The tennis ball, hoisted high, rushed straight into the sky, and quickly fell in the air.

"This is? 35

Tezuka et al strange.

This Lob, though extremely subtle, was too simple for Takamura.

Not just Takamura, but for them, it was too easy.

(There must be something wrong.)

Everyone thought.

Irie Kanata, even more so.

The long-term joint training made him believe that Tanegashima's tricks are definitely not simple.

Only Yukimura, who saw through the essence of the trick, saw a clue.

There is also Tokugawa Kazuya, Tokugawa looked at Mishengwu in surprise, intuitively, he had already seen the face of Mishengwu, but...

Tokugawa's cold face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years is moving.

And Takamura, it is even more mysterious at a glance.

The Lob with a long time in the air makes the opponent unable to take off and smash, and the opponent drops to the ground to score.

(This seems to be unborn.) Takamura was speechless.

If it stays in the air for a long time, then I can just wait for the ball to fall.

As long as you are not greedy for smashing, this move is a waste move.

Tanegashima was ready, just waiting for Takamura to smash and drop to score.

As a result, 27 waited and waited, and Takamura just didn't jump.

Guarding against the perfect smash opportunity, quietly waiting for the ball to hit the ground.

He also looked at himself with half-smiley eyes.

"Hey, Tanegashima." Irie felt wrong.

It stands to reason that the trick has to change.

Tokugawa has closed his eyes.

Are you sure it's not a funny thing about this stupid unborn child?

Is this the trick you've been thinking about for over a year?

As a result, in the eyes of Irie and others, the tennis ball, after staying in the air for 7 or 8 seconds, suddenly fell.

Got caught by Takamura.


Still the easiest smash.


"Tanegashima. 95



King Nio:

other people:

Irie looked at Tanegashima in surprise.

This is the trick he said.

Except for the long stay in the air, there seems to be no change.

Tanegashima couldn't hold back his expression.

Not giving birth to nothing, that is, beating someone by surprise.

"Uh, this move. I can control the length of the stay in the air, control it at will, and it's still in real time. In fierce competitions, sometimes it can work wonders..."

Tanegashima is getting more and more embarrassed.

At the end of the day, I don't even plan to say the name Weishengwu.

Compared with Ji De Wu, a magical skill that can crack all spins, it is not even a little bit worse.

"So, apart from the super-long stagnation, what else has changed?"

Tanegashima: 66...99

"Did you score?"


God knows one of the tricks that he has been thinking about for 2 years, Takamura broke in one fell swoop.

He doesn't want to either.

It stands to reason that in the face of an excellent lob, most people will smash.

And, for the first time, basically all hits.

"Senior Tanegashima, this trick of yours is..." Takamura didn't know how to comment.

All I can say is, it's unique.

Tanegashima smiled awkwardly.

What follows will not be nothing, more nothing, and will not be shown.

From the heart, the position of serve was given to Tokugawa.

Tokugawa is simple and straightforward, Symphony serve.

Touch, the first game of the game, restart.

Boom boom boom.

Takamura shot back.

One-on-three, it really is a different difficulty. On defense, the three people must be careful in their movements. On offense, the defensive area of ​​the three is also huge. There are no dead ends.

Moreover, if one person's defense is breached, there will be two other people who will make up the defense at any time.

As experts, even if they have never cooperated before, their tacit understanding has reached a very high level, and it is impossible for them to be a drag on their companions.

"Sure enough, Takamura-san's strength..." Tsukimitsu Ochi was shocked.

Takamura, and Tanegashima three, even tied.

One person and three people, but completely different difficulty.

Tsukimitsu Ochi was shocked, and the three of Tanegashima also smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, Takamura actually had a fierce fight with the three of them.

It's a pair of three.

Boom, the tennis ball lands, rowing on the ground.


Tanegashima scores.

"Takamura-san, I really want to know how strong you are." Tanegashima said with a laugh.

Tokugawa nodded.

That's what he wanted to know too.

The three of them still have trump cards.

Takamura can't be their opponent just based on the current level.

Takamura smiled lightly.

Three are still within his grasp.

(Three.) Takamura thought silently.

After thinking about it, I decided to make a quick decision.

"Then, be careful.

After speaking, Takamura's figure instantly changed to three.

Use the computing power of the intellectual brain to predict your future actions and positions, record your past positions and actions, and use your mental power to form resonance with your past and future self, so as to cross the distance of time and come to the present.

The past, present and future of the Twelve Profound Truths, three lives.

It is also Takamura, referring to the time mysteries of the major professional players, and it took shape a year ago.

It is also Takamura's stunt 893, whose power can squeeze into the top 3 stunts.


People are puzzled.

No, it's true.

Three Makoto Takamura?

"What, what's going on? 35

"What kind of trick is this?

Everyone who paid attention was shocked.

Because, almost everyone can find that it is not an afterimage, but an entity.

it is true.

But intellectually, it can't be true.

Don't you think it's funny to summon two people?

It's not funny, it's bullshit.

Even the well-informed Tanegashima and others thought it was nonsense.

"What kind of stunt is this?" Tokugawa asked.

Different dimension, magical skill? Or other tricks?

"It's just a common trick, not worth mentioning." Takamura said calmly.

Common trick? I want to have such a common trick too, bastard.

Looking at Takamura's moves, and looking at his unborn child, Tanegashima really thinks he can retire.

"You..." Even Irie Kanata's face was bitter.

One takamura needs to go all out, three takamura, that's enough?

"Okay, let's get started," Takamura said.

Touch, three Takamura, exactly one to one.

"let's start.

The other two Takamura took out tennis balls respectively.

No longer 1VS3.

It's three on three now.

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