I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 243 U17 Challenge

Compared with the game, the audience in India is a different picture.

It was watching the game while scolding Takamura, and there were many Brahmin priests who cursed in advance.

Jump to the great god, tie the villain, hold a ceremony...

I vowed to say that Takamura would definitely die violently, and this U17 qualifier will definitely be a wild victory, a big victory.

After Takamura did not play, the morale of the Indian team reached its peak.

Immediately, there was more than one priest in charge, and he swore that Makoto Takamura did not appear because he was cursed by himself.

"Okay, this time we will win." The new head coach gasped - the original coach Gandhi is still lying in bed, unconscious.

Even if he wakes up, the blame for the U17 base being picked on is also his.

The new head coach also thought the curse was nonsense.

But isn't that boosting morale? Quan is a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

"Well, we will definitely win." The same is the new NO.1, ranking NO.15 in the original Indian team.

Reality is too cruel.

Sometimes people have to deceive themselves.

The Indian team stepped onto the field with vigor and vigor, and used a victory to wash away the shame.

As a result, Brahmin's mad victory, a great victory, is indeed correct.

However, the target has changed, and the opponent has been replaced.

Therefore, the Indian team's game, forget it, is appalling.

It is said that because of this game, many TV sets in India were smashed and scrapped.

U17 training base. A new round of challenges begins.

All players fought fiercely for their court rank, appearance qualification, and order ranking.

Migihashi Itarou took the No. 3 court and issued a team challenge;

Mitsuya Akuto, with the collected information, this time the goal is to enter the first army.

Not breaking the iron man's aggressiveness, his goal is also to enter the first army, and before that, he must first climb down Mitsuya.

As for Kazena, Tohno Atsukyo, Kimijima, Omagari, the four unlucky ones, the goal this time is, without a doubt, to squeeze into the top 10 of the first army.

I want to look good on those little middle school kids.

"Kid Sanada, this time you are sure to lose.""

"Tezuka Kunimitsu, I'm going to wash away the shame." 5

Takamura himself has nothing to do.

Because, no one has the eyesight to think they can beat Takamura.

If you can't beat it, you can only ignore it.

"Oops, Takamura-san, you seem to be busy. Tanegashima came over.

He is also very free.

Of course, only temporarily.

Next to Tanegashima, is the cool Tokugawa Kazuya, and the best actor Irie Kanata.

It is also the three most powerful high school students in the U17 base, except for Takamura.

"Takamura-san, how come, let's have a game." Tokugawa challenged.

The monthly challenge is the only one where you can challenge any target at will.

Of course, the number of times, only once.

Tokugawa Kazuya, the target is of course Takamura.

no doubt.

"Wait, Tokugawa, I came first." Tanegashima reminded.

"But I invited it first...

Even actor Irie joined in.

Because fighting with Takamura is very beneficial, Tokugawa and others are looking forward to fighting with Takamura.



Yukimura is the fastest.

The spiritual power was activated, which directly caused Kimijima to fall into an illusion.

Tennis came, I don't know if it was real or fake.

Rolling his eyes, Kimijima, fainted.

His negotiating skills have not been brought into play.

After sending the challengers, surviving will challenge like Takamura.

The others looked at it as well.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang, Sanada's tennis, one faster than the other, stronger and stronger each time, forcibly blasted Omagari into the air.

Tezuka, Nioh also began to show his power, to quickly solve the opponent.

Also want to challenge Takamura.

It's no wonder that Tokugawa doesn't care about superiors and inferiors, and competes with Tanegashima for challenges.

"Hey hey hey, Tezuka, Nioh, you two, hurry up, I also want to ask Tohno Atsukyo-senpai for advice. 33 Tachibana Yoshihira shouted.

Tohno Atsukyo was shaking with anger.

If you can't beat Niou Masaharu, forget it. Anyway, I lost a year ago.

And there are many more losses.

Losing this time is just worse.

But you Tachibana Jihei, who only joined U17 a year ago, dare to play a big-tailed wolf in front of Lao Tzu?

...... Ask for flowers·

"You're distracted.

Nioh slammed Tohno Atsukyo's face with a blow, and slanted the eyes of Tohno Atsukyo.

Chitose Senri was a little sad.

His original target was Kimijima.

But now Kimijima is still lying on the ground.

(Let's change the target, then.) Chitose Senri looked again.

See who you are going to challenge.

Or, challenge Takamura directly?

As for Fuji Syusuke, he also has his own goals.

"Okay, I got it." Takamura said, looking at the time, he decided to make a quick decision.

In this challenge, it is estimated that many people's goals are placed on themselves.

Anyway, it's boring, just play a few games to adjust the boring training.

"Well, Tanegashima-senpai, the three of you, let's go together.

One to three.

The three Tanegashima looked at each other.

Even the smile on actor Irie's face disappeared.

"Can you?

One-on-one, no one thought it was possible to beat Takamura.

But a pair of three.

You know, the three of Tanegashima, but apart from Byodoin and Oni, are the strongest three.

After nearly a year of constant training, the strength is already a world apart from before.

Although Takamura has already reached the level of professional players, the three of Tanegashima are not vegetarians either.

Taking a deep look at Takamura, Tanegashima looked serious.

"Maybe, really.

Irie also remembered Takamura's performance on the Pro Tour.

Even in the professional arena, the current Takamura's strength has not bottomed out.

"Good. 35

This time, even Tokugawa agreed.

He also wanted to see Takamura's true strength.

The four walked to the court.

The original crowd thought they were going to play doubles, but when the four of them stood still, tactics coach Kurobe Yukio and the others found out that it was a one-on-three.

"Is Makoto Takamura crazy?" Kurobe's face filled with disbelief.

Contact Head Coach III Mifūne Nyudō III today.

Other players who were playing were also found close by.

Curiosity soon arose.

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