership.

It peaked when Takamura played, and then quickly declined.

I was worried, and the avatar technique came out.

It doesn't matter if it's strong or not, at least it's eye-catching.

"Director, the ratings are starting to pick up.

"Okay. Continue the live broadcast." The director was overjoyed.

Kikumaru's clone technique, Oishi's field swipe - a new stunt developed based on Oishi's field, although it also gave Marui and two some troubles, but it is limited to this.

The personal strength of the two sides is too far apart.

Even if the cooperation is tacit, and the coherence is strong, it will not be of any use.

Last ball.

Thinking about it, no need to communicate, Marui Kuwahara flashed light at the same time.


"What?" Kikumaru was taken aback.

The tennis ball had already crossed and flew off the court.


"Synchronization, but that's it," Marui said.

As Rikkai's first doubles, it's a matter of course in sync.

Not surprising.

Marui smiled bitterly, and Oishi was helpless.

The individual strength is not enough, and even the cooperation is far worse now.

This gap...

"Hopefully we can meet again next time.

"Ah. 39

doubles as soon as it ends.

The aggregate score was 27,4:0.

Hyotei lounge area, extremely depressing.

Everything seems to be a rehearsal from last year—

Confident expeditions, all the way to promotion, Rikkai pressing across the sky, worried pre-match meetings, disastrous doubles, desperate singles;

In the end, he was sent back to his hometown.

This experience seems a little familiar.

"Well, we've come a long way," said 35 Atobe. "Compared to last year, at least Rikkai has to send the main force. 35

"The gap between us and the powerful is narrowing.

"This year failed, next year, next year failed, the year after, and high school.

"As long as the gap is closing, one day, we will beat Rikkai."

This remark made everyone in Hyotei hope again.

Atobe nodded.

This is his team.

Then, Atobe stepped onto the court with a determined attitude.

He wanted to see, Rikkai, who would send.

Pat, clapping, and applause, second only to Takamura's appearance.

The popularity of the king is still very high.

With a touch, he snapped his fingers again, and with his handsome face, it caused a scream.

"What a guy who likes to pretend." Arai said sourly.

He also wants to be so popular.

Unfortunately not.

Rikkai's appearance is the only third grader, Mōri Juzaburō.

"Ah," Mauri yawned.

Is it finally time for him to show up?

"This time, I'll let you bow down to the magnificent dance of this uncle." Atobe said.

Losers do not lose.

"You haven't changed at all, Hyotei has already lost," Mauri said.


MMP, you don't need to say it.

"This game, you lose."

"Hyotei lost.

"The gap is getting smaller and next year, you will lose. 35

"Hyotei lost.

Can we not talk about what Hyotei lost?

"Last year you lost to Marui. 99

..." Atobe fell back.

Decided to use tennis to fight back with strength.

"Is he, Atobe Keigo?" San Mifūne Nyudō thought silently.

Among the Hyotei, Akutsu and Atobe were the only ones who could get into Mifune's eyes.

Today, Akutsu has shown his strength.

And Atobe, Mifune is looking forward to it.

Looking forward to Atobe's surprise.

"Atobe Keigo." Klopp flipped through the profile.

He remembered that the two Heinkerts had recorded his information last year.

Watson, the British intelligence officer, had a complicated expression.

Because the information shows that Atobe Keigo, once studied in the UK and learned to play tennis.

Tachibana Jihei is simpler. Grit your teeth.

"Atobe is a womanizer, I must teach him a lesson when I get a chance."

Chitose Senri:(☆Yi`)c

Atobe suddenly shivered, feeling as if he was being watched.

(Strange, what's going on? Got a cold?)

Shaking his head, Atobe pushed the strange thoughts out.

Start serving.

Touch, the big cold wave, also known as the king of ice.

Boom, an invisible air wave spread all over the audience, the shock wave caused by the super force shattered all the glass products close to the audience.

First of all, the seats for Hyotei and Rikkai.

"Damn," Kirihaya gritted her teeth.

His phone screen was broken.

Going to buy a new one.

Yanagyu threw the eye frame coolly, and then took out a pair of eyes from his pocket again.

No doubt, also shattered.

Yagyu: MMP.

On the other hand, Hyotei, who was not surprised, had already guarded against Atobe's move.

Like Inui Sadaharu, the eyes are intact.

"I was already prepared.

Rikkai and Hyotei are okay.

The audience is miserable.

"Ah ah ah," many people shouted, with lingering fears.

The spectacle lenses were shattered, but fortunately the shock wave had weakened.

Otherwise, it is really possible to blind the audience's glasses.

"It's terrifying." The audience was shocked.

The same is true for the audience without glasses. If there is an impact, the scattered glass slag will definitely hurt many people.

After the surprise, is the frenzy.

A high level of tennis is enjoyed by all.

"Unexpectedly." Three Mifūne Nyudō three stood up.

Unexpectedly, not only Akutsu, but also Atobe is so strong.

This surprise, San Mifūne Nyudō San loved it.

"Come on, raise the flag on the isolation board.

Then, the partition plate, which had been lowered with great difficulty, was raised again.

Let the competition will remember the heartache.

How can this be balanced.

If I had known this, the isolation board might as well have been left open.

Damn it, middle school students, how come all of them are so strong?


Surprised by Maori, this serve...  

"Hmph, this is the strength of this uncle." Atobe sneered.

What is the surprise of the audience, isn't it a matter of course for Mr. Atobe?

toss the ball again,

King of Ice.

The same shock wave, the same shock.

"The same trick is useless to me." Maori shouted.

He hurried to the landing point and tried his best to beat the Ice Emperor back.

(A lot of strength.) Maori gritted his teeth.


Tennis is exhausted, Atobe leaps.

The dance of surrender.

First a ball, beat the Maori racquet.

Then, a second smash,

Strong power, hit racquet directly, let racquet fly again.

Boom, smash, fly, two-stage smash, score, all in one go.


As soon as it came up, Atobe was on fire.

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