"I'm just a middle school student. Tennis is the professional magazine with the largest circulation in the world. There are many professionals, intelligence personnel, and strong rigor..."

"But we trust you more. 35 Yagyu said without hesitation.

"Me too." Sanada said succinctly.

"Agreed." Tezuka.

"I'm also very interested in what do you think about geniuses from all over the world." Tanegashima came over.

Next to him is Duke of Destruction.

"Prance's ranking, I will not approve." Duke said.

The former captain of the French team, Sabotage Wang Duke, is very aware of Planes' talent.

The French Prince of Tennis is exactly the same as the protagonist Echizen Ryoma. It can be said that Price is destined to stand at the top of the tennis man.

Only ranked 7th? Funny.

Looking around, Takamura smiled slightly.

"I can't rank, and even if I rank, it doesn't mean that the lower-ranked player can't beat the higher-ranked player. Playing style, injury, physical condition, strategy, and even a single mistake can change the game.

The premise is that the difference in strength is not large.

Takamura added to his mind.

"Really?" Liu Jingjing looked at the names above, each of them was a peerless genius in the world.

Now he, 907 is indeed not the opponent of any of the above, but it does not mean that he will give up.

"Sooner or later, I will also be on the world stage. Liu An made up his mind.

4th place, Japan, Akutsu Jin, third grade.

The rebellious genius, the absolute monster, became stronger at an unparalleled speed, aiming at the top of the world.

Super strong physical quality, no matter what you study, you can quickly learn anything, and can make all kinds of unimaginable actions. Absolute speed and absolute strength are everyone's nightmares, and the awakening of a different dimension marks the professional-level strength of this geek.

Beware, all challengers, this is a pro-level monster.

And, even we don't know his limits, because he's improving anytime, anywhere.

"Professional?" Akutakawa Jirou didn't sleep anymore, or, in other words, immediately woke up when he heard the word "Professional".

Professional player.

The number of people who play tennis in the world is calculated in billions. Of course, this includes amateurs who are hobbies and occasionally play two games, but how many players can become professional players?

About 1 (chbj) million people, the International Tennis Association is still thinking about laying off people and reducing the number of people.

It can be said that professional-level players are only one out of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

And now, Akujin has reached the level of a professional player at the age of the third year of junior high school, and it is still the third year of junior high school. Does that mean that Akujin's talent is abnormal even among professional players?

"Akutsu, has your strength really reached the professional level?" Otori Cyotaroh hesitated.

Akujin snorted, seemingly impatient.

Such a simple question, what is there to ask.

"Hmph, if different dimensions are a rigid standard for professional players, so be it."

"Four wide." Taking a few breaths of air-conditioning, Hyotei's team members contributed to global warming.

But they knew that Akujin's time playing tennis only started in the upper country.

It takes two years to grow from a layman to a professional player. What kind of monster talent is this?

"Can't compare, really can't compare." Akutakawa Jirou shook his head.

Compared with Akutsu, it was a real blow to self-confidence. Too bad he considers himself a genius.

Look at it now, let's not mention this genius.

Only Oshitari Yuushi gave Atobe a worried look.

Akujin ranked 4th, but Atobe did not make it on the list. Although it was just the words of the "Tennis" family, how could the arrogant Atobe endure it?

What's more, Akujin was recruited by Atobe, and he was also the leader of Akujin Tennis.

The junior surpassed the senior, this...

"Minister, you..." At this time, someone finally reacted and was at a loss.

"It's nothing, it's a good thing, besides Rikkai, we finally have a professional master in Hyotei, so in order to celebrate Akutsu, today I'll treat you to Aragawa restaurant, let's have a big meal." Atobe laughed, but anyone can See Atobe's forced smile.

"Okay." Sakakitaro said, looking deeply at Atobe.

He believes that the emperor of Hyotei will be reborn from the ashes.

Meeting again is the return of the king.

After finally finishing the meal, Akutsu said goodbye and went home with a look of disgust.

Seriously, isn't he a professional player? What's the big deal, isn't it just a matter of practice? Makoto Takamura was a professional player a year ago, does he need to be so happy?

"It's annoying." Akutsu muttered.

As a result, when he got home, Akutsu couldn't wait to put the newspaper in the most conspicuous position, or the page introducing himself was face-up, and then Akutsu hid in the bedroom, waiting for Yuuki to arrive and let her "unconsciously" discover.

No, this is too deliberate.

After thinking about it, Akutsu placed the magazine again so that it was not too conspicuous, and then nodded with satisfaction.

As a result, Akutsu waited and waited, and waited until 10 o'clock at night, but still no one was seen.

Didi, the phone rang.

"Akutsu, I'm working overtime tonight, so I won't go back." Yuuki said, greeting Takamura.


Osaka, Shitenhouji, coach Watanabe Shu looked at Akutsu's name thoughtfully.

Has that monster finally reached the realm of a professional player? Unexpectedly, so fast.

"What should I do, coach?" The sissy golden Xiaochun was anxious.

"Rikkai has pro-level players, Hyotei also has pro-level players, but we don't have them, so this year's competition...

Today's Chinese tennis world is a superpower.

Rikkai is on top, Hyotei and Shitenhouji are firmly in the top 3, vying for the 2nd throne, no one agrees with the other.

Next is Lion Music, which has a gap from the top 3, but the schools behind cannot threaten it either. The position of the semi-finals is secure.

As for Liliadent Krauser, it is purely a matter of how many talents there are in international students. It may be super god, or super ghost, and it will fluctuate greatly.

Other schools can only focus on participation.

Yes, it's all about participation. After all, isn't the slogan of every school "friendship first, competition second"?


(FIFA announced in 2006 that there are 265 million athletes and 5 million referees, coaches and administrators in the world. There is also a set of data, I don’t know how many years, the total number of football fans is 3.5 billion, including 200,000 professional athletes, 260 million active amateur athletes and 2.8 billion inactive amateur athletes).

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