I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 242 Hey, My Charm That Has Nowhere to Be Placed

"Thank you for your gift. My energy is still on tennis, and I have no plans to fall in love."

Gentle tone, decent language, even if it is refusal, it makes people feel like a spring breeze, and they feel good in their hearts.

"Sorry for disturbing you.

The girl covered her face and walked away.

There is blush, and there is sadness.

The girls sighed and didn't know how to take down Takamura-san.

I'm also happy, Takamura-san, it's still pure, so don't you have a chance?

Immediately, a hot girl picked up the gift she found and walked up.


"Takamura-san, I like you."

Make boys more envious and jealous.

"No reason, why do I want to have a girlfriend, none of them agree, Makoto Takamura has girls rushing to catch up.""

"I heard that today alone, 25 girls have confessed."

"What? 25?" The boy was surprised, his eyes were about to overflow with envy.

"I'm so good, why no one confesses to me."

Many boys are dissatisfied and will never admit that their conditions are insufficient.

In class, Takamura sat bored in his exclusive seat.

Near the rear window, a dedicated place for the protagonist of the official high school student.

Enjoy the rare campus life.

Not to mention, occasionally taking a few classes is quite interesting 893.

Watching the classmates deserting, the teacher eloquently lecturing, occasionally doing homework, and whispering to the classmates...

It was Takamura's lost youth.

Because Takamura finally took a class, the students turned their heads frequently, especially the girls, who wanted to see more Prince Charming in their hearts, which seriously affected the quality of teaching.

The angry teachers wanted to kick Takamura out.

However, imagining the benefits of star students to themselves, the teacher still suppressed it.

Also, no lectures.

Let Takamura take the stage directly, tell everyone interesting stories, and instill chicken soup for the soul, so that students can study harder.

"Okay, Takamura taught very well." The teacher took the lead in applauding, and then gave a thought class.

"All students must learn from Takamura, don't be arrogant or impatient, and work hard to improve your grades..."

"The old toad is beeping again." The student was helpless.

It was finally noon, and Takamura took out the prepared bento and was about to open it.

Brush brush, in all directions, one after another, bento boxes appeared and stretched out to Takamura's side.

In the eyes of others, Takamura was completely surrounded by bento boxes, and no one could be seen.

"Takamura-san, eat the bento I made."

"Try mine, my bento is very big, and Takamura must eat more if she wants to train.

"My bento is rich in nutrients, and Takamura needs more nutrition.

"My, my, I have Kobe beef in it. 99

The girls chattered.


Looking at Takamura sitting in the crowd of girls, the bento in the boy's mouth is not fragrant.

Take a look at a little green among the Takamura flowers, and choose at will;

It smells like a girl's perfume;

Looking at myself again, I was lonely and alone, next to a man who was eight feet tall with a stubby foot, who could only eat green vegetables and rice balls.

It smells like a stinky old man.

Forget it, don't eat it.

In the afternoon, with the buffer of the morning, it was finally better. But things remain somewhat unchanged.

"Takamura-san, please answer this question.

Math teacher asks.

Takamura looked back, glanced at the question casually, and immediately said the correct answer.

The math teacher listened blankly.

It's not wrong, it's too right,

A lot of the content is the knowledge points that can only be learned in college. Don't you see that many students are confused?

"Okay, Takamura is right, we can see..."

After school, it is time for club activities.

In Japan's junior high school and high school, the school is dismissed very early in the afternoon, and basically everyone has to participate in club activities.

Takamura, as the head of the tennis club, also began to guide the training of members of the club.

Hula la.

(chbj) Because of the arrival of Takamura, a lot of people came to the court, hula-la.

They are all sneaking up from club activities.

"Aren't you a tea art club? What are you doing at the Internet court?" Someone asked.

"Of course I came to see Takamura-san.""

How can the community have fun chasing stars.

Click click.

The camera rings.

From time to time, the flashing lights made everyone stand up.

Who knows, will my appearance be photographed?

Not only students from other schools, but also intelligence officers from various countries, journalists, and even coaches from other schools.

In addition to gathering intelligence, there is also the discovery of Rikkai's powerful secrets.

Even, you can steal a teacher.

For example, Hua Village Kwai.

Originally, Hua Village Aoi refused.

However, seeing the performance of the national competition, there is still the strength of the big tyrants. Plus and Rikkai in the same region.

Huamura Aoi gave in.

Make up carefully until acquaintances can't recognize it - of course, it is still beautiful, this is the baseline.

Silently record Rikkai's training method, observer training program, and then make a new face, okay.

It became training of Shonan, and there was.

Wah Tsuen Kwai is not an exception.

Especially schools in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Near the water tower first get the month. Many tennis ministers and even coaches come to Rikkai to steal lessons.

When I went back, I said that I had opened up the second vein of Ren and Du, bah, no.

It was my whole-hearted energy, supreme wisdom, and after months of contemplation, that I finally came up with a new training method.

This is the method used, because the heroes see the same thing, so there are a little more people who think about it.

As a result, the level of tennis in Kanagawa Prefecture has soared.

This is also one of the reasons why Aoi Huamura finally let go of her arrogance and learned the Takamura method that she hated.

No way, the involution is too serious.


When I finally got home, Takamura was lying on the sofa.

Studying last day is harder than training.

The charm that I have nowhere to put, how can it be so attractive.

Sure enough, people, too attractive, are not good either.

Time, another month has passed.

The U17 qualifiers are on again.

The opponent this time is the Indian team.

Takamura didn't go. Anyway, the Indian team was crippled by Takamura. The top 10 of the first army were all wiped out, and then the crooked melons cracked dates.

Even Tachibana Jippong felt that the Indian team was too pitiful.

Strength, why is it so weak?

Even Ishida Gin has opened the unparalleled, boom boom, directly blasting the opponent,

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