I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 290 Rikkai is Invincible

"What's wrong?" Hyotei, who was watching the game, wondered.

Games have stopped.

Soon, everyone heard the news.

"Seigaku," Kawamura said inexplicably.

How come 2 years later, Seigaku is still a mess. Ryūzaki Sumire, this coach is really...

Kawamura is embarrassed to say.

"Coach Ryūzaki's ability really breaks my imagination again and again. 35 Kikumaru sighed.

Unexpectedly, there is still room for decline.

"You guessed wrong, Ryūzaki is no longer Seigaku's coach," Gan reminded. "A few months ago, Ryūzaki was fired for his poor grades."

Well, it turns out that the national competition was not led by Ryūzaki Sumire, and Kikumaru said that he still overestimated her.

"The new coach is Guan Yue. 35

Yes, the coaching ability is not as good as that of the students. Sure enough, Ryūzaki's coaching ability should not be overestimated.

"Atobe, I hope you can help Seigaku." Oishi prayed.

"Seigaku." Takamura was speechless.

The original protagonist school, why has there been problems all the time in the past two years, and today it is about to be suspended.

What do Ryūzaki and Kanyue eat?

Well, Takamura really doesn't know exactly what happened to Seigaku.

Takamura, who has a lot of possibilities, has no time to pay attention to "small characters such as Seigaku."

"Sir, the two of us are really playing, not fighting." Horio said with a smile, it would be more credible if there were no blues and purples on his face.

"Look, we're just fighting to increase our relationship." As he said, he smashed his fist on Arai's eye to avenge his personal revenge.

"That's right," Arai agreed, gritted his teeth and opened his panda eyes.

"Horoo-san also likes, this is a way of expressing closeness.

Arai also slapped Horio on the face.

Organizing Committee:

Do you think they are blind?

"Mr. President." At a time of crisis, Hyotei and Rikkai sent people to offer condolences, and finally let the organizing committee relax.

"Rikkai, Hyotei.||," Ryūzaki looked complicated, looking at the problem that he could do nothing but was solved by others.

Ryūzaki is a mixture of violets and mixed flavors.

The game finally started again.

Start with the second game.

"Hoohoo," Ishida adjusted his breathing and adjusted his state to play the best swing ball.

Finally, Ishida opened his eyes and tossed the ball.

Thorn, the sound of a can.

Ishida's iron conditioned reflex to dodge for a while, his body slumped, fault.

"Fault again?"

'Look at his expression...'

"It seems that Seigaku also had a humiliating last year. The fault was many times, and the score was directly sent to the other side."

"Ancestral stunt?"

"Ishida, how did you do it, if you want to lose, just say so, and I will admit defeat immediately." Guanyue was dissatisfied.

Ishida blushed, knowing that she had overreacted.

"Sorry to watch the moon.

Adjusting the state again, Ishida iron concentrates his whole body strength.

"The wave ball.

Bump, huge force, even the net is twisted down 5.

Hissing, the tennis ball made an excruciatingly painful sound, with violent power, it came directly.

"Come on, wave ball, extremely destructive and powerful tennis." Horio's eyes widened. Well, the eyes are still swollen.

"Look at my anger, Rikkai." Ishida Iron stared. He has to prove himself.

"The power is really strong." Kuwahara said calmly. My mind couldn't help but think of the picture just now.

"So, don't you need to catch the first few balls?" Kuwahara asked.

Liu: "No, we are kings, kings, and we have to accept any challenge. Use your strength to defeat him head-on. 35

"Tell everyone that Rikkai is invincible.""

"It's exactly what I want, and I don't want to hide.

Sawahara got excited. Wave ball, it seems not bad.

Holding the racket with both hands, Racquet tilted, and the sweet spot received the ball from the front, and Racquet also shook.

A stunt designed specifically for power balls, Shockwave.

Utilize the racquet's shock to relieve the power of the tennis ball, and it works wonders for power balls and spins.

The information is still incomplete.

Takamura prepared not only 4 tricks for each member, but only 3 defensive tricks. Corresponding to power ball, technical ball, and speed ball respectively.

"Hard connection? What a fool," Ishida iron sneered. Wave ball, not so easy to catch.

What's more, the wave ball this time spent all his strength.

"This game, I won." Ishida Iron excited.

If Kuang Yuan dodged, then he would be the loser. Fortunately, Kuang Yuan's brain was pumped, and he took the wave ball.

As soon as they got in touch, Kuang Yuan was shocked.

The power is indeed great, but it is not as big as imagined.

"That's normal. Kuwahara's usual training opponents are Tezuka, Yukimura and the like. With their strength, even if they are not good at strength, Ishida can't touch porcelain. Although Tezuka and the others don't use all their strength. 35 Takamura thought silently from the sidelines.

"Go back." Kuwahara shouted, and the tennis ball returned at a faster speed.

The tennis ball hit the ground, leaving deep marks and bouncing off the barbed wire.

"Impossible, impossible," Ishida Iron couldn't believe it.

A blow with all his strength can knock people into the air, so why can the opponent fight back?

how is this possible?

This is Rikkai's strength?

"Nothing is impossible." Kuang Yuan said coldly, thanking him for waiting so long, but that's all.

"What other tricks, use them,

Ishida Tie smiled wryly, tricks? It would be nice if he could stand.

The wave ball just now had exhausted all his strength. And his arms...

"I, admit defeat." Ishida Tie lost convinced.

Raising his hand and letting someone help him down, Ishida Tie (Nuo's Zhao) was full of admiration while healing his right hand.

"Guanyue, you are right, we really have no chance of winning."

Ibu Fukaji:  …

Why is this another Rikkai blow? He admits that Rikkai is indeed not something he can fight against, but you can't stress it all the time, right?

Very low morale.

doubles II, Momoshiro Takeshi, Akira Kamio VS Begonia Kaori, Tamagawa.

"Go for it." Guanyue was too lazy to say more.

Anyway, you will lose anyway, so save your energy.

"Guanyue, don't you have information on Haitang and Haitang in your hands? Why don't you let us see?" Taocheng asked.

"Because the materials are all waste paper." Guanyue threw the materials away.

"From Takamura, I have long learned a truth. Data is only in the past, and we must look at problems from the perspective of development. Relying on data will only limit your vision. 35 Guanyue said a big thing, and Taocheng and the two remember it. "The data is useless" are the words.

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