I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 246 Consonance, Ability Resonance

Bang bang bang, all of a sudden, the scene of the game is instantly one-sided.

Tanegashima Shuji three people, it is very difficult to deal with a Takamura.

To deal with three at once, it is really an old birthday star who hangs to death.


forehand fights back.

Boom boom boom, constantly causing sonic booms in the air.

Tokugawa gritted his teeth, and with a sharp wave, a black hole was drawn in the air.

Stop the tennis ball.

Touch, once again, Tokugawa swings and hits the ball.

Even with the buffer of the black hole, the terrifying power of tennis still made Tokugawa's arm go numb.

(What a lot of power.)

Finally, the tennis chance came again, and without the buffer of the black hole, Tokugawa almost couldn't hold the racquet tightly.

And, clack clack.

That invincible, terrifying black hole was shattered by Takamura inch by inch.

It is said to be a black hole, but it cannot be compared with a real black hole at all.

Tanegashima Shuji, who has performed a stunt that has been hidden for a long time, will not be without.

Induce the sight of the other party, so as to make oneself invisible, not only invisible, but also invisible in tennis.

Same as Kuroko's ability in Kuroko's Basketball.

"It's useless," Takamura said.

Invisibility of sight, weight, sound, and the airflow caused by tennis balls...

Even if there are none of these, under the operation of the intellectual brain, it is also possible to calculate the tennis line.

For Takamura, his statistic tennis is completely restrained.

Tanegashima Shuji also found out right away.

That can be called a complete stealth stunt, and it is useless at all.

It will only waste his energy in vain, making it easier for Takamura to pick up.

And Irie.

Anyway, his acting couldn't hide it from Takamura, so he didn't pretend anymore and it was a showdown.

It directly opened the different dimension and truly showed its strength.

"This guy, Irie, really hides it.||. San Mifūne Nyudō smiled.

Irie, really gave him a little surprise.

However, Irie was not happy at all.

His original idea was to face a powerful enemy in full view, to face a desperate situation, and to show it in the sad eyes of everyone, so that he could make a comeback.

Not used in any challenge.

Challenge or whatever, win or lose, Irie doesn't care.

Lost lost.

What made Irie even more sad was that he finally used his trump card, finally stopped pretending, and tried his best. As a result, he still fell into a disadvantage.

Whether the other dimension is turned on or not is the same in front of Takamura.

Still on one side, still beaten.

The difference is that Takamura may be able to solve himself in a few seconds without opening the different dimension.

When the different dimension is turned on, it may be a little struggling, but the result is still hanged.

So, this is a sad story for the old silver coin Irie.

(It can't go on like this.) The three of Tanegashima Shuji thought to themselves.

Takamura's stunt, although it is currently invisible, definitely has flaws, and there are limits.

Either time, or cost, or extremely limited. Or the threshold for use is extremely high.

They were right.

The three-life body, first of all, the time, the duration, only half an hour, and secondly, the use of the three-life body, you must be in the place where Takamura has stayed, in order to pull the past Takamura.

The physical and mental energy expended is also three times the usual.

It can only be used as a move to press the bottom of the box.

(Let's use that.)

No need to speak, the three of Tanegashima understood each other just by looking at each other's eyes.

In an instant, the ability resonates.

Moreover, the three abilities resonate.

The three of them are all top-level experts with extremely strong strength, and they have been training together for half a year.

It is a matter of course that you can use the ability to resonate.

All of a sudden, the strength of the three increased greatly.

There is also a lot of pressure on the three Takamura.

Of course, it's just stress.

Without each other, you can hide yourself and your companions together.

Suddenly, the three Tanegashima figures disappeared.

black hole.

The combination of annihilation and black hole greatly increased the defense power of Nakajima and others.

Moreover, Tokugawa alone cannot support the black hole for a long time, but three people can.

At the moment, you are the one, and the two of me are arranged in half court.

In an instant, the half-court of Tanegashima Shuji and others was already a dense black hole.

It makes people look a little dizzy.

There is also Irie, the superposition of two different dimensions, the explosive power is terrifying.

At least, with Takamura's current strength, it is still a little difficult to break through the defense of the three.

Boom, the most sturdy steel ball, mixed with extreme rotation, making the impact even more amazing.

With one blow, the black hole will be shattered, and the remaining power will not be reduced, and it can still shatter the void. But under the amplitude of extinction, it stabilized.

The attack, the three different movements, are closely matched, almost simultaneously attacking. also vary.

""Not bad." Takamura laughed.

Flashes of light.


Everyone understands.

After all, there are three of you, can you not agree?

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang, under the same tune, Takamura's strength increased sharply, and he pressed the three of Nakajima again.

(No, can't let the synchrony appear.) Irie gritted her teeth.

The other dimension changed again, and Irie also changed her pace and expression.


Let yourself play another person, imitate the other person's state of mind, from action, to demeanor, to state of mind, and completely become another person.

"Huh?" Takamura was taken aback.

The three are in tune, and one is added, and this feeling is Irie Kanata.

(Acting ah, even the tune can be deceived. Is it a move similar to Nioh? Break the tacit understanding of the opponent (Qiannuo).)


Tokugawa has a lot of eyes.


He slapped fiercely and used all his strength to shatter the space.


"Wonderful, Irie." Takamura exclaimed.

"What a wonderful thing." Irie smiled wryly.

He has discovered that what could have been a peek into Takamura's heart, is now chaotic.

Acting has failed.

It's also too fast.

His own trick was seen through after only one use. This is too demoralizing.

Moreover, it is still thinking hard, as a stunt of the trump card.

Not just Irie, but everyone else.

Takamura's strength is desperately strong, and there is no way to do it.

Boom, another ball, accurately passed through the previous black hole, bypassed the aftermath, and scored again.


Surprising score.

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