I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 224 The Civil War of World-Class Junior High School Students

singles one, Tezuka Kunimitsu VS Moses.

Full attention.

It's a civil war for world-class juniors.

Zero serve.

Tezuka shot directly.

Zero-style serve, Tezuka Kunimitsu can be used by the audience, and it is an improved version.

Moses didn't move, − his eyes were fixed.

Let Tezuka score.


"Wonderful serve, fully utilizing the rules of serve-. Moses appreciates.

But the more you know, the more difficult it becomes.

Zero-style serve is really not easy to deal with.

Moses serve.


Moses parted the sea.

"What is that?" the audience exclaimed.

Hurala, in the sky, endless Wang Yang appeared, mighty and full of strength.

Exudes a very coquettish red.

That's the Dead Sea.

(No.) Moses secretly said.

Tezuka's eyes are clear and clear, and once it has no influence, she has always been extremely firm.

(Then look at this.)

Then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, under the figure of a sacred stalwart, the ocean separated, as if the world had opened up, the mighty power of God.

Appearing again, the tennis ball has been split in half, lying quietly in the center of the court.

It seems that everything just now is an illusion.


After a long silence, the audience was in an uproar.


"I would love to see the oceans parted.

"What kind of game is this?

People were talking.

It just refreshed people's eyes.

On the other hand, the audience who have been watching the Grand Slam and other events are not surprised.

After all, in Grand Slam tournaments, there are many tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, galactic starbursts, and cosmic floods.

Watching a professional player's game is not playing tennis at all, just like watching a Hollywood 3D blockbuster, Clash of the Gods.

' That is Moses' stunt, combining illusion, splitting, technology, speed, and the world-class stunt of sticking to the earth, Moses divides the sea. Takamura explained.

"It's really strong."

The people of Rikkai were silent.

Just this one hand, Moses deserves to be a world-class junior high school student.


Play, same stormy seas, same earth-shaking, score again, 30:0.

Tezuka turned straight on seamlessly, and he asked to change.

"So fast?" Moses was surprised.

Thinking of the playing characteristics of Rikkai players, thoughtful.

It seems that Rikkai's players are never careless and, moreover, will not give up a single point.

Moses' heart sank, and he had a deeper understanding of Rikkai's strength.

Rikkai, what is strong is not only strength, but also mentality.

That never underestimates the mentality of any opponent.

Moses looked up.

He also has a unique trick to improve his overall quality, and it is even stronger.

The Ten Commandments of Moses are the stunts that the future Moses has cultivated through painstaking experience.

Special skills to improve their own quality.

A commandment of Moses.

two commandments,

Moses' strength skyrocketed in an instant.

No less than seamless.

"Finally, I have a little look." Noah said in a deep voice.

He knew that from now on, the two would be officially fighting.

"Moses, what surprise will you give me?

Whoops, bloody seas.

Moses scored again. 1:1 draw.

The third game.

Tezuka serves again and scores again with zero serve.

Moses was not to be outdone, and Moses divided the sea, equally no less.


"Interesting, will the two of you compete to serve?

"It will change soon.

Zeus said.

Zeus, the most insightful one, has already seen it.

Both sides are extremely proud geniuses and will not allow the situation to remain the same.

"The fifth game is about to change." Bertie said indifferently.

The AI ​​flashed in his mind, and the data of the two people was continuously input.

Looking for a solution.

It was okay for Moses to divide the sea, and Berti was confident. But the improved version of the zero-style serve, the foundation required for cracking is too high, and he still needs training.

(A month at most,) Berti looked confident.

Up to a month, zero-style serve, is no longer a problem.

Fifth inning.

"Don't be careless. 35 A new light, reappears.


"Another light of restraint?" Klopp frowned.

Just now, Tezuka Kunimitsu, has used the light of restraint, and it doesn't work much.

Wait, not right.

All of a sudden, the professionals saw it all.

It was a combination of two reserved lights.

...... Ask for flowers·

The brilliance of fortitude and the brilliance of loneliness.

"Monster, actually superimposed two kinds of reserved light?" The Swiss sighed.

The power generated by the two states of reserved light is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

That is a qualitative leap.

Germany, QP looked at Tezuka silently, he felt threatened.

That is, the threat to face.

Moses was stunned and took a deep look at Tezuka.

The time ability is activated, combined with the data, it is easy to detect the state of Tezuka.

The light of restraint that countless geniuses can't turn on despite all the hardships, Tezuka can even turn on two levels.

With such talent, even Moses was shocked.

Well, the three commandments of Moses.

Moses' strength soared again.

But not enough.

The ten plagues of the Bible.

God's catastrophe.

Under the power of prophecy, Moses already had a clear understanding of his future.

The light of restraint will take half a year, and the opening of the different dimension will take another year...

In the future, the peak state of Moses, the prophecies are monitored at any time, and the words follow the law; the Ten Commandments of Moses and the ten plagues of the Bible are invincible. Divide the sea and the ocean, and turn the river to the sea.

Of course, with Moses' present ability, he could only use the three commandments and one plague.

The first disaster, blood and flood.

The court, changed, and under the interference of Moses' strong willpower, layers of blood appeared.

Exudes an ominous atmosphere.


The almost unsolvable zero-style serve fell on the ground and bounced quickly.

The blood that extends to the ground is not just an illusion.

Zero-style serve, broken.

Even under the influence of the blood and flood, Tezuka's best chops were all broken.

The blood condensed on the ground constantly destroyed the rotation of the tennis ball.

But Moses could only do so much.

The seamless combination of the two realms, the power that erupted was far beyond imagination.

Strength, speed, skills... The lack of comprehensiveness in all aspects cannot be dealt with by cracking moves.

Boom, the powerful force, made Moses Racquet tremble.

This is superb technology supplemented by great power.


The high speed of the ball made it extremely difficult for Moses to pick up.

This is all-round power.

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