I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 289 Seigaku Banned?

"It's Makoto Takamura." Atobe sighed, inexplicably.

Hiyoshi Wakashi and others listened, and there seemed to be admiration in their tone...

impossible. If Rijin shook his head, then the proud Atobe could not admire others.

"That's right, Takamura thinks that when you serve, you can best show your skills and hit the ball in the most comfortable way. Players in the serve game also have an advantage. Therefore, serving is an important means of scoring. If you have the stunt of serving , As long as the trick is not broken, no matter the single doubles, the worst case can be a draw, dragging the game into tiebreak5,F."

"So Makoto Takamura created a serve trick for everyone?" Hiyoshi Wakashi looked in disbelief.

"Yes, it is," Atobe said blankly, God knows how he felt when he saw this piece of information.

Your sister, you Makoto Takamura do it by yourself, and give it to the whole Rikkai.

How does this make other teams play?

"So everyone, if you force Rikkai into a real battle, the first point is that you must break their serve skills, or you must prepare for a tiebreak..."

"Not only that, in addition to serving tricks, Takamura also created defense tricks, scoring tricks, and moving tricks for everyone." Gan sighed, why he didn't have such a minister.

It's a pity that Liu is in Rikkai, otherwise he would have thought about transferring to another school.

"Like Kuwahara, the weakest jackal in the third grade, the ultimate move is so close to the horizon, the defense has a shadow clone, the attack has a fireball cannon, and the serve has a flame.

"Therefore, Rikkai's players have a characteristic. Not only are they strong, but everyone has a lot of skills. They have a minimum of four skills, both attack and defense, and speed and serve. 35 The more he talks, the more desperate he is.

Even if it far exceeds the basic strength of other schools, why are there so many unique skills?

"I'm so envious," Akutakawa Jirou muttered, "I would have transferred to Rikkai if I knew I would."

Hyotei everyone nodded.


singles three, 1:0.

The second round begins.

"Come on, wave ball." Ishida drank, his muscles raised high, concentrating all his strength. This is his strongest blow.

Although it is impossible to beat others by injuring others, but in order to win, it is also reckless.

"Hmph, come on. 35 Kuwahara waved his hand and waited.


It wasn't the sound of tennis, it was the sound of fights, the exclamations of the audience, and a can that hit Ishida Iron's head.


"Bah bah bah," interrupted, Ishida almost threw the racquet away.

The wave ball didn't even come out, and the tennis ball hit him directly on the nose.

"What's the situation." Ishida Iron was furious.

On the sidelines, the cheerleading team gave their full support and made their own contribution to the school.

It's just that on one side there are hundreds of cheerleaders, uniform and imposing, and on the other side, there is only a pitiful trio.

Horio Satoshi, Kato Katsuro, Mizuno Katsuo are also the funny trio in the original work.

Among them, Satoshi Horio is a half fairy. The reason why he said Banxian'er was because all the players he was optimistic about lost, all the players he was not optimistic about won, and the predicted results were all overturned, which was the most slapped face.

And now Satoshi Horio has truly become a fairy.

At least his predictions were accurate. Both Kato Katsuro admired Horio, and regarded his words as the golden rule.

"What should I do? The main force of Rikkai has arrived, and we will definitely lose." Horio covered his head, full of despair.

"Are you really going to lose?" Katsuo Mizuno and Katsuro Kato were also desperate, and Horio said so, so that's right.

And cheerleaders.

"What should I do? Horio?" Kato Katsuro's face turned pale.

Their cheers were completely drowned out, and no sound could come out.

"What else can I do, come on." Mizuno Katsuo said, the volume increased again.

"Seigaku, come on, come on. 35

Still useless.

Masaru Arai stood on the sidelines with a displeased expression.

Without him, everyone in Seigaku didn't want to stand with him, because in last year's game, Arai had a big "long face."

"Damn," Arai was unhappy, his eyes lit up when he saw the first-year trio, and he hurried over.

"Arai-senpai." Kato Katsuro said happily, his voice hoarse.

That was roaring.

"Come on." Arai nodded, folded his arms around his chest, raised his eyes slightly, and looked lonely.

Followed by the audience's pointing, as well as occasional laughter.

"Their eyes..." Mizuno Katsuo hesitated, always feeling strange.

Horio's expression was extremely unnatural, he looked around, and took advantage of Arai to not pay attention, and then said mysteriously between Kato's lips.

"This is a secret that I finally found out, you must not spread it out. 99

Then, Horio gave a brief introduction to last year's competition.

"So that's the case, Arai-senpai..." Kato was about to speak when he saw Arai with an angry face, his face getting darker and darker.

"That's right, Arai is known as Seigaku's disgrace, and he is well-known in the middle of the country," Horio was still chattering, teaching his two younger brothers his experience.

In Horio's mouth, Arai is a total stinky shit in the game.

"We 907 had better stay away from Arai, otherwise we will lose face together..."

"Horio Satoshi," Arai gritted his teeth and punched Horio on the head.

"I'm going to kill you. 99

..." Horio looked at Arai in panic, ah ah ah, and hurriedly fled.

"Don't run. 35

Then, on the sidelines, there was a scene of Arai beating Horio violently. It was saddened by those who saw it, and those who heard it were in tears, which caused the organizing committee of the competition to be alarmed.

Soda cans are accidentally thrown by the audience.

"Seigaku, what's the matter with you?" The organizing committee was furious, and the tennis team members beat them in public. This was because of TV. Who is responsible for the impact?

"Suspended, suspended." The chairman of the organizing committee said that it should be taken seriously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Guanyue even bowed and apologized with everyone at Seigaku. Ishida Tie's face was depressed, and he didn't even care about the game, so he also bowed and apologized.

Ryūzaki also ran over, accompanied by a smiling face.

Seigaku can never be banned.

Chengcheng Shonan was overjoyed, Seigaku was suspended, then they would have a chance in Chengcheng Shonan? Wouldn't coach Huamura Aoi be able to come back?

"It must be severely punished, fight in public, and treat the Kanto competition as something." Ruo Renhong coaxed, and his fans also supported him.

Angry Seigaku et al. tickle their teeth.

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