I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 232 Some people are happy and some are sad

"Brother." Ju Xing said silently.

He could only silently watch Tachibana Jiping go to defeat.

In the end, the score of 6:1 tells the result.

"I lost again." Tachibana Jiping shook his head.

The gap has not changed.

"You're not too bad." Sanada nodded.

In addition to his teammates, there are only a few in the entire middle class who can score a point in his own hands.


All other teams sighed.

The strength of Lion Music is already extremely strong.

The Kyushu duo, plus the one who was seriously injured (Kite: I don't have a name?), are already so powerful that it makes people desperate.

As a result, even such a powerful Lion Music was completely defeated by Rikkai.

So, how powerful will Rikkai be?

"Okay, coach, it's alright, anyway, we didn't think about winning Rikkai." Sengoku Kiyosumi said, trying to relieve the pressure of his companions.

The old lady, since Akutsu really showed his aptitude, has been silent a lot, and his anger has fallen.

"Of course I know it's not as good as Rikkai." The old man's voice was hoarse, his eyes were bloodshot, and he obviously didn't sleep well.

"The emphasis is not on Rikkai, but on lion music. 35

Qianshi was stunned.

Lion music is strong, but its strength is still lower than Hyotei and Shitenhouji.

Add Liliadent Krauser, who was eliminated on day one.

How many places can Yamabuki be photographed? At most, he can only compete for sixth?

Yamabuki is messy.

Not only Yamabuki, but also Seigaku, Makinofuji, Rokkaku and other teams.

Competing for sixth? Is the difficulty of even the national top eight already so high?

This is the end of the semi-finals.

"Okay, then, let's take a good rest." Watanabe Xiu gave Shitenhouji's players a holiday.

"Ah? Axiu, this..." Hikaru Zaizen was puzzled.

Shouldn't it be close to training?

It can be strengthened a little bit.

"It's okay, one day, it doesn't matter," Watanabe smiled.

He could see the pressure on the players.

In the face of an opponent that is so powerful that there is almost no solution, the pressure on everyone is already great.

Excessive pressure, Watanabe Xiu, really afraid to overwhelm his own players.

Well, maybe not overpowering.

After all, Shitenhouji has a tradition of humor. The ability to withstand pressure is amazing.

(Just relax.)

So, Shitenhouji is on vacation.

Rest and go shopping.

Of course, there is also the flowing water somen that A Xiu can't do without.

Shitenhouji: "It's this again....||...

As for Rikkai, there seems to be nothing more to do than training.

Especially Kim.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Xiao Jin was always excited.

Seeing the game during the day, he couldn't sit still.

Haunted Takamura and asked Takamura to play with him.

"No matter, you must fight me. You must fight. 55

"If I don't play, I'm going to die. Xiao Jin is making a fuss and is pitiful.

Of course Takamura wasn't free.


Kirihaya, Haitang two, with a bitter face, faced Xiaojin again.

"Hey, it's you," Xiao Jin lowered his face.

Compared with Takamura, Tezuka and others, Kirihaya is really weak and pitiful.

"Bastard, don't get too complacent." Kirihaya gritted her teeth.

You little brat, your strength is just a little bit stronger than yourself, what's there to be proud of.

Haitang was expressionless, but Racquet tightened.

I also feel bad.

In the past few months, Kaido and Kirihaya, are watching with their own eyes, Xiaojin from a tennis layman, constantly improving, approaching himself, and then surpassing himself.

It's really a dog. My own years of training is not as good as Xiao Jin's months of training, and the other party is younger than me.

It's not that the two of them have strong psychological qualities, and they are about to explode.

"Okay, okay, if there is no one to play, then I can barely play with you guys. Xiao Jin sighed.

The tone is gone.

An angry Kirihaya almost ran away.

"Little devil, this time I must show you a good look. This time I will definitely win."5

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Half an hour later, it was a frustrated Kirihaya who lost again.

He lost to a junior, a primary school student.

And, what saddens Kirihaya the most is, it seems, that the gap has widened.

"It's your turn, Senior Viper.

"My name is Haitangxun." Haitang emphasized.

"Okay, Senior Viper.


Haitang was silent for a while, and walked slowly to the court with a fearless spirit.

The goal this time, at least, is to stick to it for a longer time.

Haitang's goal is already so humble.

Kirihaya and Kaido are being ravaged by Kim, while Takamura is enjoying a holiday.

Well, yes, the national competition, for others, is a competition that needs to be fully dealt with. In order to dominate the country, it takes countless efforts.

In order to move forward, under the guidance of the blood of which dream, many teenagers left blood, weeping and sweating.

But here in Takamura, that's for casual use.

U17 training, U17 qualifiers, professional tours... With so many things, isn't the national competition just for leisure?

Well, accompany Yumiko, and Nanako to go shopping, eat, watch movies, and maybe hold a small hand or something.

It would be even better if there were some happy moments.

Ahem, that's still a long way off.

Moreover, as a self-disciplined tennis player, before the war, indulging in the gentle township will greatly affect the competitive state.

Takamura scoffed at this and would never do it.

kindness. Absolutely not.

Why don't you go for a walk with Yuuki tomorrow? Let's take a look at the cheap son Akutsu?

Takamura came up with an idea.

"What are you thinking about? 35 A woman's intuition is sometimes accurate.

"I'm thinking about tomorrow's game. Takamura looks serious and comes with his mouth open.

"That said, too," Yumiko mused.

Boyfriend and younger brother are competing, and I really don't know who (Qian Zhaozhao) should cheer for.

"It must be cheering Sei-kun. Nanako smiled.

Yumiko smiled.

"Yeah, of course I'll cheer for Chengjun, don't you think? Chengjun?"


These two people really did not teach a lesson for a day, and they went to the house to reveal the tiles.

As for Atobe, after returning home, he first dropped a few works of art, showing the ill will of losing, and then went to the net court for additional training.

Not only himself, but he also pulled all Hyotei away.

"Ah? Still practicing?" Kikumaru Eiji blinked.

I have been practicing for a year, and this year is finally over. You can take a good rest for a while. Would you tell me to train more?

Isn't this the end of the college entrance examination on the 8th, and decided to study for a year in the evening?

"Yes, add training."

"Hyotei, come on." Vantage roared.

Many people have no choice but to cancel their summer vacation plans.

So, this night, some people are happy and some are sad.

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