I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 273 New World Top 10 Junior High School Students

The singles result is even more embarrassing.

Seiichi Yukimura, who played in the battle, is a master of spiritual power, and is the most strange and mysterious. After a fierce fight, the power of eliminating the five senses and the illusion made Shapoka Golpei lose without temper.

Basically, you are playing a game, and you lose by flickering.

Total score 5:0

South Africa, ranked 16th in the world, has so far lost.

The opponent is still a middle school student.

South Africa: (@_@)

South African coaches are helpless.

It was originally an exhibition match, the two sides showed each other their skills, hello, hello, everyone.

As a result, the face was not exposed this time, but the buttocks were exposed.

And looked at the bewildered players. Confidence fell sharply and was obviously hit.

"Mr. Mifune, you really gave me a big problem. It seems that the tennis world is right, the World Cup champion in two and a half years after "907" has been determined in advance.

Mifune smiled slightly, and there was nothing to deny modesty.

If you deny it, others will say you are hypocritical.

Such is the power of the Golden Age.

"Come on, go back and double your training," Tanegashima Shuji said.

No one objected, Tokugawa showed unprecedented fighting spirit.

Even if he can't beat Takamura, if he can't beat other middle school students, what's the point of studying abroad?

"Tezuka, Yukimura? I'll see when you catch up to me."

If Tokugawa and others can still hold on, after all, their strength is indeed strong. Then Kimishima, Kaji, Harano and the others would be completely unable to calm down.

A year ago they faded out of the top ten of the first army, a year later, do they want to fade out of the top 20 and enter the second army?

Watching the middle school students usurp the throne and seize power?

"Absolutely not, I definitely don't want to go to the 2nd Army, absolutely not." Tohno Atsukyo growled.

If the executioner couldn't get into the top 20, then he, Tohno Atsukyo, don't mess around and go home early to play the ball.

"Absolutely not, I won't lose." Kaji Kazena gritted his teeth.

He was originally in the top 5 of the first army, but the ranking in the last year has dropped, swish swish, that is the tears of men and women, the top 10 is gone, and if he can't even enter the top 20.

Then just plan your belly, cough, cough, that's fine. Anyway, he Kaji Kazena can never lose again.

In short, after this battle, the training atmosphere of the U17 has been greatly increased again.

The regional qualifiers, once again replicated last year's deeds.

The opponent is the opponent during the game, before and after the game, it does not prevent me from chasing stars.

All because of the promulgation of new world-class juniors.

"Tennis" magazine, the tennis professional magazine with the largest circulation in the world, has great influence in this world where tennis has a huge influence. What's more, Japan has a tradition of worshipping foreigners, especially the news of beautiful countries.

Under the impetus of reporters, Internet Associations and people with a heart, not only magazines, but also TV stations, radios, and the Internet have been continuously reprinted. With Japan's rising national self-confidence and pride, its influence has continued to expand.

Later, netizens reprinted it themselves.

"Tennis" magazine, in the synthesis of the latest information, combined with various sources, 10 world-class junior high school students, comprehensive update.

No. 10, Germany, Berti Barisavage, third grade.

The younger brother of the German U17 leader Polk, the king of AI, an invincible defense expert, who can break all the world's stunts and use absolute data analysis, a super junior high school student who is about to hit the profession.

Below is a photo of Berti, handsome and high-spirited, and various information such as height, hobby, record, etc.

Germany, Berti clutched the magazine tightly.



After co-authoring and training hard for a year, his ranking not only did not rise, but also fell?

So is he Berti being lazy, or is there really so many geniuses in the world?

And, Polk's younger brother.

"Don't be angry, Bertie, it's just a magazine, not a fact," Polk said.

By the way, crush and throw away Tennis.

"If you're not angry, then use your strength to break it. Tell everyone with your strength—"

"You are the strongest. 39

"I will." Bertie was expressionless.

"I'm going to apply for a career now and I'm going to double the amount of training.

Looking at his younger brother, Polk was a little worried.

Not only Berti, but even him, the pressure in his heart is also very big.

After all, in the U17 World Cup two and a half years later, it was no accident that Berti led the team, and when it fell...

No. 9 Japan, Sanada Genichiro, the third grade..

With Feng Lin Huo Yin Shan Lei as the core, it is a perfect warrior who integrates the profound meaning of oriental art of war and a combination of many magical skills. From the body to the spirit, from the strength to the skills, it has been tempered and tempered.

A fighter who never fails to fight.

The following is a specific introduction, from the record, hobbies, and skills characteristics.

"Oh, Sanada-kun, you are on the list." Marui came out. "And it's handsome.

Isn't that right, in that huge photo, Sanada wearing a hat stared into the distance, racquet pointed his front finger, and the whole person was as sharp as a sharp sword.

"A treat, a treat.

"Hmph, boring." Sanada snorted coldly, with an impatient look on his face, but the fast-moving legs undoubtedly exposed Sanada's inner thoughts.

Top 10 in the world?

Although it is only the words of the "Tennis" family, at least, even the Americans have admitted their own strength.

No. 8, Japan, Niou Masaharu, third grade.

The cheater on the court, Niwang Mirage, can replicate the stunts of everyone in the world, and doubles is a good player and is the best partner.

There are a wide variety of stunts, endless changes, and that extremely bad character, no matter who the opponent is, it will give headaches.

Finally be careful, as the opponent of the fraudster, everything on the court cannot be trusted. The only one who can believe in 1.9 is yourself.

"You've advanced two, Nioh," Liu Sheng held his eyes, congratulations and envy under the glasses.

He also wants to be on Tennis.

Too bad it's not powerful enough.

"Hey," King Nio was indeed the elder with a sullen face, full of sadness.

At a glance, everyone will know that King Nio is sad.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Kirihaya quickly comforted, "It's okay, it's not the 8th, there's still a big..."

Paida, a gecko appeared in Niwang's hand and approached quickly, causing Kirihaya to sit on the ground and panic.

"Haha, fooled."

(Sure enough, there is no wrong nickname, everything on the court can't be trusted.) Yanagi Renji thought lightly, and he was even more vigilant in his heart.

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