I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 209 The Atobe of God

"It's really troublesome." Mauri scratched his head.

From the fight just now, I knew that Atobe was not an easy match.

By the way, why is your opponent such a troublesome guy?

Like the doubles just now, it's pretty good.

Can't the opponent switch?


"However, I can't lose either. 35 Maori serious face.

"Come on then." Atobe challenged.

Singles one, as soon as the game starts, there is a full-scale battle.

Except for Takamura VS Akutsu, it surpassed all previous matches in an all-round way.

The ball speed once again exceeded 450KM/H,

The player's movement speed is only 5 seconds per 100 meters, including the start and stop time.

Every time it was started, it caused a gust of wind.

Really flying.

As for technology.

Whether it's Oshitari's thousand stunts or Liu's intelligence predictions, in the hands of Atobe and Maori, it's all about Panmen.

This is technology that has reached another level entirely.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

The two sides fought hard.

Touch, tennis land, chop.


Boom, the net hits a dead end.


In the end, Atobe took the first set after a tough game.

Keep your serve bureau.

"It's amazing, what a fierce battle."

"Last year's national high school finals were far behind."

The audience was amazed.

However, for the two Maori, it was just a warm-up.

Atobe first decided to use full force.

He has the best physical strength and has the confidence to drag down the Maori.

"Look, this is a stunt developed by Mr. Ben to deal with Makoto Takamura."

In the last street court, Atobe failed miserably. After going back, he studied hard, suffered a lot, and finally developed a stunt.

Boom, use superior insight to observe yourself, mobilize the power hidden in the body, and break the limiter with the help of super insight.

Thus, greatly improve its own strength.

His name is the Atobe of God.

Atobe, after fighting Takamura, has once again ushered in evolution.


The invisible momentum blew the dust away, and what appeared in front of him was the awe-inspiring and inviolable Atobe of God.

"This is .||?" The alarm bell rang in Maori's heart.

The hairs stood up.

That is a crisis.

Boom, simple direct ball.

Score directly.

Gross couldn't react at all.

Boom, another score.


Watching Marui Bunta sighed inwardly.

Atobe Keigo, has left him far behind.

Talent, people helpless.

"As I said, I'm sure to win." Atobe was confident.

Going to the sale, I snapped my fingers again.


"Come on, Master Atobe.""

"Hyotei, Hyotei.""

"Can win, can win." Hyotei cheered.

Such Atobe, why not win?

Too strong.


"Although I want to observe it, but I can't just look at your score, the minister will be angry, 99 Maori said helplessly.

This guy Atobe is really tricky.

Maori relaxed, eyes closed, fell into a deep sleep, and played on instinct.

Sleeping Rohan.

It is an upgraded version of Fuji Syusuke's Heart Eyes.

Let yourself fall into a state of deep sleep, thereby reducing unnecessary consumption, including but not limited to vision, pain, taste, etc., and deploy all the excess power to other aspects, thereby greatly improving your own strength.

This is also a state skill that Maori developed under Takamura's guidance.


The gross profit is activated, and afterimages are produced in place.


Gross profit has also increased significantly.

"Okay, that's interesting. 35 Atobe yelled.

This is what singles look like.

Defeat Mōri Juzaburō before defeating Makoto Takamura.

Bang bang bang, fierce battle, harsh roar, and exquisite ball skills, people are intoxicated.

The afterimages appeared, different from the stunts of Jackal Sangyuan and Marui, who were purely blind and skillful.

And now, it's pure speed.

Because of the fast speed, most of the audience can't keep up, and they can only see clearly by slowing down the motion on the multimedia display screen in front of the seat.

And the power in it is constantly destroying the court.

There are more audiences, who don't care about slow motion or what they can see clearly.

Ultra-high-speed action, powerful shots, invisible figures and scattered dust, this is the most adrenaline-pumping battle.

"It's cool."

"These two..."

Everyone was surprised.

Maori's strength, many people have been psychologically prepared, after all, Makoto Takamura's men, also joined the Japanese U17.

But Atobe, has really kept up with the gross profit, and, is still not at a disadvantage?

Like the previous singles two, it is completely beyond the level of middle school students.

"" "Why is this again? It's a trick no less than the light of restraint." Klopp couldn't take it anymore, his little heart was beating thumping.

The light of restraint, a stunt that only a few geniuses in the world can possess. As a result, how many junior high school students are there in the Japanese team?

Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Atobe Keigo, Mōri Juzaburō, plus the inevitable Takamura, that's five.

"The main generals of some small countries are just as strong.

Is the talent pool of the Japanese team too rich?

Judging from the current situation, the strength of junior high school students is more than enough for a heads-up fight in the world.

It is the king of Germany. Among the junior high school students, only Berti can be compared.

Others, whether it is the robot (Qian Zhao Zhao) Frankenstein or Serifed, are not as good as Atobe two.

Oh, yes, Seri Verde is dead.

But the Japanese team, close to 10.

How to fight this?

Watson, a British man, was pleasantly surprised. He was an intelligence officer for the British U17.

Originally, Watson was desperate.

Among the junior high school students, Germany still has Berti who can do it anyway, and the United Kingdom, forget it, let's not talk about it.

It's all tears.

But the outbreak of Atobe surprised Watson inexplicably.

Because Watson knew that Atobe Keigo had studied in England and practiced tennis in England.

(The goals of BIG4 are all Akujin, and the UK is not dominant, so naturalizing Atobe may be a good way.)

Watson turned thoughtfully.

Thinking of Atobe's life experience, it gave me another headache.

(Can only hope, Atobe will miss my Dae-young.).

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