I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 275 No. 5 on the list

As for when to implement the policy of four highs and three juniors, it is naturally the next World Cup, when the relative strength gap between Japan and other countries will be the largest.

Use policies and rules to block Japan, and reduce Japan's absolute strength to the greatest extent. Let other countries also have the possibility to compete for the championship.

In this regard, the Japanese Tennis Association is of course strongly opposed, but it can only protest, the arm can not bend the thigh.

Everything is upright.

"I only look at strength, not high school or junior high school students, strength is everything.

With that said, Medanore threw the magazine in his hand to Romeo.

"Number 6?" Romeo was surprised.

There is still dissatisfaction, his strength is strong, even in the Spanish U17, he is also a leader, which can be seen from the importance of Medanore.

And with such a powerful self, he can only be ranked 6th?

Who are the top 10?

"Hmph, I want to see who is ahead of me.

Then, the magazine was gone.


"Don't look at me, Americans are very good at doing business, and the top 5 are estimated to be in the next issue." Medanore spread his hands, and he was helpless.

He doesn't know who the top 5 are.

"Although I don't know who is in the top 5, I know that it is the guy who ranks first. 35 Medanore said, he is also very concerned about it.

That person is also his own rival.

Romeo also fell silent and said the name that engulfed people's hearts.

"Makoto Takamura.

In fact, even Medanore underestimated the greed and shamelessness of Americans.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this issue of Tennis magazine to sell so well." Gladys Leslie, editor-in-chief of Tennis, smiled.

"Based on our market research, readers are interested in these ranking analogies," the marketing manager chimed in.

If you think about it, you will know that the authority of "Tennis" is good, so it must be based on facts, not exaggerated, and it needs to be rigorous.

As a result, the professionalism is up, but the entertainment is reduced.

Think about forehand backhand, tangent, half volley or something in "Tennis" popular science. Where does the patience of ordinary readers come from, generally professionals, or readers who like tennis watch.

General readers, they just like to watch gossip, watch entertainment, or whatever.

"I suggest that in the future, magazines should implement some rankings, enhance entertainment, and expand sales. But it can't be too much. We still need to be professional and rigorous.||.

"Yes, so be it. 39

So, in the next issue of Tennis magazine, a top 10 ranking of racquet was made. Well, it was purely based on sales, supplemented by other information.

As for the top 10 junior high school students, of course, they have to be ranked, but the top 5 are not released at one time, but slowly. Not in a hurry anyway.

Increase sales as much as possible.

So when Romeo eagerly bought a copy and wanted to read what he wanted to see, there were only two names.



Damn Americans.

The first is number 5.

Australia, Noah, Gorgias, the third grade.

The genius who fell in the past is now reborn from the ashes, gaining a new power, calculating everything, and controlling everything. At a young age, he has already become the captain of the Australian team.

Starting from the overall situation, step by step, insight into people's hearts, people fall into his control unknowingly.

Pride is the crown, jealousy is the channel, rage is the driving force, laziness is the original sin, greed is ambition, gluttony is surrender, and lust is the baseline.

Genius Noah? Monster Noah? This is a monster from Australia.

"Hahaha, I knew that my brother is the strongest genius in the country." J.J. Gorgias laughed.

His younger brother is his pride and the source of his confidence.

"What can I do, isn't it still the 5th?" Lance Murphy was dissatisfied, he had long been unhappy with Gorgias.

"What did you say?" Gorgias took out the racquet.

"Okay, we are a team, don't quarrel. John Fitzgerald, the former Australian captain and current deputy, gestured with his eyes to reconcile the conflicts within the team.

"Monster?" Noah looked at the magazine coldly, his eyes full of coldness.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.

Noah, who is close to the abyss, has acquired a new power.

This time, he will definitely stand on top of the world.

Just think of the strength of the Australian team.

Noah sighed.

The birthplace of Wimbledon, Australia, is a bit out of touch. Not to mention comparing with the talented Japanese team, even compared with France, Switzerland and other countries, it is too far behind.

Japan, U17 training camp.

"Minister, what do you think of the ranking in Tennis?" Liu opened his eyes, well, even if he opened his eyes as wide as possible, there was still a gap, and he could hardly see it.

At least Takamura didn't see it.

As soon as these words came out, all the players looked at Takamura.

Even high school students in training.

They all know that Takamura plays data tennis and relies on data. With Takamura's strength, if you say "Tennis" may be wrong, but Takamura, absolutely not.

Because of Takamura's strength.

In other words, Takamura's views have great reference value.

""[High authority, worthy of being a highly professional and rigorous magazine, and also taking into account entertainment, no wonder it is the best-selling tennis professional magazine in the world. "Looking at the crowd, Takamura said. Of course, there are still some shortcomings.

The junior high school students who can make the list are of course world-class, but it doesn't mean that there are no strong people among those who don't make the list.

For example, Atobe, now reborn Atobe, is definitely not under Berti's strength (Nuo's Zhao).

In addition, everyone's strength is still evolving rapidly. The new generation, especially the world-class junior high school students, their strength is improving every day, and it is getting faster and faster.

Like France's Plance, the current strength may indeed be ranked 7th, but with his potential, the ranking will definitely rise.

There is also evolution, like Echizen Ryoma, his strength is not as good as most of them, but Ryoma is able to evolve in the game and defeat masters who are far stronger than himself.

"People who are not on the list, don't belittle yourself, you are no worse than others. Don't be complacent with those who are on the list, you will be replaced by others at any time. 99

"This list is for reference only, even if the accuracy is high, don't believe it.

"Then what if I let you row?" Liu continued to ask, his eyes burning.

This time, even the high school students became interested, stopped exercising, surrounded Takamura, and listened with their ears sideways.

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