I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 226 Hello, I'm Hello, Everyone, Maybe Atobe Is Not Good

It took a long time for people from all countries to slowly digest Moses' message.

They looked at each other, silently.

They just reached an agreement on the reconnaissance intelligence, but in essence, they are still opponents.

"It seems that the training of junior high school students will continue to be strengthened. 99

"And high school students, drill them hard for me.""

"The situation is severe and training must be strengthened."

All countries, at the same time, made up their minds.


The U17 members of various countries, as well as the geniuses, all shuddered.

I always feel that something terrible is happening.

Among them, the one who knows best is probably Kaibin et al.

Looking at the coach who kept discussing the training plan, he was full of horror.

I feel that the day of hell is coming.

"Hahaha." Mifune laughed.

Rikkai, it really gave him a long face.

One team defeated the coalition forces of all countries.

"Okay, that's great.

Mifune was overjoyed.

Instead, frown.

(I don't know, how far the monsters in Europe and America will evolve after this stimulus to various countries... 27)

Think of Makoto Takamura, and think of Byōdōin Hōō and other players.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three heroic sudden show.

there is always a solution to a problem.

"No matter who the opponent is, we will not lose. 35

Ignoring the shock of the countries, the opponent on the second day was Kuroshio Middle-School.

It is also a famous national tyrant in Japan.

However, in front of Rikkai, he was still vulnerable.

In a completely Rikkai home, from the referee to the audience, and even the players, all support Rikkai. A great victory.

"Sure enough, I lost." The captain of the Kuroshio was not disappointed.

Rikkai's strength is recognized.

It's weird to win.

"You guys played well too," Takamura said.


Captain Kuroshio smiled wryly.

Yes, that's 5:0.

Shaking his head, Captain Kuroshio recovered his spirit.

"Sign us, we've been waiting a long day. 35

"That's right.

"Just take a picture."

Kuroshio players rushed up, shook hands with Takamura, Tezuka, Yukimura, etc., took pictures and signed autographs, and honored them.

I don't know, I thought it was a fan meeting.

A joyous phenomenon.

Of course, there are also people who are dissatisfied.

"Awe what?"

"Isn't it a tennis player? Do you really think of yourself as a capable person?"

Someone muttered sourly.

After all, not even the dollar will be loved by everyone.

Some people are upset Takamura et al, it's normal.

Especially watching the female fans screaming at the dead house in Heisei, the mood is really sour.

"What did you say?" The female companion didn't understand.

"I mean, Takamura is really handsome and strong." The boy quickly changed his words.

Like a lotus flower, he praised Takamura and others incessantly.

The girl nodded in satisfaction, followed by a series of compliments.

Let the boys only nod "Yes," "Ah," "Yes".

I felt even more resentful in my heart, there was an urge to flee immediately, but I could only hold back.

The second day of the game ended happily in the atmosphere of hello, hello, and hello to everyone.

Maybe Atobe is not good.

Because of him, he also wanted his opponent to ask him to sign and take a photo to satisfy his own vanity.

Unfortunately not.

In the act of coercion, he lost again.

This makes Atobe feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, in the second day of the game, a girl came to confess.

"Atobe classmate, can you date me?" The beautiful girl had tears in her eyes, full of anticipation.

Atobe nodded in satisfaction.

I did not lose.

"The sun in the sky is not something a dew like you can follow," Atobe turned coolly.

I'm in a good mood.

Behind him, out of sight of Atobe, the go-getter handed Japanese yen to the girl.

Wipe the cold sweat from your head.

It's really hard to have a minister who is pushy.

On the third day of the game, the game finally came to a climax.

Because, before the game, the top four teams, the top four teams, finally played against each other.

First, Hyotei and Shitenhouji.

"Who will win?"

"I can't tell, Hyotei is strong, but Shitenhouji is not weak. 55

"I can't see it.""

People were talking.

However, in general, I still think that Hyotei has a better chance of winning.

Including Shitenhouji, think so too.

(This is not necessarily true.) Watanabe Xiu thought to himself.

The outcome of the game is never the one who is strong enough to win.

First of all, the first game is singles three, Ishida Gin and Birch.

"Birch land?" Kirihaya wiped her mouth.

It seems to be the guy who was knocked out by his own ball. Suddenly, Kirihaya's interest dwindled.

As for Ishida Gin, she looks tall and strong. I heard that she is very strong, but I don't know what her strength is?

Anyway, it's all veggies pecking at each other.

It was Ishida Gin's appearance of eating fast and reciting Buddha, which caught Haitangxun's attention.

He looks fierce and ferocious, but his temperament is very gentle and calm.

Very contradictory.

"Amitabha, Amitabha, form is emptiness, and emptiness is form," Ishida Gin murmured.

To ease your guilt.

As for Huadi, his face was expressionless.


The two are really weird.

As soon as the game started, Ishida Gin was on fire.

Wave ball.

Type 100.

The target, pointed directly at the head of Birch.

To learn Kirihaya's method, one shot kills him.

(Amitabha, I will read the scriptures for you next time, Buddha, forgive me for this sinner.)


"It's useless." Atobe snapped his fingers.

I saw Huadi staring at the tennis ball tightly, her whole body tense, and there was a trace of solemnity in her dull eyes.

Turning his head, he avoided the attack.

No way, I was really overshadowed by Kirihaya's ball.

Even if he was as sluggish as a birch, he still had some memories.

After taking it, Atobe specialized in training Birch's evasion ability.

If it was like in the Kanto competition, before the strength was shown, he was knocked out by someone with a single ball, it would be really unjust.

Boom, boom. In the first game, Ishida Gin won.

In the second game, Huadi showed her strength.

The same wave ball, the same strength.

"This is?" Kirihaya was surprised.

I never imagined that this idiot had a hand.

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