I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 222 I'm sorry, it's really embarrassing for you to lose to us

"Invincible? Really?" Liu Muran.

"Of course.

Brush, again beam particle, Liliadent Krauser, scored again.

When the score came to 3:3,

The combination of Liu and Liu Sheng finally leaked his fangs.

"I'm going to lose." Moses, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"Look at me.

It's a beam particle again, and it's the same speed as before.

But it didn't work.

(Miluk Millman's serve, weakness, is there.)

Liu Sheng's gang pulled them back.

"Unexpectedly?" Miluk Millman didn't believe it.

Still serve, but was pulled back again.

"Yagyu Hiroshi, his own stunt is the laser beam. He is very good at speed, and his resistance to beam particles is very high," Moses said lightly.

"If the average person's difficulty in dealing with beam particles is 10, then Yagyu Hiroshi's difficulty is only 1."

"So, what if the target changed?" someone else asked.

Another round.


Yanagi Renji started, and had already determined the destination in advance.

Liu's computing speed has greatly increased under the superposition of talent, data prediction, and character models.

Because the calculation speed is too fast, the speed of the ball is greatly reduced.

It is barely a touch of Fuji Light Wind.

One hit, one hit back.

"That's it, data tennis, plus other prediction skills, it's still easy to predict the path of the ball. 33 Moses pointed.

"And the increase in computing power will slow down everything in time. The ultra-high-speed serve is very restrained. 99


The beam particle was broken, and the two of Mark McGregor were ecstatic.

Can't think of anything like this result.

My own trick was broken after only a few sentences."

This is Australia's secret.

"What, this is Australia's stunt.||?" The audience disdain.

It's nothing, it's not bragging, right?

It was bragging so loudly, and in the end, wasn't it broken by Rikkai's people?

Make the pros smile.

It's not that the beam particles are not powerful, it's because Rikkai's formation has just restrained Liliadent Krauser.

Liu and Liu Sheng are both more suitable for cracking beam particles.

If other people want to decipher the beam particles, it will be extremely difficult.

Once the beam particle is broken, there is no problem with the doubles.

It quickly became a crushing bureau.

Touch, Rikkai scores.

Touch, lob the ball, fall with rapid rotation, and make irregular movements.


Many professionals who saw it shook their heads.

The two people in Australia, the basic strength, is still weak.


In the end, the score was fixed at 6:4.

Rikkai wins.

"Losing. Damn.

Mark McGregor was unwilling.

Not only would Mark McGregor not be depressed, but happy if he lost to Makoto Takamura.

To play against Makoto Takamura is an honor in itself.

If it's not Makoto Takamura, then Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Niou Masaharu too.

Losing to them is nothing.

Anyway, Mark McGregor had already prepared for it.

Not to mention him, even Noah, the first person of the new generation in Australia, is not necessarily better than the above.

However, the opponents of the competition are not the above, nor are they equally prestigious opponents such as Sanada Genichiro, Mōri Juzaburō, etc.

It was Yanagi Renji and Yanagyu, an unheard pair of garbage.

This is really frustrating.

Liu, Liu Sheng:==#

Weak in strength and low in reputation, I'm really sorry.

"Get some rest," Takamura said.


Liu and the two of them sat on the lounge chair with their butts. The match just now put a lot of pressure on them.

The second singles is a tennis robot from Germany, Frankenstein.

It is also the strongest among the Liliadent Krausers this time.

"Then I'll go." Sanada stood up.


Looking at Sanada's figure, Moses frowned.

Sanada's information has been memorized in all parties.

I also know that he is Rikkai, the strongest.

(The robot, hopefully, you can let him show his strength a bit more.)

The strength of the robot, because the ball is accurate, every shot is like the best machine, so it is called a robot.

One of the rising stars in Germany.

Whether it is movement, speed, strength, or coordination, they are all flawless, with no flaws.

"It seems that he is the same type as you," Fuji said to Shiraishi with a smile.

In just a few short shots, Fuji Syusuke saw through the robot.

"That's right, but it's still too tender." Shiraishi held his head in a relaxed tone.

"" "Frankenstein, only mechanically copying movements. The standard movements are indeed perfect.

However, man is not a machine, this is his Achilles heel. 35

"But actually, you don't need to aim for the weak point." Chitose sighed.

"That's right, just by virtue of strength, it can be suppressed." Tachibana Jiping agreed.

Everyone was speechless.


No matter what opponent, with hard power, can be crushed, what do you need to say?

Tachibana Jihei quickly explained.

The robot's heart is messed up.

Robot Frankenstein, last time with his friend Seri Verde, came to challenge Makoto Takamura.

As a result, the friend was disabled for life and could no longer play tennis.

Everyday life is better than death. Very saddened by Frankenstein.

In this competition, robots represent not only themselves, but also their friends.


Sanada's eyes lit up.

Boom, bombard vigorously, and score directly.

"You better use all your strength, otherwise, you are not my opponent.

(Qian Zhaozhao) Sure enough, the robot's playing style is flawless, and the tennis it plays is precise and meaningless.

The army was defeated by Sanada.

touch, a ball.

Or can't take it.

Or, catch, but fly directly.

Alternatively, the tennis ball is rowed directly from the racquet.

Speed, strength, technology, and overall fall into the disadvantage.


There is no backhand.

The robot's face was expressionless, as if it wasn't him who failed miserably.

It's just that the tightly clasped racquet can reflect his mood.

After returning, he will continue training.

For friends, but also for myself.

Liliadent Krauser, has lost all three battles.

"It seems that after the next World Cup, Germany will also be in decline. 99

The professional shook his head secretly.

Besides robots, are there powerful junior high school students in Germany?

Besides Bertie, who else?

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