I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 225 Predicting the Future

"It seems that the outcome is already divided." Zeus laughed.

There is fear in his eyes.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, has the capital to challenge him.

Moses was panting and looking calm.

In fact, since the combination of the two light of restraint, he already knew the result.

During the game, he could not escape his prediction.

However, the biggest grief of the players is this.

Moses could see his defeat, but he could do nothing.

(Tezuka Kunimitsu, this time, it looks like you won, but next time, not so much.)

Moses continued to fight back, never giving up.

(Then now, let me see, your future.)

Moses unleashed his powers.

"Okay." Everyone who understood Moses' ability was shocked.

Finally, came to the main play, "eight seven seven" is also the main goal.

In an instant, with tennis as a node, time power as a fulcrum, across the long river of time, Moses saw it.

Scenes of hard training, boring and boring training, dull days and nights, year after year.

TV, stay away; games, stay away, gourmet, stay away;

The boy of the famous Tezuka Kunimitsu has nothing but tennis.

When I go to school, I use the racquet to hit the ball; during class, I use the time to hone my ball skills; for short distances, I run all the time to exercise my body...

Rejected the temptation, refused to enjoy, only tennis, only progress.

Even, if it is not for the limitation of the student's status, Tezuka Kunimitsu still needs to learn, I am afraid that all Tezuka is left is tennis.

Moses was surprised.

This strict self-discipline, this purity, this concentration, Tezuka Kunimitsu, is it really just a junior high school student?

Then there is strength.

One by one, the skills of the second to the top, the flawless heart, the indestructible will, and the tempered body, have assembled into a terrifying existence.

(So ​​strong, really strong, as expected of the top 5 junior high school students,) Moses was surprised.

He took it.

In this game, he was convinced that he lost.

With Tezuka Kunimitsu's concentration and Tezuka Kunimitsu's persistence, he won't lose this match.

Before he knew it, what Moses saw was getting farther and farther.

He wanted to see the opponent's limit.

Time passed slowly, growing rapidly, and Tezuka's strength also increased rapidly.

At a speed that makes Moses feel fear, it is growing rapidly.

At this time, Moses had ignored the prohibition to see only next year, and continued to extend downward along the long river of time.

Finally, 10 years later.

The Grand Slam arena is a dazzling presence to win trophies.

"Impossible." Moses was shocked.

Under the agitation of the mind, the prophecy came back.

'Pfft. "

He vomited blood, and he really had no strength to fight anymore.

Moses didn't care at all.

what did he see?

After 10 years, Tezuka Kunimitsu will be able to win the Grand Slam, and he will win all four Grand Slams.

The real top of the world.

The key is not here, the key is that there are existences on the same level as Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Niou Masaharu, not to mention, there is a Makoto Takamura far above it.

Tezuka Kunimitsu will become a Grand Slam winner, so what will Makoto Takamura reach?


Moses vomited blood again.

Looking at Tezuka's eyes, full of envy.

Grand slam, the ultimate goal of all tennis players, but the opponent in front of them can reach it.

"I lost." Moses said lonely.


Everyone was shocked.

Moses, not some kind of cat or dog, is also a world-class junior high school student.

What actually happened when Moses vomited blood?

"What did you see?" Tezuka asked.

Moses' power, he also knew.

"Do you believe in prophecy?"

"Don't believe, I only believe in myself. Tezuka doesn't think twice.

"Even if the future is certain, I will use both hands to open up my own future."5

"So it is." Moses was silent.

Maybe this is the difference between him and Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Is the future really immutable?

Liliadent Krauser, lost all five battles.

Rikkai wins big.

It also made Kaibin and others more shameless.

Rikkai, without using the strongest lineup, has already lost all of them.

How can you call yourself a genius?

At this time, Kaibin and others had strong doubts about themselves.

Even a dumb robot.

(Sure enough, he is still a child. No matter how strong his strength is, his character still needs to be tempered.) Klopp thought.

Immediately, the psychological coaches from various countries rushed up and took charge of enlightenment.

Kaibin and the others are all treasures from various countries, and there is no room for mistakes.

And the rest of the people immediately took Moses as the master.

They are curious, they are puzzled.

Of course, there is also shock.

What was the scene that shocked Moses, the "prophet"?

Moreover, Moses actually vomited blood, how far did he see.

"I see the pattern, in the future, Japan will definitely be the strongest in the world. 99

Wordless shock, with Moses' tone, spread all over the world tennis.

There is disdain, surprise, disbelief, and anger.

"Did Moses go wrong? To rule an era, does Japan deserve it? 99

"Did you say it on purpose to cover up your failure? 99

"What do you mean? Are you suspicious of Israel's leaders?"

"Okay okay, I apologize, but what Mr Moses said really made me suspicious. 99

"But in the next U17, Japan will be the champion, there is no doubt about that.

1.9 In a word, the doubters have nothing to say.

Under the investigation of numerous intelligence personnel, the true strength of the Japanese team, especially the junior high school students, has been probed almost.

Therefore, all countries also know how strong Japanese junior high school students are.

That is a pervert that can compete with the whole world.

It can be said that starting from the next World Cup, countries can only compete for the runner-up.

The champion has long been reserved by Japan.

Moreover, even high school students, under the constant investigation, gradually leaked the veil of mystery.

At least, the original basic U17 Byōdōin Hōō is definitely a great enemy.

After a long time, Klopp was the first to come back to his senses.

"If Mr. Moses, I will report to the country."

"Me too."

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