I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 223 Multinational forces, the most watched battle

"What are you thinking, isn't it our country?" said the Swiss.

As soon as these words came out, the Swiss also lost interest.

"Who doesn't know who. Besides Japan, which country have you seen so many junior high school students? 39

This time, everyone is silent.

They also thought of the proud sons of the country.

Maybe one or two can be compared.

But look at the numbers.

Forget it, surrender.

"So, I still don't understand why Japan, a tennis desert, has so many tennis geniuses in a short period of time?" The Swiss did not understand.

"Who knows?" Klopp replied.

Not only Swiss, Germans, Americans, Spaniards, which tennis power is not puzzled?

It is said that various major countries have begun to investigate the common ground of Japanese geniuses. Japan's social environment, talent training mechanism, and the living environment of geniuses are all the focus of research.

Thinking of this, everyone is a little worried about the next World Cup.

Perhaps, the next U17 World Cup has lost its suspense.

doubles one, is the doubles from Spain.

The two are extremely strong, and their cooperation is also extremely tacit.

Rikkai played the doubles combination of Mōri Juzaburō and Marui Bunta.


(Mōri Juzaburō?) Moses' eyes lit up.

Rikkai, sent another general.

(In addition to the information of the Kanto competition, the information of Mōri Juzaburō will be more accurate.)

The two sides began to fight fiercely.

As the final BOSS in the original work, the strength of the two Spanish junior high school students is extremely strong.

Cooperation is extremely tacit, and it is also a violent tennis genre.

"It really is Spanish style." The German pouted.

The main player of Spain, Medanore, is also a violent tennis genre.

The Swiss chuckled.

It seems that Medanore has put a lot of pressure on the Germans.

Doubles one, and at one point, Maori and the two were cornered.

In the end, it was only by virtue of the critical juncture, the ability of the two to resonate with each other, and the first-class single strength of Maori, they were able to win.


Thrilling score.

Really, really, I can't think of the ability to resonate. Mauri had a bloody expression on his face.

"No way, those two are very strong, it's still violent tennis." Marui muttered.

Violent tennis can greatly compensate for the strength gap between the two sides.

Otherwise, the two Maori would not have fought so thrillingly.

"These two people." Atobe looked grim.

"It's a Spanish player." Inui Sadaharu said calmly.

"Ah." Atobe nodded.

Once again, feel the vastness of the world.

The world is full of strong people.

(This time, the growth trajectory of gross profit is roughly complete.)

(Unfortunately, Rikkai deserves attention, except for Maori, he only played one Sanada.) Moses sighed.

Unfortunately, he is also a clever woman who cannot cook without rice.

The coalition forces of various countries sent so many players.

The top-of-the-line group is still tightly clenched in the palm of their hand.

It is impossible to force Rikkai to do his best.

(If that's the case, then I'll go.)

Moses comes in.

"This time, let me see my opponent, Tezuka Kunimitsu."

Moses had studied the information on Takamura and knew that Takamura was a very proud man.

Similarly, if you also know your own information, you will definitely be understood by the other party.

So, Moses is very clear, Makoto Takamura, will definitely send heavyweights.

This is self-confidence and pride.

Sure enough, Rikkai's singles one, is Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Moses smiled.


Others are surprised.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, along with Seiichi Yukimura, is Rikkai's second person.

Rikkai, even Tezuka Kunimitsu sent out.

"That's natural. Although Tezuka Kunimitsu is strong, the opponent is not inferior (chbj). Someone popularized it.

"The Prophet Moses, an Israeli player, was named the 7th best junior in the world in the latest Tennis magazine."

hiss. "


"it turns out."

Only now did the audience realize how big the opponent's background was.

"United States, Germany, Spain, Australia, Israel..." There are numbers.

Five games, five players from different countries.

"Good guy, this is a multinational coalition."

"It's so vile.""

Someone was outraged.

"But, don't you think this shows Rikkai's strength?"

The audience was taken aback.

It turned out that Rikkai's strength, unconsciously, was strong enough to deal with the multinational coalition.

Force the major powers to join forces.

Endless pride came.

Then there's excitement.

This game is bound to be a battle of dragons and tigers.


The masters hidden behind the scenes, through the display screen, sat upright.

Zeus, Noah, Berti, QP who just entered the first year of high school... Even Echizen Ryoga has also paid attention.

Moses VS Tezuka Kunimitsu, who will win?

"Quick, quick, adding a few cameras, all the cameras, all around.

The director yelled.

This game was watched by many people not only in Japan, but also in other countries.

With the appearance of Moses and Tezuka Kunimitsu, the ratings have increased by an order of magnitude.

If Takamura shoots, I'm afraid the ratings will skyrocket.

Moses laughed.

Although I can't figure out Takamura's information, but if I can read Tezuka Kunimitsu's information, I don't need to go here.

This game is not a loss.

The game has officially started.

Moses, also known as the Prophet,

His special ability is time ability.

Through the battle with the opponent, and through the players' data, playing characteristics, psychological habits, and their own time abilities, they can see their future.

Name: Prophecy.

Although, Moses can only use it once a week.

And, with the extension of viewing time in the future, the interval of use will also become longer and longer.

If you exceed the limit, you will be severely injured.

But nothing could erase the power of Moses.

This is also the reason why the major powers made a special trip to invite Moses from Israel.

They, to know, the true strength of the Japanese team.

Especially Makoto Takamura, the best.

(Just let me see, your future, Tezuka Kunimitsu.)

(And victory, of course.).

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