I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 233 So, I am the villain

On the last day, finally, the national finals.

On this day, major schools are trying to find ways to watch the scene.

Watch this annual event.

For many people, it is their dream to dominate the whole country.

Such as Yamato Yuda.

Looking at Takamura's eyes - full of envy.

If you can't get there, you can only sit in front of the TV.

For example, Kite Eishirou.

At this time, Kite was lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his body, struggling to move his neck and watching TV.

However, because of the Kansai perspective, he could only look sideways.

It's like a cross-eyed glance, a glance, and a glance.

hum hum hum.

Kite grunted and tried to move her body. As a result, he was pressed by the nurse's shoulder.

"You are too injured to move."


At the stadium, many guests came.

There are not only three Mifūne Nyudō three, but also a large number of ex-professional players such as Mrs.

They are all here to watch their disciples.

Even Echizen Nanjiro secretly brought Echizen Ryoma to the game.

Well, Echizen Ryoma, it's time to see the masters.

By the way, suppress his arrogance.

Echizen Ryoma sat silently, waiting for the match to start, noncommittal.

After all, Japan's tennis, compared with the United States, the gap is too big.


Echizen Ryoma looked at Nanjiro with dead fish eyes.

Nanjiro wore a hat and dressed himself in three layers and three layers out.

"what are you doing?

"What do you know, a famous player like me will be surrounded by fans once they are discovered," Nanjiro said.

Echizen Ryoma:

Why doesn't he believe it?

"Young man, take a good look, you can learn, I don't think you are an opponent even for the substitutes." Nanjiro moved.

Echizen Ryoma:......35

Tsundere turned his head and gave Nanjiro the back of his head.

Echizen Nanjiro: It's really not cute.

So, in the eyes of many attention, the national competition officially started.

Singles three, Ishida Gin again.

VS Rikkai's Sanada Genichiro.

The audience cheers.

It's a national final.

As soon as Rikkai came out, he was the top general.

But for professionals -


Almost as soon as the battle table came out, people who knew it already knew that Ishida Gin would definitely lose.

Ishida Gin, the strength is indeed strong, but other than the first time, speed, technology, endurance and other aspects are far from Sanada's opponent.

The two are not on the same level at all.

"It's been decided." Ryūzaki Sumire said.

"But coach, didn't you say that you must not give up until the last minute of the game?" Ibu Fukaji said.

"Yes, the coach also said that anything can happen until the game is over," said Ishida Iron.

Ryūzaki Viola:

How to explain chicken soup for the soul, online, etc., anxious.

The process of the competition was slightly beyond the expectations of the professionals.

Not the result, but the process.

Sanada Genichiro, as soon as he came out, did not use any skills, speed, and just competed with Ishida Gin in strength.

With a bang, he slapped violently.

Boom boom boom, pure power, causing the air to roar.

Even the racquet was on fire.

Cut, really Sanada Genichiro's style. Watanabe was biting on a toothpick.

There is joy in his eyes.

If it is just a simple competition of strength, then the competition may really have a chance of victory.

"bring it on.

Ishida Gin showed no weakness.

In terms of strength, he will never lose.

Swing and catch the ball.

Ishida Gin's expression changed abruptly when he caught the ball.

Because of that power.

"Ah." Ishida Gin exclaimed, plucking up her strength and hitting the tennis ball back in a dangerous and dangerous way.

"How is it? Young man, do you feel that your opponent is very strong?" Nanjiro moved to Yu.

Echizen Ryoma watched the game silently.

"It's too messy.

In addition to strength, technology, speed, all are not displayed.


Sanada praised.

In terms of power, Ishida Gin is truly unique.

Of course, this refers to innate.

One after another force, even Sanada, was also a little surprised.

But that's all.

The touch, the force, doubled again.

The super strength even caused shock waves.

・・・ Flowers・

(not good.)

Ishida Gin was shocked.

In my heart, endless crises came.

I wanted to avoid it, but I couldn't dodge it.

If so, come on.


Ishida Gin gritted his teeth, nullified the wave ball, nullified the power ball, and made a hard connection with all his strength.

Boom, the figure flew high.

Tennis, hit Ishida Gin 10 meters straight.

"It's a terrifying power." Ryūzaki Sumire felt terrified.

pat pat pat.

Ishida Gin staggered to his feet.

Under the expectations of his companions, he can't lose yet.

Even if it is already unsteady.

(A Yin...) Watanabe was silent.

"Come on. Shitenhouji people shouted.

It also brought Ishida Gin to life again.

The support of his peers gave him strength.

"I absolutely cannot live up to the expectations of my peers, nor let their efforts be in vain, wave the ball. 55

Boom, tennis power and speed, reached new heights.

Takamura touched his chin.

It is really a routine of enthusiastic sports fans. Under the inspiration of youth, blood, friendship and dreams, the protagonist breaks through himself, greatly increases his strength, defeats the oppressive BOSS, and wins the victory.

(But Ishida Gin, in reality, is not a sports fan.)


Ishida Gin bet all the swing balls, it was useless at all, and Sanada hit back with ease.

And, it was knocked flying again.

Not only was it shot flying, but it was also nailed to the wall.

Strength, Sanada wins.

"Not bad." The admiration in Sanada's eyes became more intense.

singles three, the game is over, the winner, Sanada Genichiro.

Echizen Ryoma opened his mouth wide.

Can you receive that power yourself?

Moreover, looking at the one wearing the hat, it was obviously very relaxed, and he must not have used all his strength.

"How." Nanjiro smirked.

He just likes watching Echizen Ryoma deflate.

Echizen Ryoma was silent.

Keep watching.

Not even a catchphrase.

(Sure enough, he lost.) Watanabe scratched his head.

Blood, dreams, etc., sometimes can really make up for strength, but sometimes, it's useless at all.

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