I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 274 Top 10 World-Class Junior High School Students - 7th, 6th

"Bastard, I'm going to challenge you," Kirihaya gritted her teeth.

His good intentions turned out to be in vain.

"An la An la, I'm a liar. 33 King Nio waved his hand to apologize.

What a good person a liar can be.

"No." Kirihaya no matter, must challenge, he has confidence. I can win this time.

Kirihaya never lacks confidence. Then got beaten up again.

When Xiao Jin saw it, he was eager to try. If Kirihaya can challenge, so can Kintarou Tooyama.


"Ah, I lost." King Nio smiled like a fox.

6:0, Nioh didn't get a point.


Don't you think he can't see that Niwang didn't fight seriously?

Well, why do you hit me hard, and Xiao Jin is waterproof and refuses to accept it.

"No, let's fight again." Kirihaya yelled.

Xiaojin is also dissatisfied, why is it waterproof, and he takes the trouble to entangle Niwang.

No. 7, France, Plan 27 Ludovic Charudalu, the first year of junior high school.

Solid basic skills, hard training since childhood, and extraordinary talent have created the strongest genius in France.

Although it was only the first year of junior high school, none of the professionals who had seen him were not shocked by Plance's talent.

If Camus is the king of the French team, then Planes, the future Napoleon, the whole of France, and even Europe, will surely make waves for his appearance.

The French Prince of Tennis, youth is the biggest capital, and the goal is to be the strongest in the world.

first year.

Everyone who saw this was shocked. A world-class junior high school student?

With the professional level of "Tennis", even if there is an error, it is not much different. This is established by the professionalism, authority, and decades of honor of "Tennis" magazine.

Doesn't that mean that in elementary school, Price's strength has surpassed most of the people in the world?

"What did I do when I was in elementary school?" Hyotei's Oshitari Yuushi was frustrated.

He has been a genius since childhood, but the last two years have been quite rough.

Full of confidence, I came to Kanto from Kansai, followed the emperor, thinking about the national championship.

The result is repeated defeats and repeated defeats. Only by facing Rikkai in person can you know how perverted the other party is.

Only then did I realize how ridiculous and arrogant I was at that time.

Genius? By the time he faced Fuji Syusuke, the Kansai wolf was already lost.

The appearance of Akujin hit the Kansai wolf even more deeply, telling him what a genius is and what a monster is.

This time, there was another unreasonable one.

Genius? Fuji Syusuke is the real genius, and he, Oshitari Yuushi, is talent at best.

(Calm down, Oshitari, you have to calm down,)

Oshitari took a deep breath and opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear.

The current Kansai wolf is not a genius, but a mere mortal who has to work hard to catch up with those geniuses with diligence.

Those real monsters.

Kansai wolf, will not give up.

"When I was in elementary school, I could only dance, and I couldn't hold the racquet. Mukahi Gakuto was also smiling wryly. The good thing about mediocrity is that they don't compare to monsters.

They know their limits.

Sakakitaro glanced at Atobe.

It must be very unwilling to be ridden on the head by a junior.

"Hmph," Atobe snorted, remembering Price's name.

"Oh? The world of tennis really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Nanjiro touched his chin, and he was a little surprised.

Careful look at the technical characteristics of Planes, ball skills, and records. Even he has to admit that Planes is indeed a super genius no less than Echizen Ryoma.

Future grand slam winners will surely have a place for Price.

(Ryoma, if you can't beat Planes, you don't have to think about surpassing Makoto Takamura.)

Shitenhouji, Echizen Ryoma stared closely at Price, the only first-year student among the top 10 world-class junior high school students.

Same age as yourself.


Echizen Ryoma smiled, a very bright smile, a smile that found his opponent. This is a truly close opponent.

Decided, first set a small goal, first to defeat Planes.

"Can you?" the funny duo hesitated.

Although Ryoma is strong, he is a world-class powerhouse. Even in the U17, there are not many people who are his opponents.

The weak and funny duo cannot see the scenery of the top of the mountain.

"I believe Ryoma will not lose," Shiraishi patted Ryoma on the shoulder.

"Not just Ryoma, Fuji, I'm sure you won't lose to anyone else either.

"You are a true genius.

No. 6 Spain, Romeo Fernandez, third grade.

The bound Prometheus, the noble boy with ever-changing styles, all kinds of techniques are at his fingertips, and his perfect skills can rebound all the stunts in the world. Super resistance is the nightmare of all strong people, and they are best at defeating the strong by the weak.

When it is strong, it is strong, when it is weak, it is not weak. Romeo, Prince of Spain, awaits his Juliet.

In Spain, the luxurious manor is full of extravagance, and the tall villa, under the expensive decoration, not only does not have the atmosphere of the nouveau riche, but shows more style.

907 This is the real nobility.

But a cell is incompatible with everything in the manor.

"Romeo, I hope you can help me." Nie Feng, no, it was Medanore, the most powerful general in the West, who had recovered and personally invited the genius he valued.

"Germany with nine consecutive tyrants, Japan with a big change, Switzerland with skilled technology, the United States that keeps collecting experts from all over the world, and France that still has strength, I need your help."

"Help you? No need? I remember that there is no rule that junior high school students have to play in this World Cup. 99

After the rise of Takamura, especially seeing a large number of geniuses emerging one after another in Japan, there are only three or two big cats and kittens in this country.

The European and American Tennis Associations have a tacit understanding. At the International Tennis Association meeting they led, the U17 World Cup's four-high-three-year-old policy was abolished before it was implemented.

The so-called four-year high and three-year high school is to facilitate the growth of the new generation and speed up the training of young players. In the U17 World Cup, each country must play at least 3 junior high school students in the competition.

There is also a rotation rule, that is, each member of the group stage can only appear once.

There is no doubt that if there are at least 3 junior high school students and at most 4 high school students in each game, wouldn't that recommend Japan to win the championship? None of the European and American Tennis Associations are fools.

Germany's ten consecutive hegemony must be blocked, and Japan's championship will naturally be blocked.


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